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139 Cards in this Set

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Vincristine (Oncovin) Side Effects
Hair loss, numbness and decreased reflexes
Sigmoid Colostomy
Solid Feces, can use irrigation to create regularity
Stomatitis instructions
Rinse mouth with baking soda, no hard toothbrush, no spicy/hot foods,
no mouthwash, no xylocaine.
Adequate learning by parent with child with lymphoma
limit visits from friend that is sick
Food that decreases chance of colorectal cancer/ Food that increases chance of colorectal cancer
Vegetables decrease, red meat (specially smoked) increase chance cause of nitrates
Discourage patient with colostomy from eating
Cucumbers and other gassy foods
What foods decrease odors of colostomy
Buttermilk and yogurt, spinach and parsley
Food for pt that develops diarrhea as a side effect of chemo
Eat bananas cause they create less bulk.
Teaching about metastasis
Cancer cells enter blood vessels and travel
Child with Wilms tumor on Dactinomycin (Cosmegen) and Vinctristine (oncovin)
Constipation and Leukopenia
Patient with thrombocytopenia secondary to chemo, which clinical manifestation needs inmediate action?
Excessive bleeding
Intervention appropiate for patient with myeloma?
Prepare for hemodyalisis, keep hydrated, restrict calcium
Assessment findings indicate of leukemia
fatigue, anemia, enlarged lived and slpeen
Inmediately post op priority intervention
ineffective breathing pattern related to pain
Patient with glioma prone to developing which problem
Seizure, glioma is a brain/spine tumor
Action when patient is undergoing chemo and has nausea
Antiemetic prior to chemo
Intervention to promote apetite in patient undergoing chemo
Rinse mouth before eating
Finding that suggests bleeding in patient that underwent lobectomy 24hrs ago
SOB and restlessness
Patient with external radiation device that needs more teaching
I will go swimming only once a week
Discharge intervention for masectomy patient
Apply lotion to cuticle of affected arm instead of cutting it
Patient taking steropids should reduce the intake of and increase the intake of
Need to reduce sodium and increase potassium
Patient with actinic keratosis asks if she is at risk of developing skin cancer
10-20% turn into cancer
Nursing intervention for patient with lung cancer that develops superior vena cava syndrome
Monitor neuro status cause of increased ICP and decreased O2
Toddler with neuroblastoma that completed chemo, parents should report the following after discharge:
Central venous access appears red, (fatigue, easy bruising normal as long as bruising is not excessive)
Postop managment patient that underwent lower lobecotmy
promote optimal ventilation: positioning, exercise, removal of secretions
Outcome for patient with new colostomy
Demonstrate colostomy care
Clinical symptom most relevant of bladder cancer
Hematuria without dysuria
Nursing intervention to prevent dislodging of application in cervix with radioactive element
Low residue diet to limit BM, also will have urinary catheter in place
Child with leukemia is dischaged home with prednisone, teaching for parents
Weight gain is temporary, given in the AM, limit sodium, increase potassium
What does interleukin 2 do in treating cancer
Increases inmune response
What to do with a dislodged radioactive implant?
Use long handled forceps and place implant in lead lined container
Important info on sickle cell
Drink fluids, hypoxia can be caused if climbs stairs in high rise or second hand smoke
-No green leafy vegetables cause it decreases level
-Cant take laxatives
Why is it important to reduce anxiety in patient post MI?
Stress homrones increase cardiac workload which as a reult increases oxygen demand by heart
Findings about chronic anemia
Beefy smooth tongue, fatigue, brittle nails
Pernicious anemia
B12 deficiency cause of lack of intrinsic factor in intestine, will have to get b12 shots once a month
10 month old with iron deficiency, increase which food?
Nursing intervention in patient with cardiac failure
HOB 30 degrees, support arms with pillows, report weight gains more than 2-3 Lbs in a few days
Coagulation disorder that formy tiny clots
Task that should not be delegated
Instructing patient to avoid exercise after eating
Anginal episode precipitated by which factor
insufficient coronary blood flow
Position to relieve pericarditis
Fowler : HOB at 40, 90 degrees
Initial nursing intervention when patient has adverse reaction to blood transfusion.
Stop infusion, start NS, call MD
Lasix: electrolyte imbalance symptom
Muscle weakness:hypokalemia
Patient with heart failure, report what to MD?
Increase in weight
Therapeutic effect of nitroglycerin
Smooth muscle relaxation
Teaching for angina
Avoid outdoor activities in extreme temperatures
Teaching about nitroglyerin
Sit down or lie down when taking pills in order toprevent hypotension/syncope episode
Data that supports lack of pumping ability due to MI (Decreased cardiac output)
Cyanotic nail beds, decreased urinary output, cool skin
Pale diaphoretic, nonresponsive, pulseless, bizzare wide QRS complex at regular intervals
Ventricular tachycardia
Right Side hear failure sign
Dependent edema
Chest pain and dyspnea priority nursing intervention
start 02 and call MD
Side effect of inderall (propanolol)
Side effects include insomia and depression, inderall can be issued to treat migranes
Question to ask before starting thrombolytic therapy?
Have you hurt yourself recently?
Important info to discuss patient on antihypertensives
May cause problems with sexual functioning
Relationship betweek CAD and smoking
Increased platelet agregation
Med used to increased cardiac output
Digoxin (Lanoxin) strengthens contrations,
increased cardiac output.
How to monitor effectiveness of plasma transfusion.
Platelet and coagulation times
Proper care and monitoring of a pacemaker
Pat down at airport, can swim, can be checked through telephone
Priority intervention after cardiac surgery
Potassium needs to be between 3.5-5.0, temp usually low, UOP need to be 25 ml/hr or above
Pt on methyldopa (aldomet) for HTN complains of light headedness
Moves slowly from position to another
Purpose of pursed lip breathing.
To prolong exhalation and increase airway pressure during expiration.
What is necessary for CPAP to be effective on infant with respiration distress
Infant needs to be able to breathe spontaneously without assistance
Position for thoracentesis
Edge of bed with arms and head resting over the bed
Patient with chronic respiratory disease reports decreased energy, suggestions to patient?
Work on endurance through excercise routine
Chest tube being transported to xray, how do you transfer the patietn?
Place the unit below chest level and transport it with the patient.
In patient with COPD with oxygen therapy, include the following:
Monitor for bradypnea (cause of risk of supressing hypoxic drive with O2)
Priority when administering thrombolyitic therapy to patient with pulmonary embolism
D/C if uncontrolled bleeding occurs
Pulmonary edema on Lasix and Digoxin monitoring?
Sign of patient experiencing hypoxia
Mental confusion, restlessness first signs
Nursing action in POC of patient with COPD
Monitor cardiac status by assessing enzymes
Best way for patient on ventilatir to deal with anxiety.
Relaxation therapy
Position for person with orthopnea
High fowler, arms supported
Action appropiate on suctioning tracheostomy
Apply suction no longer than 10-15 seconds while withdrawing cathetersm rinse in normal saline, insert just far enough to stimulate cough reflex
Knife like chest pain upon inspiration
Pleuresy = knife like pain
Chest tube not working well
Continious bubbling =air leak
Important assessment after tonsillectomy.
Airway patency
Indication chest tube working properly
presence of fluid in chamber
Patietn with cor pulmonae becomes agitated
cor pulmonae = right side heart failure,
-irritability and agitation = air hunger
Mantoux test
TB test on forearm
-If bigger than 10mm sensitivity to TB Bacillus
Ater chest physiotherapy nurse noted diminished lung sounds what does she do?
Document findings
Expected outcome administered cromolyn sodium to patient with asthma
Prevents allergic trigger
Priority pneumococal vaccine
patient with cystic fibrosis
Asthma associated with airway obstruction by which physiological factors:
Swelling bronchial lining and mucous in bronchi
Ventilatory support: which prevents alveolar collapse:
positive and expiratory pressure: helps alveoli from collapsing
Gentamycin affects which organ as a side effect
Indication of cardiac tamponade after surgery
cessation of chest tube drainage, which may signal clotting which may signal fluid buildup
Need for further teaching with expiratory flow meter
Patient sits straight --- needs to be done standing up
Car accident, pt with paradoxymal movement of chest, dx?
Flail chest due to broken ribs,
paradoxical movement and difficulty breathing.
Alert nurse need of further instruction on BSE
"I dont need to examine my other breast"
Patient on chemo develops tumor lysis syndrome, appropiate NI
Increase fluids and watch for electrolyte imbalance
Why do we use 2 chemo drugs combined?
Target different phases so more cancer cells are destroyed
Wilms tumor, dont perform?
Palpation of abdomen, causes cells to migrate
Leukemia patient that needs further teaching
Can't have live plants
4 y/o with abdominal neuroblastoma s/sx of distant metastasis
Distant: periorbital edema en exopthalmos
Proximal: bone pain, weight loss
Plan for chemo include which instruction
Use appropiate antiemetic, increase fluids, use soft toothbrush, can take tylenol
Pt recieving radiation in state of cachexia, what should be included in POC
Cachexia = loss of weight unintentionally, 6 small meals
What should be included in plan of care with multiple myeloma
Hypercalcemia is a problem so increase fluids
Why patient with neutropenia needs private room
Minimize exposure to infection, other nursing interventions include administer ABT, asespsis, nutritional planning
Inmmediate post op mastectomy
Maintain elevation of R arm and hand on a pillow,
ice only if hematoma forms, exercises can be started on the second day postop
Diet for Hodgkins
Radiation diet: high protein, high carb,
low residue so it does not irritate
Patient with Ileal conduit (An ileal conduit is a surgical procedure, where a small urine reservoir is created from a segment of a bowel and is located just under the abdominal wall.
What needs teachings?
Change every 3-7 days, opening 1/8 inch, apply skin barrier, no tape on faceplate
Child Stomatitis teaching
Chocolate milk and mashed potatoes appropiate for child, xylocain decreases gag reflex
How to cope with alopecia, cancer patient
Select hairwig of matching color before hair falls out
Important Assessment a day after mastectomy
Pulmonary complications (pain and fluid can affect patients ability to clear airway)
Colostomy complication
Dark red to black
Prevent skin breaskdown in colostomy
Empty when bag is 1/3 full, wash with mild soap and pat dry
Family Resources
Laryngectomy = los chord club. candelighters = cancer, Reach for recovery= breast cancer
Sexual function after prostate surgery
surgery may cause impotence prosthesis may be considered
Foods that increase risk of cancer in children
Smoked meats cause of nitrates
Nursing Dx for patient with lung cancer, RR20, HR92, Circumoral cyanosis, small amount of pale yellow mucous coughed up
Impaired gas exchange
Nursing measure for pt with thrombocytopenia
Apply pressure after needle sticks for 5 minutes
When cancer pateint has stomatitis, what other part of the body should the nurse check for lesions?
Perineal area and IV sites
What to report and what not to report after a bone marrow transplant
Report: claudication, constipation, rash

Don't report: Alopecia
Dietary interventions patient with stomatitis and colorectal cancer
Avoid things that are hard to chew, avoid spicy or hot, increase fluids, fruits and veggies decrease chances of colorectal cancer
Early detection method for prostate cancer
Digital recal examination
Rationale for sign on bedroom after mastectomy
"No BP or Venipuncures" on affected arm
Increased risk of infection
Which lab value determines if chemo should be held?
Bone marrow supression
Patient asks about complementary therapies, appropiate response by nurse?
"Describe the therapies you wish to explore"
Child with osteogenic sarcoma on chemo.
Early s/sx of myelosupression?
Increased temperature and gingival bleeding
Child on chemo hyperactive and with rash
Anaphylactic reaction to chemo
Visitors precautions during internal radiation therapy
Maintain 6ft, visits limited to 30 minutes, no children, no pregnant women can visit.
Important nursing intervention for patient after abdominal/ perineal resection of rectal cancer
If pt needs to sit using foam pad pillow, if in bed side lying
Condition that increases chances of developing cancer
Down Syndrome
Complication of thrombolytic therapy after MI
systemic bleeding
Cardiac failure patient that feels powerlessness
Allow them to have food choices
Understanding pacemaker
Stimulus to control HR
Morphine sulfate goal after MI
Decrease cardiac workload, can cause constipation
Arterial vs Venous insufficiency
Arterial = hair loss in legs, cool skin, decreased pulses, no granulation tissue, elevation causes pain

Venous = Swelling, flaky dry skin, brownish discoloration.
Phases of recovery after MI
Phase 1: Begins once patient is stable
Phase 2: Convalescent period at home
Phase 3: Activities return to normal
Phase 3: Normal
Rheumatic fever
Rheumatic fever is an inflammatory disease that may develop after an infection with Streptococcus bacteria (such as strep throat or scarlet fever). The disease can affect the heart, joints, skin, and brain. Need to take precautions for ever
Instructions with ACE inhibitor
Causes cough that will go away in some days,
take 1 hr before meals
Directions for patient undergoing Schilling test
Shilling test: to see if body absorbs B12.
Collect urine for 24 hrs
Nitroglycerin instructions
One pill every 5 minutes up to 3 total. If not relieved call emergency services. Do not use viagra with it.
Patient outcome indicates reolution of congestive heart failure
Common side effect of digoxin
Hypokalemia, nausea, and tachycardia if toxicity.
Child with viral illness then has bruises on extremities.
Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
To whom do you give combination of nitro and dopamine?
Cardiogenic shock patient
Indicative of DIC
Increased fibrin split products