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106 Cards in this Set

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The great apes are the members of the biological family Hominidae which includes what
Humans, Chimpanzees, Gorillas, and Orangutans
What is another term for Human Evolution?
True or False: Anthropogensis is the part of biological evolution concerning the emergence of Homo Sapien as not a distinct species from other hominans, great apes and placental mammals.
False, They are considered as a distinct species from other hominans
The study of human evolution encompasses many scientific disciplines, most notably
Physical anthropology, linguistics, and genetics
the Homo genus diverged from the _________ about 2 million years ago in ______
Australopithecines, Africa
Homo ______ inhabited Asia
Homo ______ which inhabited Europe
What become the missing link between apes and humans?
Java Man
what does a Java Man consist of?
A skullcap, a femur, and three teeth and a great deal in IMAGINATION
True or False, in reality the Java man is little more than speculation fueled by evolutionary expectation of what he 'should' have look like IF Darwinism were true
True or False: Time magazine as recently as 1994 disregards Java man is a legitimate evolutionary ancestor
False, very much regards him as a legitimate evolutionary ancestor
Who said this quote "One of the major problems with paleoanthropology is that compared to all the fossils we have, only a minuscule number are believed to be of creatures ancestral to humans"
Well (Case of a Creator)
Why is the Java man not a good theory?
Because it is hard to make conculsions based on this little evidence of a skullcap, three teeth and a femur.
Who said the following quote "The intervals of time that separate fossils are so huge that we cannot say anything definite about their possible connection through ancestory and descent."
Henry Gee from Icons of Evolution
True or False: Each fossils is more like an 'isolated point' with no way of knowing the connection to any other given fossil
True or False: One can argue that human evolution as presented by science (from 5-10 million years ago) is itself a human invention created after the fact to shape our own human prejudices of how we came to exist
Why do people assume that fossils support human evolution?
Because they have assumed that Darwin was correct and used that reasoning to extrapolate that humans also come from common descent.
True or False: It is possible to reconstruct human evolutionary history based on looking at the fossils we have
False, not because there is no way to experimental test this hypothesis
What does Darwinist do to argue that evolution is the way life began?
They plug FOSSILS into a preexisting narrative where it seems to FIT
Anthropologist are both _____ & ______ in their approach to the problems they address in science
Political & Subjective
what is the mammalian order of Primates?
1. Lemurs
2. Tarsiers
3. Monkeys
4. Apes (includes humans)
True or False, the mammalian order of Primate of Apes includes humans
True or False: Ape hand and Human hand are similar
True, but there are differences
What is the difference between a Human Hand and an Ape Hand
Humans have more precise manipulation of the hand then other primates, all this ability goes along with excellent hand-eye coordination
True or false: All primates have a big toes that is widely separated from the other toes
False, not HUMANS
True or False: Both humans and apes have a chin and a protruding nose
False, apes do not
True or False: Apes have a relatively long arms, short and a tail
False, NO tail
____ means apes that spend most of their time in trees and bushes.
all nonhuman apes spend time in trees, only _____ & ____ are primary arboreal
gibbons & orangutans
True or False: Humans are the only primates that weep/cry
True or False: both apes and humans can consciously hold their breath
False, apes cannot
True or False: The two genomes are 98% identical between chimps and humans
True or False: A 1% difference in the genome is not a huge part.
False, a small number of genes can have a large effect - 3 billion base pairs!
True or False: it is the junk DNA that makes a big difference in what makes a human a human
HAR1 most likely encodes protein, true or false?
False, HAR1 does not encode protein but mostly RNA
How does the brain differ CONSIDERABLY from the chimp?
size, organization and complexity, among other traits
Define HAR1
Human Accelerated Region 1
where is HAR1 active?
in the cerebral cortex which is the wrinkles outermost region of the brain
True or False: humans and chimps have a smaller difference in base pairs, then chickens and chimps
False, Chicken and Chimps have only 2 differences while Humans and Chimps have 18 differences.
which gene ins involved with speech?
If there are _____ people are unable to produce normal speech.
True or False: in FOXP2 gene in comparison of chimps and humans reveals 2 base pairs substitutions that alter the protein
What makes human language different from vocal communication of other species?
Cognitive Ability
True or false: Primates generally have a larger brain than would be expected for their body size
True, even more so for HUMANS
What is the best-studied example if what determines brain size is a gene called what?
True or False: people with microcephaly have a brain size reduced to 80% of normals
False, 70%
True or False: Humans have a slight different ASPM activity compared to chimps
False, DRASTICALLY different
True or False: Most the of regions of the genome do encode for proteins or RNA
False, DO NOT
What do most the regions of the genome do?
They appear to regulate sequence that tell nearby genes when to turn on or off
True or False: More than half of the genes located near HARs are involved in brain development and function
____ points to morphological changes in the human hand
True or False: Freedom is the absence of Restriction
False, modern day thinking
Freedom is the presence of the right boundaries/restrictions which are the ones that fit in with your nature. True or False
What do most people argue that God has done to freedom?
That he sent down his list of things to do and not to do. We give up our freedom by obeying and ultimately it is dehumanizing
Freedom is _____
In the view from the word what is freedom?
There is no overarching purpose for which we were created. True freedom to create your own meaning and purpose
Who said the following quote, "Only science archieves truth. Everything else is mere belief and opinion... if something cannot be quantified or tested by the scientific method (then) it cannot be true or rational."
JP Moreland
Who said the following quote "(Science) is the only begetter of truth."
Richard Lewontin
Who said the following quote, "Ironically, to say that science is the only begetter of truth is self-contradicting, because that statement in itself cannot be tested by the scientific method. It's a self-defeating philosophical assumption"
Stephen Meyer
Where does freedom come from?
Does society view freedom as coming from truth?
no, they think that if you have to comply with the truth than it is the lack of freedom
True or False: According to Jesus, Foucault, Nietzsche all truth claims are power-plays
False, not ALL but some claim that truth claims are ways to get power and ways to justify yourself to get control over other people.
Who said "The 'see through' all things is the same as not to see."
C.S. Lewis
True or False: everyone believes that Darwinian evolutionary theory and God's creation theory are incompatible?
False, not everyone
True or False: Darwinism is an evolutionary process that by definition is undirected or has no orchestrator of events
True or False, The Bible gives details of the creation process.
How did God created everything?
One of life's mysteries
How did Darwin give biology a scientific basis to attribute the diversity of life to the natural rather than supernatural?
By eliminating a plan or purpose
Do Christians claim that God is hidden and uninvolved?
No, they claim that his qualities "have been clearly seen... from what has been made." (Romans 1:20)
who said that "man is the result of a purposeless and natural process that did not have him in mind"
George Gaylord
True or False: Putting GOd into the mix puts someone in control and takes natural selection off the front burner
True or False: The whole point if Darwinism is to not show that there is no need for a supernatural creator, because nature cannot do the creating by itself"
False, he states that does show that and that nature does create itself
science truth claims are about a world that "____" and "_____ _ ____"
purposeless, void of meaning
True or False: Self-recognition, it has been argued, is a hallmark of advanced cognitive abilities in animals.
At what age do humans pass the 'mirror test"
at 18 months old
______ _____ is a term used in anthropolgy, archeology, and sociology yo refer to a list of traits that distinguish present day humans and their recent ancestors from both living primates and other extinct hominid lineages
Behavioral modernity
Behavior modernity is the point at which Homo Sapiens began to demonstrate a reliance on abstract thought and to express cultural creativity. True or False
True or False: The development of abstract thought are often thought to be associated with the origin of thoughts
False, the origin of LANGUAGE
What theory holds that behavioral modernity occurred as a sudden event some 50,000 years ago possibly as a result of a major genetic mutation or as a result of a biological reorganization of the brain.
The Great Leap Forward or Paleolithic Revolution
What theory that there are never any single technological or cognitive revolution
GRADUAL accumulation of knowledge, skill and culture occurring over 100,000 years of human evolution.
who is a proponent of the gradual accumulation of cognitive ability theory
Stephen Oppenheimer in his book OUT OF EDEN
Modern human behavior is observed in ______ universals which are the key elements shared by all groups of people throughout the history of man.
_____ _____ hold that no single genetic or biological change is responsible for the appearance of modern behavior. They conted that modern human behavior is the result of sociocultural and or sociobiological evolution occurring over hundred of thousands of years
continuity hypothesis
True or False: scientists have found a correlation between absolute or relative brain size and keenness among humans and other animal species
False, they have FAILED to find that
True or False: The insulation around nerves in the human brain in thinner than that of other species, enabling the nerves to conduct signals more rapidly
False, they are THICKER not thinner
True or False: some suggest that human intelligence is best likened to an upgrade of the cognitive capacities of nonhuman primates rather than an exceptionally advanced form of cognition.
True or False: Larger brains do not automatically have more neurons; in fact, neuronal density generally decreases with increasing brain size because of the additional glial cells and blood vessels needed to support a big brain.
The human brain's has a high ____ density
the thicker the _____ sheath is the ____ the electrical impulses
myelin, faster
True or false: After years of training, none of these creatures develops verbal skills more advanced than those of a five-year-old child
False, than of a THREE-year-old child
The timing corresponds with the development of Broca's speech are in the ______ ____ lobe, which may be UNIQUE TO HUMANS
True or False: other primates besides humans contain complex grammar
False, humans are the only ones
True or False: Darwin stated that species do not have fluidity and natural selection could exploit that fluidity and drive large-scale evolutionary change
False, stated that there IS fluidity
True or False: Edward Blyth saw natural selection is an unconservative force for maintaining species
True or False: Byth claimed that species varied within settled boundaries and natural selection was merely a regulator that kept species within those boundaries
True or False: Before Darwin most scientist believed in design and saw species as essentially unfixed
False, FIXED
True or False, blending produces sameness, not differences. Does not do nothing to explain how variation works
"_______" or "______ ____ __" defined as all parent cells take part in forming the new individual (not how it works)
Pangenesis, Origin from all
who proposed that a population is necessary limited by the means of subsistence
Thomas Malthus
What is neo-darwinism?
Integrating Mendel's theory into the theory of natural selection given by Darwin
Mendelian Genetics is based on unstable traits. True or False?
False, based on Stable traits, which gives a problem to neo-darwinism, because something cannot be stable in order for it to change/evolve
Microevolution is where stable traits are either expressed or suppressed which gives diversification within a given species. True or False
Macroevolution requires wholesale changes in physical and behavioral characteristics of organisms with decreasing biological complexity in each generation required to produce new types of organisms. True or False
False, INCREASING biological complexity
What happens in Natural Selection?
the environment replaces the animal breed & becomes the selection process.
True or False: Mutations create new alleles
Most mutations in a biological sense are not harmful, true or false?
False, they are HARMFUL