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202 Cards in this Set

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The outer portion of the pericardium is the
fibrous pericardium
The layer of simple squamous epithelium that lines the inside of the myocardium is called
Cardiac muscle fibers are connected with each other by
intercalated discs
The portion of the heart that consists of cardiac muscle tissue is the
Which portion of the heart has the thickest myocardium
left ventricle
Blood transported by the pulmonary veins returns to the
left atrium
The muscular wall of the left ventricle is thicker than the right wall because it
pumps the blood to the entire body
The left ventricle pumps the blood into the
ascending aorta
Which blood vessel delivers blood to the right atrium?
vena cava
The blood vessel that carries blood highest in oxygen is the
pulmonary vein
The valve between the left atrium and left ventricle is the
bicupsid valve
The valve between the left ventricle and the blood vessel leaving the left ventricle is the
aortic semilunar valve
The blood vessel that collects deoxygenated blood of the coronary circulation and empties into the right atrium is the
coronary sinus
Death of an area of cardiac tissue due to an interrupted blood supply is called
mycardial infarction
The blood supply to the myocardial wall off the heart is supplied by the
coronary arteries
The normal pacemaker of the heart is/are the
sinoatrial node
Representation of the correct sequence of structures in the cardiac conduction system
SA node, AV node, Bundle of His, Purkinje fibers
The P Wave of an ECG indicates
atrial depolarization
Atrial repolarization is indicated by the
Correct order of ECG waves
At rest each cardiac cycle lasts approximately ____ seconds
The remaining 25% of the blood that fills the ventricles after the relaxation period occurs during
atrial systole
Closing of the AV valves produces the
first heard sound (lubb)
Heart murmurs are usually the result of defective
The cardiac output is
the milliliters of blood pumped per minute by each ventricle
The cardiovascular center is located in the
medulla oblongata
What will cause an increase in the rate of the heartbeat
Changes in the blood pressure are detected by
Impulses carried by means of the vagus nerve are
parasympathetic impulses that decrease the heart rate
The average heartbeat of a healthy human is
75 beats per minute
The study of the heart and diseases associated with it is known as
The bulk of the heart consists of
The two upper chambers of the heart are separated from each other by the
interatrial septum
What are the risk factors for the development of heart disease
high blood pressure
diabetes mellitus
genetic predispositon
The valve located between the right atrium and the right ventricle is the
tricuspid valve
When blood moves from an atrium to a ventricle
the valve is pushed open
the papillary muscles relax
the corordae tendinae slacken
Parasympathetic neurons reach the heart via the _____ cranial nerve
A fluttering of the heart is called
Blood from which three vessels enters the right atrium
The superior and inferior vena cavae and the coronary sinus
Atherosclerosis is a condition in which
Fatty deposits called plaques partially block the arteries
Why is the right ventricle wall thinner than the left ventricle?
-the left ventricle has to pump blood further
-if the right pumped as hard as the left, the lungs would burst
What does not regulate stroke volume?
What does regulate stroke volume?
-degree of stretch in the heart
-Starling's law
-Force of contraction
-pressure required and the opening of the valves
Pulmonary edema results from
Congestive heart failure
The increase in blood pressure during exercise could
cause unstable plaque in a blood vessel to rupture triggering the clotting process
During strenuous exercise, a well trained athlete can achieve a cardiac output ____ that of a sedentary person.
Fluid compressing the heart causes a life threatening condition called
cardiac tamponade
CAD stands for
coronary artery disease
The "good" chemical that takes cholesterol to the liver for elimination is
Low density lipoproteins

All arteries contain oxygenated blood, and all veins contain non-oxygenated blood.

Atrioventricular valves are held closed by chordae tendinae and papillary muscles.

The heart valves prevent the backflow of blood during the cardiac cycle.

The autonomic nervous system initiates the contraction of the heart

Malfunctioning heart valves is called myocardial infarction.

Blood flow through the heart is caused by changes in the size of the chambers

The atria receive the blood returning to the heart.

Acetylcholine released by the parasympathetic fibers increases the rate of the heartbeat.

Elevated levels of potassium decrease the heart rate and strength of the contraction

The rate of the heartbeat stays constant throughout life.

Exercise increases cardiac efficiency and output.

Oxygen is sent to the myocardium first through the cardiac arteries.

In general, heart attack risk is low for those who exercise regularly and higher for those who do not

Any irregular heart rhythm is an arrhythmia
T/F Ischemia, hypoxia, angina pectoris and myocardial infarction all results from a lack of oxygen to the heart tissue

There is evidence from heart transplants that there is replacement of heart cells.

The beginning of an atherosclerotic plaque is a fatty streak formed from magrophages eating LDL particles and T cells
The inner visceral layer of the pericardium is also called the _____
The scientific study of the normal heart and the diseases associated with it is ____
The space between the parietal and visceral pericardial membranes is the ______
Pericardial cavity
Inflammation of the pericardium is called ____
The thickenings of the sarcolemma that connect the cardiac muscle fibers are ____
Intercalated discs
The backflow of blood through an incompletely closed valve is called _____
The pouchlike structure on the anterior surface of each atrium is called ____-
The right ventricle pumps blood into the -___
Pulmonary trunk
The coronary arteries originate as branches of the ____
ascending aorta
The valve between the right atrium and the right ventricle is the ___ valve.
The large vein in the back of the heart collecting deoxygenated blood is the ____
coronary sinus
The structure that pics up an action potential from the SA node is/are the ___
AV node
The medical term for heart attack is __ ___
myocardial infarction
A recording of the electrical changes that accompany the heartbeat is called a/an ___
The spread of the action potential through the ventricles is recorded as the ___ wave of an ECG
The specialized tissue capable of conducting action potentials and allowing the heart to beat without direct stimulus from the nervous system is the ____
conduction system
Contraction of the heart muscle is referred to as _____
Heart sounds are produced by the _____ of the AV valves and the semilunar valves.
The amount of blood ejected by a ventricle during each contraction is called the ____
stroke volume
the ___ law of the heart explains the relationship between the stretching of the ventricular wall and the contraction strength
A general term referring to an irregularity in the rhythm of the heart is ____
A procedure that is used to visualize the coronary arteries, chambers, valves, and great vessels is _____
Cardiac Catheterization
The neurotransmitter released by the sympathetic fibers that increase the rate of the heart is ____
An incomplete closure of the interventricular septum causes ____
interventricular septal defect
A defect that exists at birth, and usually before, is called a/an ____
congenital defect
The pacemaker of the heart
SA node
Located between the right atrium and the right ventricle
Tricuspid valve
located between the left atrium and the left ventricle
Bicuspid valve
Emerge from the bundle branches
Purkinji fibers
Consists of cardiac muscle tissue
The external layer of the heart wall
Contraction of the heart chambers
relaxation of the heart chambers
blood vessel associated with the left ventricle
Blood vessel associated with the right ventricle
pulmonary trunk
Phases of the cardiac cycle
Relaxation period, ventricular filling, and ventricular systole
The smallest type of blood vessels are
The endothelium consists of
simple squamous epithelium
The two main methods of capillary exchange are
diffusion and bulk flow
Exchange of nutrients and gases between the blood and tissue is the function of the
Venous return is due to
--contraction of the heart
--skeletal muscle pump
--respiratory pump
Blood vessels that are composed of a single layer of endothelial cells and basement membrane are
Venules ... ...
--small veins
--collect blood from capillaries
--drain into veins
--are similar in structure to arterioles
What blood vessels are referred to as blood reservoirs
blood pressure is highest in the
Resistance is related to
--blood viscosity
--blood vessel length
--blood vessel radius
What regulates blood pressure
--baroreceptor reflexes
--chemoreceptor reflexes
--carotid bodies
Atrial natriuretic peptide
--is released by cells of the heart
--lowers blood pressure
Symptoms of shock
--increased levels of aldosterone
--rapid, resting heart rate
--cool, pale skin
increases blood pressure
--increased cardiac rate
--increased peripheral resistance
--increased blood volume
--increased water retention
Peripheral resistance
increases as blood viscosity increases
The cardiovascular center is located in the
medulla oblongata
sympathetic stimulation results in
--increase in blood pressure
Baroreceptors are located in the
aorta and internal carotid arteries
neurons that monitor carbon dioxide levels in the blood and are located in the carotid and aortic bodies are
Hormones that influence blood pressure
Cause an INCREASE in blood pressure
What type of blood vessel would have the greatest resistance to blood flow?
a long, small diameter blood vessel
the movement of blood from the abdominal veins into the thoracic veins is mostly due to
pressure difference between the abdominal and thoracic cavity
Blood vessels that are commonly used to feel the pulse rate
--Radial artery
--brachial artery
--popliteal artery
--common carotid artery
The pulse is a direct reflection of the
heart rate
the diastolic blood pressure
provides information about the resistance of blood vessels
Pulmonary circulation can be described as...
right ventricle to left atrium
the blood vessels containing blood with the highest oxygen contents are the
pulmonary veins
All systemic blood vessels branch from the
The circulatory route which bring blood to the tissues and back to the heart is the
systemic circulation
The common carotid is part of the
cerebral circulation
The blood rich in substances absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract is carried by the
hepatic circulation
changes in the cardiovascular system related to the aging process
--reduced cardiac output
--increased systolic blood pressure
--decreased maximum heart rate
The fetal circulation differs from the adult circulation because of two organ systems that are non-functional. These organ systems are
respiratory and digestive systems
Which arteries directly branch from the abdominal aorta
--common iliac
--celiac trunk
--superior mesenteric
the direct continuation of the brachial artery is the
radial artery
the main vein draining blood from the heart tissue is the
coronary sinus
the external jugular veins empty into the
subclavian veins
the formation of new blood vessels is referred to as
Where is blood flow the slowest?
Arteries are ____ than veins.
Veins have ____, while most arteries do not.
Veins are ___ in diameter than arteries
Arteries have ________blood pressure than veins
Blood flow through a particular tissue area is controlled by
constriction of the precapillary sphincter of the arterioles
How is blood mainly moved through the veins?
by changes in local muscle tissue and thoracic pressure
Sequence of parts through which blood moves in passing from the superior and inferior vena cavae to the lungs
right atrium -->right ventricle-->pulmonary trunk
gases and nutrients leave the blood at the
arteriole end of the capillaries
Blood flow from the heart to the lungs is called
the pulmonary circuit
Atherosclerosis is a condition in which
the arteries are 'hardened" by deposits within the wall
Most commonly found in elderly
--decreased blood flow to the brain
Chronically high blood pressure is called
What will help prevent hypertension and lower blood pressure
--don't smoke
--reduce intake of sodium
--reduce or manage stress
A thin, weakened section of an artery or vein that bulges out is called an
Sympathetic stimulation causes
Leaky valves cause
varicose veins
____ _____ refers to the amount of blood that passes through a blood vessel in a given period of time
blood flow
____ _____refers to the resistance to blood flow in the peripheral circulation
Vascular Resistance
____ _____ via the vagus nerve causes a decrease in heart rate
parasympathetic stimulation
____ of blood flow depends on the cross-sectional area of the blood vessel
___ ____ contractions help return venous blood.
Skeletal muscle
Arteries and veins have several layers including 2 ___ ____, a layer of ___ ____, and a smooth ____ _____ for efficient blood flow and to prevent clotting.
Connective tissue
smooth muscle
endothelium lining
The muscle lining is ____ in the arteries than i is in the veins.
The major factor that moves blood through the body is ___ _____ in the blood vessels between when it leaves the heart and as it returns.
pressure differences
____ ____ is the higher number because it is the pressure in the arteries when the _____ are contacting.
Systolic pressure
__ ___ is lower but it is a _____ pressure because the ____ are relaxed.
Diastolic pressure
___ ___ ____ is the leading cause of heart disease and death in older Americans.
Coronary artery disease
___ ___ is a large decrease in blood pressure caused by a person standing up.
Orthostatic hypotension
Arterioles within a tissue or organ branch into countless microscopic vessels called
The movement of water and solutes out of capillaries into the interstitial fluid is called
the movement of water and solutes from the interstitial fluid into the capillaries is called
An increase in the size of blood vessel lumen is referred to as
The blood flow in capillaries is regulated by smooth muscle fibers called the
pericapillary sphincter
Chemoreceptors that are sensitive to carbon dioxide levels are found in the carotid and ____ bodies
Veins that lose their elasticity and becomes stretched and flabby are called ____ veins.
What hydrostatic pressure in capillaries is higher than osmotic pressure, ____ occurs
As blood flows from the heart to arteries to arterioles to capillaries, its velocity ___
The alternate expansion and recoiling of an artery with each contraction of the left ventricle is called ___
The instrument used to measure blood pressure is called
The alternate expansion and recoiling of an artery with each contraction of the left ventricle is called
Sweating during shock is due to ___ stimulation
The section between the diaphragm and the common iliac arteries is referred to as the
abdominal aorta
The blood vessel emerging from the right ventricle is the
pulmonary trunk
A small artery is called an
Blood flow from the left ventricle to the right atrium is the ___ circulation
the abdominal aorta branches into the
common iliac arteries
The cerebral circulation is a subdivision of the ____ circulation
All veins of the systemic circulation flow into either the superior or inferior vena cava or the
coronary sinus
The two pumps which help to return the blood to the heart are the skeletal muscle pump and the ____ pump
The hormone released by cells of the kidneys in a response to decreased blood volume or flow is
Refers to rapid heart rate
indicates a slow heart rate
low blood pressure
high blood pressure
inflammation of an artery
inflammation of a vein
inflammation of a vein with clot formation
The obstruction of a blood vessel lumen
a temporary cessation of consciousness
Systemic circulation
left ventricle---ascending aorta---arch of the aorta---descending aorta---thoracic aorta---abdominal aorta---organs and tissues---inferior and superior vena cava---right atrium