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15 Cards in this Set

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He tingut un cap de setmana cansat

I had a tiring weekend

Jo tampoc

Me neither

Vaig veure dos sets de vólei però vaig jugar un partit (sencer)

I saw two Volleyball games but played a full match

Hauríem d’haver guanyat el set

We should have won the game

Solia ser una catedral, però ara és una mesquita

It used to be a cathedral but now it’s a mosque |mosk|

Pati [interior d’un edifici]


La meva casa aïllada està aïllada [tèrmicament]

My isolated house is insulated

Si pogués, jo...

If I could, I would ………

Si pogués ho faria, però...

If I could, I would, BUT…

No tinc suficients diners

I don’t have enough money

No m’ho puc permetre [econòmicament]

I can’t afford it

Posaria a la presó tota la gent corrupte

I would put all the corrupt people in jail

Si pogués construir qualsevol edifici, construiria...

If I could build any building, I would build...

Compraria accions d’Inditex

I would buy stocks in Inditex.

Si poguessis viure a la lluna, hi viuries? No, no hi viuria

If you could live on the moon, would you? No I wouldn’t