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48 Cards in this Set

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List the nine levels of life

molecule, cell, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, population, community, biosphere

What is the fundamental unit of life?


Describe a prokaryotic cell

simple, smaller, no membrane bound organelles, bacteria and archaea

Describe a eukaryotic cell

complex, larger, membrane bound organelles, plants, animal, fungi, and protists

What is the control center of the cell?

The nucleus

Plasma membrane

controls what comes in and out of the cell


material surrounding nucleus


digests substances brought into cell and destroys old parts


provides cell with energy


contains DNA


Produces ribosomes (RNA and proteins)


Protein Synthesis

Rough ER

studded with ribosomes and produce membranes (PROTEINS)

Smooth ER

detoxifies drugs and produces membrane (LIPIDS)

Golgi Complex

sorts modifies and packages proteins

What is in the phospholipid bilayer?

proteins, cholesterol, and carbs

What is passive transport?

Doesn't require energy

What is active transport?

Requires energy

List types of passive transport

Simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, and osmosis

What is simple diffusion?

High concentration to low concentration

what is facilitated diffusion?

High concentration to low concentration with aid of a membrane protein

What is osmosis?

Higher water concentration to lower water concentration


More solute


Less solute



Active transport

lower to higher concentration with aid of carrier protein and energy


materials drawn into cell


spills contents outside of cell

What are the 4 main types of tissues?

Epithelial, Connective, Muscle, and Nervous

Describe epithelial cells

covers body surfaces, lines cavities and organs, forms glands

What should u know for epithelial cells?

shape of cells and number of layers

What time of epithelial cells are skin made of

stratified squamous

What type of epithelial cell is the small intestine made of

simple columnar

What are exocrine glands?

Out of body: digestive, milk, oil, sweat

What are endocrine glands?

in body: pituitary, thyroid, pancreas, adrenal

What type of tissue is blood?


What is the most abundant tissue?


List types of connective tissue

blood, bone, cartilage

What are three types of muscle?

Skeletal, cardiac, and smooth

Describe skeletal muscle

attached to bone, striated (striped), and voluntary

Describe cardiac muscle

walls of heart, branching, involuntary

Describe smooth muscle

walls of stomach and intestine, striated, involuntary

What are nervous tissue for

brain, spinal cord, and nerves

What do neurons do?

nerve impulses

What do neuroglia do?

glue; support, insulate, and protect neurons

Axon and dendrite

Axon: sends away

Dendrite: receives

Ventral vs Dorsal Cavity

Ventral: front

Dorsal: Back (cranial and spinal)

What is the integumentary system?

skin, hair, nails, sweat, oil, wax