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74 Cards in this Set

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Structure made up of 2 or more kinds of tissue that together perform a more complex function

Organ Systems

A group of organs that together perform a more complex function

Example of Cutaneous Membrane


Example of Serous Membrane

First layer is Parietal

Second layer is Visceral

Example of Mucous Membrane

Lining of Respiratory, Reproductive, Digestive, and Urinary

Example of Connective Tissue Membranes

Synovial Membranes

Function of Muscular System


Maintenance of body posture

Production of heat

Organs of Muscular System

Voluntary (striated) muscle

Involuntary (smooth) muscle

Cardiac Muscle

Skeletal Muscle Tissue

Skeletal System Function

Provides protection & supporting framework for the brain and other internal organs.

Organs of the Skeletal System




Function of the Integumentary System


Temperature Regulation

Sense Organ Activity


Synthesis of Vitamin D

Organs of The Integumentary System


Function of the Urinary System

Clearing or “cleaning” of waste products (urine)

Organs of the Urinary System



Urinary Bladder


Function of the Neurological System




Recognition of Sensory Stimuli

Organs of the Neurological System


Spinal Cord


Sense Organs

Function of the Gastrointestinal System

Mechanical & Chemical breakdown of food.

Absorption of Nutrients

Undigested waste eliminated (feces)

Function of the Endocrine System

Secretion of Hormones directly into the blood

Organs of the Endocrine System

Pituitary Gland

Pineal Gland


Thyroid Gland

Parathyroid Glands

Thymus Gland

Adrenal Glands




Function of the Lymphatic System



Organs of the Lymphatic System


Lymphatic Vessels




Function of the Respiratory System

Exchange of waste gas

Warm & humidify incoming air

Filtration of irritants from inspired air

Regulation of acid-base balance

Function of the Cardiovascular System


Regulation of body temperature


Organs of the Cardiovascular System


Blood Vessels

What are the layers of the Epidermis?

Stratum Germinativum

Stratum Spinosum

Stratum Granulosum

Stratum Lucidurn

Stratum Corneum

What type of tissue is the Epidermis made of?

Stratified Squamous Epithelium

What is Keratin?

Tough, waterproof material that provides cells in the outermost layer of the skin

What is melanin?

Brown skin pigment produced in Stratum Germinativum by melanocytes

What is collagen?

Fibrous protein that holds tissues together

What glands are found in the dermis?

Sebaceous Glands

What is the difference between the eccrine & apocrine sudoriferous Glands?

Apocrine Glands secrete substances indirectly.

Eccrine Glands secrete directly through a duct.

The nerve endings in the skin can sense





There are 4

What is the purpose of the subcutaneous tissue layer?

Insulates body from extreme heat & cold

Serves as stored source of energy & can be used as food source

Acts as shock-absorbing pad & helps protect underlying tissues from injury.

3 types of Skin cancer

Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma

Malignant Melanoma

What are the Accessory Organs of the skin?




What is the purpose of sebaceous Glands?

Secrete sebum for hair and skin

The 5 functions of the skin are


Temperature Regulation

Sense Organ Activity


Synthesis of Vitamin D

What is the Rule of Nines?

One of the most commonly used methods of determining the extent of a burn injury in adults. Body divided into 11 areas of 9% each. Genitals 1%.

First Degree Burn

Partial Thickness

Minor discomfort

Some reddening of the skin

Surface layers of Epidermis may peel in 1-3 days

No blistering occurs

Tissue destruction minimal

Second Degree Burn

Partial Thickness

Deep epidermal layers

Always causes damage to the layers of the dermis


Severe pain

Generalized swelling & fluid loss characterize this type of burn.

Third Degree Burn

Full Thickness

Complete destruction of the Epidermis

Dermis tissue death extends below the primary skin into the Subcutaneous tissue

May involve underlying muscle & bone

Name the two skin receptors

Lamellar (pacini) corpuscle

Tactile (meissner) corpuscle

Lamellar Corpuscle also called

Pacini Corpuscle

Tactile Corpuscle also called

Meissner Corpuscle

Sweat Glands are also called

Sudoriferous Glands

The most numerous of the skin glands are

Sweat (sudoriferous) glands

Fourth Degree Burn

Full Thickness

Extends below the Subcutaneous tissue to reach muscle & bone (always)

May occur as a result of high-voltage electrical burns or from intense heat overtime.

Define Epidermis

Outermost layer of the skin

Thin sheet of stratified squamous epithelium

Define Dermis

Deeper of the 2 layers

Thicker than the Epidermis

Made largely of Connective Tissue

Subcutaneous Tissue also called


The junction between the thin layer of epidermal skin above and the dermal layer below forms a type of Basement Membrane called

Dermal-Epidermal Junction

What are Dermal Papillae?

Small nipplelike bumps that project upward from the Dermis into the Epidermis

What is the reticular layer?

The deeper area of the dermis

Filled with a dense network of interlacing fibers

Most are collagen fibers but elastic fibers are also present

Subcutaneous Tissue is often called

Superficial Fascia

Or Hypodermis

The crescent-shaped white area of the nail

Lunula or “little moon”

The most numerous, important, and widespread sweat glands in the body

Eccrine Sweat Glands

Found primarily in the axilla and the pigmented skin near the genitals

Apocrine sweat glands

Form of cancer once associated with certain ethnic groups. Now appears in many cases of immune deficiencies. First appears in purple pustules & quickly spreads to lymph nodes & internal organs

Kaposi Sarcoma

Define Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Common type of skin cancer slow-growing malignant tumor of the Epidermis.

Hard raised nodule usually painless.

Will grow & eventually metastasize if left untreated

The most common type of skin cancer usually appears on the upper face.

Originates in the cells at the base of the Epidermis.

Much less likely to metastasize

Basal Cell Carcinoma

The most serious form of skin cancer

Sometimes develops from a benign or non cancerous pigmented mike & then transforms into a dark spreading cancerous legion

Malignant Melanoma

ABCDE rule of self examination of moles






One of the most serious and frequent problems that effect the skin


The Cardiovascular System is sometimes called

The Circulatory System

Tube that extends from each testis and leads to the urethra

Vas Deferens

Define Ligaments

Bands of fibrous connective tissue that help hold bones together

Define joints

Connections between two or more bones

Define Tendon

A dense strap or sheet of regular dense fibrous connective tissue

Where is smooth muscle found?

In the walls of the hallow organs such as the stomach & small intestine

The brain and spinal cord make up

The central nervous system (CNS)

The cranial nerves extend from

The brain

The spinal nerves extend from

The Spinal cord

The cranial and spinal nerves & all their branches make up

The Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

Organs of the Endocrine System are sometimes called

Ductless Glands