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139 Cards in this Set

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Detective Jimmy was able to quickly ascertain the suspect was not being honest with him.

Definition: to find out definitely; learn with certainty or assurance
Synonym: determine; discover
Antonym: misunderstand; invalidate

Definition: to find out definitely; learn with certainty or assurance

Synonym: determine; discover

Antonym: misunderstand; invalidate



Walking to work instead of driving is a huge aberration for my lazy friend.

Definition: a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome
Synonym: abnormality; strangeness
Antonym: normality; regularity

Definition: a departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically one that is unwelcome

Synonym: abnormality; strangeness

Antonym: normality; regularity



Because he is a hedonist, Bob never does anything which does not give him joy.

Definition: a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification
Synonym: pleasure seeker; bon vivant
Antonym: ascetic

Definition: a person whose life is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-gratification

Synonym: pleasure seeker; bon vivant

Antonym: ascetic



Dark clouds normally presage a storm.

Definition: a sign or warning that something, typically something bad, will happen; an omen or portent.
Synonym: forecast, predict
Antonym: truthteller, historian

Definition: a sign or warning that something, typically something bad, will happen; an omen or portent.

Synonym: forecast, predict

Antonym: truthteller, historian



We had such a surfeit of food during the holidays that we gave a large portion of it to the family across the street.

Definition: cause (someone) to desire no more of something as a result of having consumed or done it to excess.

Synonym: overindulge; plenitude

Antonym: lack



My uncle was praised for his benefaction to the neighborhood.

Definition: an act of conferring a benefit; the doing of good; a good deed
Synonym: contribution; donation
Antonym: loss

Definition: an act of conferring a benefit; the doing of good; a good deed

Synonym: contribution; donation

Antonym: loss



Some religions require believers to perform an ablution before prayer so that they are clean and worthy in the presence of their God.

Definition: a  cleansing with water or other liquid, especially as a religious ritual
Synonym: cleansing; purification
Antonym: dirty

Definition: a cleansing with water or other liquid, especially as a religious ritual

Synonym: cleansing; purification

Antonym: dirty



The baneful toxic gas leaked from the factory.

Definition: destructive; pernicious
Synonym: harmful; disastrous
Antonym: harmless; safe

Definition: destructive; pernicious

Synonym: harmful; disastrous

Antonym: harmless; safe



Gardening is the perfect hobby for those who need respite from hectic city life.

Definition: a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant
Synonym: relaxation, downtime
Antonym: continuation

Definition: a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or unpleasant

Synonym: relaxation, downtime

Antonym: continuation



If he tarries too long at the store, he won't be home in time for dinner.

Definition: to delay something
Synonym: linger; loiter
Antonym: hurry; rush

Definition: to delay something

Synonym: linger; loiter

Antonym: hurry; rush



When the police chief discovers his officers let the criminal escape, he is sure to castigate them.

Definition: to criticize or reprimand severely
Synonym: scolding; berate
Antonym: forgiveness; reward

Definition: to criticize or reprimand severely

Synonym: scolding; berate

Antonym: forgiveness; reward



The Pope is a venerable leader who is recognized for his commitment to helping others.

Definition: commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity; worthy of veneration or reverence, as because of high office or noble character
Synonym: honorable; respected
Antonym: unrespected

Definition: commanding respect because of great age or impressive dignity; worthy of veneration or reverence, as because of high office or noble character

Synonym: honorable; respected

Antonym: unrespected



I was looking forward to bushels of fresh, home-grown tomatoes, but a blight killed all my plants just before they became ripe.

Definition: a plant disease, especially one caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts.
Synonym: infestation
Antonym: health

Definition: a plant disease, especially one caused by fungi such as mildews, rusts, and smuts.

Synonym: infestation

Antonym: health



The soothsayer warned Captain Bob not to travel the Atlantic Ocean for it is stormy.

Definition: a person who professes to foretell events
Synonym: forecaster; fortune-teller
Antonym: truth teller, historian

Definition: a person who professes to foretell events

Synonym: forecaster; fortune-teller

Antonym: truth teller, historian



In hopes of changing their school menu, the students staged a vehement protest outside the cafeteria.

Definition: showing strong feeling

Synonym: forceful; passionate; intense
Antonym: gentle; unpassionate

Definition: showing strong feeling

Synonym: forceful; passionate; intense

Antonym: gentle; unpassionate



After the twenty-four hour plane ride, all of the passengers looked tired and disheveled.

Definition: hanging loosely or in disorder; unkempt
Synonym: untidy; disarranged
Antonym: tidy; neat

Definition: hanging loosely or in disorder; unkempt

Synonym: untidy; disarranged

Antonym: tidy; neat



His covetousness was so great that it made him want everything his brother owned.

Definition: inordinately or wrongly desirous of wealth or possessions
Synonym: greedy
Antonym: selfless

Definition: inordinately or wrongly desirous of wealth or possessions

Synonym: greedy

Antonym: selfless



He sometimes allowed his friends to goad him into trying dangerous stunts.

Definition: annoy (someone) so as to stimulate some action or reaction
Synonym: pressure, provoke
Antonym: indifference

Definition: annoy (someone) so as to stimulate some action or reaction

Synonym: pressure, provoke

Antonym: indifference



Betsy is filled with insolence as she acts as though she has no manners at all.

Definition: rude and disrespectful behavior
Synonym: arrogance; impertinent

Antonym: politeness; respect

Definition: rude and disrespectful behavior

Synonym: arrogance; impertinent

Antonym: politeness; respect



Even though she appeared austere, my teacher was a very kind woman.

Definition: severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance
Synonym: rigorous; rigid
Antonym: gentle; mild

Definition: severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance

Synonym: rigorous; rigid

Antonym: gentle; mild



The jocular man is known for his funny jokes.

Definition: fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful
Synonym: humorous; cheerful
Antonym: serious; unhappy

Definition: fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful

Synonym: humorous; cheerful

Antonym: serious; unhappy



Because I enjoy indolence, there is nothing I find more pleasant than relaxing in bed.

Definition: avoidance of activity or exertion
Synonym: laziness; procrastination
Antonym: diligence

Definition: avoidance of activity or exertion

Synonym: laziness; procrastination

Antonym: diligence


Because she was not nice, the haughty girl had few friends.
Definition: disdainfully proud; snobbish; scornfully arrogant
Synonym: egotistical; supercilious
Antonym: humble

Definition: disdainfully proud; snobbish; scornfully arrogant

Synonym: egotistical; supercilious

Antonym: humble



Every Sunday, my grandmother goes to church to supplicate for the forgiveness of her sins.

Definition: ask for something earnestly or humbly
Synonym: seek; beg
Antonym: give; refuse

Definition: ask for something earnestly or humbly

Synonym: seek; beg
Antonym: give; refuse



My Grandmother is near death, and my family decided her experience should be as peaceful as possible, so we registered her in palliative care.

Definition: (of a treatment or medicine) relieving pain or alleviating a problem without dealing with the underlying cause.
Synonym: soothing, alleviating
Antonym: damaging, harmful

Definition: (of a treatment or medicine) relieving pain or alleviating a problem without dealing with the underlying cause.

Synonym: soothing, alleviating

Antonym: damaging, harmful

Ab-, A-, Abs-

English word example: abnormal

We have received an abnormal amount of rain for this time of the year.

Definition: away from
Origin: Latin
Root Origin: ab "away"

Definition: away from

Origin: Latin

Root Origin: ab "away"


English word example: acupuncture

The best way to relieve a headache is by having acupuncture done.

Definition: sharp or pointed
Origin: Latin
Root Origin: acere

Definition: sharp or pointed

Origin: Latin

Root Origin: acere


English word example: acerbic

The acerbic lemon was extremely sour.

Definition: sharp, bitter, sour
Origin: Latin
Root Origin: acerbus

Definition: sharp, bitter, sour

Origin: Latin

Root Origin: acerbus


English Word Example: acidosis

You can cure acidosis naturally and quickly with proper nutrition.

Definition: sour or acid
Origin: Latin
Root Origin: acidus

Definition: sour or acid

Origin: Latin

Root Origin: acidus


English Word Example: Acrobatics

It's dangerous to perform this acrobatic act without a safety net.

Definition: height, summit, tip
Origin: Greek
Root Origin: ἄκρος (ákros) "high", "extreme"

Definition: height, summit, tip

Origin: Greek

Root Origin: ἄκρος (ákros) "high", "extreme"


English Word Example: Acrid

The acrid fumes from the plant made my eyes water.

Definition: bitter, pungent, sharp, sour
Origin: Latin
Root Origin: acer, acris

Definition: bitter, pungent, sharp, sour

Origin: Latin

Root Origin: acer, acris


English Word Example: acutifoliate

The plant had acutifoliate leaves.

Definition: sharp
Origin: Latin
Root Origin: acutus, past participle of acuere
"to sharpen", from acus "needle"

Definition: sharp

Origin: Latin

Root Origin: acutus, past participle of acuere"to sharpen", from acus "needle"

Ad Infinitum-


She just kept talking ad infinitum; I wanted her to just shut up.

Definition: to infinity; endlessly; without limit. 

Synonym: forever, endlessly

Antonym: ending, ceasing

Definition: to infinity; endlessly; without limit.

Synonym: forever, endlessly

Antonym: ending, ceasing



The corporate officers apportioned all the profits among themselves and left the stockholders with nothing.

Definition: to distribute or allocate proportionally; divide and assign according to some rule of proportional distribution

Synonym: split, partition
Antonym: combine, take

Definition: to distribute or allocate proportionally; divide and assign according to some rule of proportional distribution

Synonym: split, partition
Antonym: combine, take

Bona Fide-


The jeweler stated the large diamond was bona fide and valuable.

Definition: made, done, presented, etc., in good faith; without deception or fraud: 

Synonym: authentic, true
Antonym: fake, false

Definition: made, done, presented, etc., in good faith; without deception or fraud:

Synonym: authentic, true

Antonym: fake, false



With a great deal of confidence, the buoyant model strolled down the runway.

Definition: not easily depressed; cheerful. 

Synonym: happy, joyful

Antonym: depressed, sad

Definition: not easily depressed; cheerful.

Synonym: happy, joyful

Antonym: depressed, sad



The girls in that clique are very popular, but are also very mean.

Definition: a small, exclusive group of people; coterie; set. 

Synonym: crew, society

Antonym: individual

Definition: a small, exclusive group of people; coterie; set.

Synonym: crew, society

Antonym: individual



After John beat me at chess five times, I had to concede he was the better player.

Definition: to acknowledge as true, just, or proper; admit
Synonym: accept, allow

Antonym: refuse, reject

Definition: to acknowledge as true, just, or proper; admit

Synonym: accept, allow

Antonym: refuse, reject



Mark is a congenial host who always makes everyone feel welcome.

Definition: agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character 

Synonym: favorable, harmonious

Antonym: disagreeable, unfriendly

Definition: agreeable, suitable, or pleasing in nature or character

Synonym: favorable, harmonious

Antonym: disagreeable, unfriendly



The football players have set a lofty goal in their bid to win all their home games this year.

Definition: extending high in the air; of imposing height; towering: lofty mountains or exalted in rank, dignity, or character; eminent. 

Synonym: towering, elevated

Antonym: beneath, below

Definition: extending high in the air; of imposing height; towering: lofty mountains or exalted in rank, dignity, or character; eminent.

Synonym: towering, elevated

Antonym: beneath, below



Most birds fly in a similar migration route each fall to their warmer destination.

Definition: process of going from one country, region, or place to another. 

Synonym: movement, shift

Antonym: idleness, inaction

Definition: process of going from one country, region, or place to another.

Synonym: movement, shift

Antonym: idleness, inaction



Sometimes I am so concerned about how others perceive me that I do not always listen to my own voice.

Definition: to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses
Synonym: recognize, realize

Antonym: misinterpret, disregard

Definition: to become aware of, know, or identify by means of the senses

Synonym: recognize, realize

Antonym: misinterpret, disregard



The serial killer found perverse pleasure in every murder he committed.

Definition: willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired; contrary
Synonym: unreasonable, unmanageable

Antonym: agreeable, reasonable

Definition: willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired; contrary

Synonym: unreasonable, unmanageable

Antonym: agreeable, reasonable



Movie trailers are often used as a prelude to feature films.

Definition: a preliminary to an action, event, condition, or work of broader scope and higher importance. 

Synonym: introduction, foreword

Antonym: ending, epilogue

Definition: a preliminary to an action, event, condition, or work of broader scope and higher importance.

Synonym: introduction, foreword

Antonym: ending, epilogue



The milk which was left out overnight developed a rancid smell.

Definition: having a rank, unpleasant, stale smell or taste, as through decomposition, especially of fats or oils
Synonym: contaminated, odor

Antonym: perfumed, sweet

Definition: having a rank, unpleasant, stale smell or taste, as through decomposition, especially of fats or oils

Synonym: contaminated, odor

Antonym: perfumed, sweet



The worn, dusty cabin was very rustic and made me feel at home.

Definition: of, relating to, or living in the country, as distinguished from towns or cities; rural. 

Synonym: primitive, natural

Antonym: city, refined

Definition: of, relating to, or living in the country, as distinguished from towns or cities; rural.

Synonym: primitive, natural

Antonym: city, refined



She had to sever ties with her family.

Definition: to separate (a part) from the whole, as by cutting or the like. 

Synonym: cut, slice

Antonym: connect, join, unite

Definition: to separate (a part) from the whole, as by cutting or the like.

Synonym: cut, slice

Antonym: connect, join, unite



If people learn of the politician’s sordid past, they will not vote for him.

Definition: morally ignoble or base; vile: 

Synonym: shameful

Antonym: reputable

Definition: morally ignoble or base; vile:

Synonym: shameful

Antonym: reputable



The losing debate team had an untenable argument.

Definition: incapable of being defended, as an argument, thesis, etc.; indefensible. 

Synonym: unsupportable

Antonym: supportable

Definition: incapable of being defended, as an argument, thesis, etc.; indefensible.

Synonym: unsupportable

Antonym: supportable



Because I want to make a toy that is tough yet bendable, I am looking for a versatile construction material.

Definition: capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.: 

Synonym: facile, easy

Antonym: inflexible, unadjustable

Definition: capable of or adapted for turning easily from one to another of various tasks, fields of endeavor, etc.:

Synonym: facile, easy

Antonym: inflexible, unadjustable



You can vindicate your claim to this property by showing us the original deed.

Definition: to clear, as from an accusation, imputation, suspicion, or the like
Synonym: justify, prove

Antonym: disprove, deny

Definition: to clear, as from an accusation, imputation, suspicion, or the like

Synonym: justify, prove

Antonym: disprove, deny



John asked his wife for a divorce when his feelings for her started to wane.

Definition: to decrease in strength, intensity, etc.
Synonym: weaken, decline

Antonym: grow, strengthen

Definition: to decrease in strength, intensity, etc.

Synonym: weaken, decline

Antonym: grow, strengthen


English word example: adipose

Example Sentence: Adipose tissue contains a type of cell which stores energy in the form of fat.

Definition: fat

Origin: Latin

Definition: fat

Origin: Latin


English word example: aeronautics

Example Sentence: In aeronautics he succeeded in demonstrating the practicability of mechanical flight.

Definition: air, atmosphere

Origin: greek

Definition: air, atmosphere

Origin: greek


English word example: aesthetics

Example Sentence: Our aesthetic enjoyment of the art show was increased by the presence of the open bar.

Definition: feeling, sensation

Origin: Greek

Definition: feeling, sensation

Origin: Greek


English word example: agronomy

Example Sentence: If more people wouldpractice agronomy, the state of the earth would drasticallyimprove.

Definition: field

Origin: Greek

Definition: field

Origin: Greek

agri-, -egri

English word example: agriculture

Example Sentence: Mankind began to build towns and cities once they developed agriculture.

Definition: field

Origin: Latin

Definition: field

Origin: Latin


English word example: albino

Example Sentence: The beautiful white bird was an albino peacock.

Definition: dull white

Origin: Latin

Definition: dull white

Origin: Latin

am-, amat-, amor-

English word example: amateur

Example Sentence: I am only an amateur ballet dancer.

Definition: love, loved

Origin: Latin

Definition: love, loved

Origin: Latin



The United States annexed Texas in 1845.

Definition: to attach, append, or add, especially to something larger or more important. 

Synonym: adjunct, attachment

Antonym: lessening, subtraction

Definition: to attach, append, or add, especially to something larger or more important.

Synonym: adjunct, attachment

Antonym: lessening, subtraction



The child cleaved to it's mothers leg.

Definition: to adhere closely; stick; cling (usually followed by to). 
Synonym: attach, join, unite

Antonym: disconnect, disjoin

Definition: to adhere closely; stick; cling (usually followed by to).

Synonym: attach, join, unite

Antonym: disconnect, disjoin



The bellman’s cordial greeting made me instantly fall in love with the hotel.

Definition: courteous and gracious; friendly; warm: 
Synonym: affectionate, warmhearted

Antonym: sad, uncaring

Definition: courteous and gracious; friendly; warm:

Synonym: affectionate, warmhearted

Antonym: sad, uncaring



He was the cornerstone of the company.

Definition: something that is essential, indispensable, or basic: 
Synonym: essential, key

Antonym: unimportant, unessential

Definition: something that is essential, indispensable, or basic:

Synonym: essential, key

Antonym: unimportant, unessential



When the movie was released, it was called a debacle by the critics.

Definition: a general breakup or dispersion; sudden downfall or rout: 
Synonym: collapse, devastation

Antonym: creation, combine, success

Definition: a general breakup or dispersion; sudden downfall or rout:

Synonym: collapse, devastation

Antonym: creation, combine, success



Smoking and drinking alcohol could devitalize you're body.

Definition: to deprive of vitality or vital properties; make lifeless; weaken. 
Synonym: depletion, enervation 

Antonym: strengthen

Definition: to deprive of vitality or vital properties; make lifeless; weaken.

Synonym: depletion, enervation

Antonym: strengthen



I avoided my two best friends because I did not want to get embroiled in their dispute.

Definition: to bring into discord or conflict; involve in contention or strife. 
Synonym: trouble, entangle, involve

Antonym: exclude, free

Definition: to bring into discord or conflict; involve in contention or strife.

Synonym: trouble, entangle, involve

Antonym: exclude, free



The job of the defense attorney is to exonerate his clients and keep them out of jail.

Definition:  to clear, as of an accusation; free from guilt or blame; exculpate: 
Synonym: vindicate, free, release

Antonym: keep, punish, sentence

Definition: to clear, as of an accusation; free from guilt or blame; exculpate:

Synonym: vindicate, free, release

Antonym: keep, punish, sentence



How could he have been so glib about such a traumatic event?

Definition: readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely so: 
Synonym: easy, loquacious, talkative

Antonym: quiet, silent

Definition: readily fluent, often thoughtlessly, superficially, or insincerely so:

Synonym: easy, loquacious, talkative

Antonym: quiet, silent



Compared to her mother’s organized system, Jen’s approach to housekeeping was haphazard, at best.

Definition: characterized by lack of order or planning, by irregularity, or by randomness; determined by or dependent on chance; aimless. 
Synonym: aimless, unorganized

Antonym: careful, methodical

Definition: characterized by lack of order or planning, by irregularity, or by randomness; determined by or dependent on chance; aimless.

Synonym: aimless, unorganized

Antonym: careful, methodical



Since I forgot my lines, I tried to improvise the role during the audition.

Definition: to compose and perform or deliver without previous preparation; extemporize: 
Synonym: devise, brainstorm, off the top of the head

Antonym: plan

Definition: to compose and perform or deliver without previous preparation; extemporize:

Synonym: devise, brainstorm, off the top of the head

Antonym: plan



During the pep rally, the cheerleaders worked hard to incite school spirit.

Definition: to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action: 
Synonym: provoke, arouse

Antonym: block, discourage

Definition: to stir, encourage, or urge on; stimulate or prompt to action:

Synonym: provoke, arouse

Antonym: block, discourage



I was unprepared for the influx of joy I felt when my boyfriend proposed.

Definition: act of flowing in. 
Synonym: rush, incursion

Antonym: retreat, departure

Definition: act of flowing in.

Synonym: rush, incursion

Antonym: retreat, departure



After working on the project for four months, Carl was anxious to take a cruise in the sun and work on getting rid of his office pallor.

Definition: unusual or extreme paleness, as from fear, ill health, or death; wanness. 
Synonym: colorlessness, pastiness 

Antonym: full of color, normal

Definition: unusual or extreme paleness, as from fear, ill health, or death; wanness.

Synonym: colorlessness, pastiness

Antonym: full of color, normal



The dog’s pedigree identifies his parents as two purebreds.

Definition: an ancestral line; line of descent; lineage; ancestry. 
Synonym: chart, purebred

Antonym: lowly

Definition: an ancestral line; line of descent; lineage; ancestry.

Synonym: chart, purebred

Antonym: lowly



As they neared the summit, one false step would have meant a precipitous fall.

Definition: of the nature of or characterized by precipices 
Synonym: steep

Antonym: calm, flat

Definition: of the nature of or characterized by precipices

Synonym: steep

Antonym: calm, flat



Jonathan has gained so much weight that even his doctor is concerned about his profuse growth.

Definition: spending or giving freely and in large amount, often to excess; extravagant
Synonym: abundant, excessive

Antonym: scarce, lacking

Definition: spending or giving freely and in large amount, often to excess; extravagant

Synonym: abundant, excessive

Antonym: scarce, lacking



After being separated for several months, the couple decided to attempt to reconcile for the emotional well being of their distraught children.

Definition: to cause (a person) to accept or be resigned to something not desired
Synonym: make peace, adjust

Antonym: agitate, fight, incite

Definition: to cause (a person) to accept or be resigned to something not desired

Synonym: make peace, adjust

Antonym: agitate, fight, incite



In court the violent suspects wear shackles that circumscribe their ability to flee.

Definition: a ring or other fastening, as of iron, for securing the wrist, ankle, etc.; fetter. 
Synonym: restraint, handcuff, chain

Antonym: unbind

Definition: a ring or other fastening, as of iron, for securing the wrist, ankle, etc.; fetter.

Synonym: restraint, handcuff, chain

Antonym: unbind



The homeless man's hand-me-down coat was so old, it was threadbare.

Definition: having the nap worn off so as to lay bare the threads of the warp and woof, as a fabric, garment, etc. 
Synonym: worn, frayed

Antonym: new, unworn

Definition: having the nap worn off so as to lay bare the threads of the warp and woof, as a fabric, garment, etc.

Synonym: worn, frayed

Antonym: new, unworn



Because Mark hated himself, he often tried to abase others by calling them names.

Definition: to reduce or lower, as in rank, office, reputation, or estimation; humble; degrade.

Definition: to reduce or lower, as in rank, office, reputation, or estimation; humble; degrade.

Synonym: demean, dishonor

Antonym: honor, raise, respect



He actuated the machine by pressing the red button.

Definition: to incite or move to action; impel; motivate:

Definition: to incite or move to action; impel; motivate:

Synonym: stimulate, cause

Antonym:halt, prevent



I always avert my eyes to avoid seeing the bloody movie scenes.

Definition: to turn away or aside:

Definition: to turn away or aside:

Synonym: prevent, avoid

Antonym:aid, help



The comedian’s jokes were so vulgar and boorish that the only ones left in the audience were those who were too drunk to be offended.

Definition: of or like a boor; unmannered; crude; insensitive.

Definition: of or like a boor; unmannered; crude; insensitive.

Synonym: barbaric, rude

Antonym:mannerly, sophisticated



When the truck hit us, the kids in the back seat bore the brunt of the impact.

Definition:  the main force or impact, as of an attack or blow:

Definition: the main force or impact, as of an attack or blow:

Synonym: force, impact, burden

Antonym:relaxation, ease



All the combatants in the king's army were imprisoned after they lost the war.

Definition: a nation engaged in active fighting with enemy forces.

Definition: a nation engaged in active fighting with enemy forces.

Synonym: adversary, soldier

Antonym: friend, helper



Since the volcano is dormant right now, you do not have to be concerned about it erupting.

Definition: lying asleep or as if asleep; inactive, as in sleep; torpid:

Definition: lying asleep or as if asleep; inactive, as in sleep; torpid:

Synonym: asleep, passive

Antonym:awake, active



When questioned about the night of the murder, the suspect's memory was dubious.

Definition: doubtful; marked by or occasioning doubt:

Definition: doubtful; marked by or occasioning doubt:

Synonym: unsure, debatable

Antonym:determined, secure



Even though the members of the church were falling asleep, the minister continued his harangue on the evils of society.

Definition: a scolding or a long or intense verbal attack; diatribe.

Definition: a scolding or a long or intense verbal attack; diatribe.

Synonym: sermon, speech




We use mounted raids to harry the enemy.

Definition: to harass, annoy, or prove a nuisance to by or as if by repeated attacks; worry:

Definition: to harass, annoy, or prove a nuisance to by or as if by repeated attacks; worry:

Synonym: attack, disturb

Antonym: comfort, delight



He was very impenitent after shooting all the animals with his dad's gun even though he got punished.

Definition: not feeling regret about one's sin or sins; obdurate.

Definition: not feeling regret about one's sin or sins; obdurate.

Synonym: hardened, remorselessness




After the knave stole the king’s crown, he was arrested and placed in the dungeon.

Definition:  an unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest person.

Definition: an unprincipled, untrustworthy, or dishonest person.

Synonym: rascal, lowlife

Antonym:honest, trustworthy, principled



He was at the same time named grand officer of the Legion of Honour, and obtained in 1813 the same rank in the new order of Reunion.

Definition: a division of the Roman army, usually comprising 3000 to 6000 soldiers.

Definition: a massive force of people

Synonym: countless, many

Antonym:few, numbered



The generous woman was full of liberality!

Definition: the quality or condition of being liberal in giving; generosity; bounty.

Definition: the quality or condition of being liberal in giving; generosity; bounty.

Synonym: kindness, nobleness

Antonym:unkindness, selfishness



The plaintiff was unable to convince the jury the defendant owed him money for car repairs.

Definition: a person who brings suit in a court (opposed to defendant ).

Definition: a person who brings suit in a court (opposed to defendant ).

Synonym: complainant




We are therefore forced to pause awhile, and probe beneath the surface.

Definition: to search into or examine thoroughly; question closely:

Definition: to search into or examine thoroughly; question closely:

Synonym: study, examination




My mom says that I protract my bedtime routine by taking a long time to get ready for bed.

Definition: to draw out or lengthen, especially in time; extend the duration of; prolong.

Definition: to draw out or lengthen, especially in time; extend the duration of; prolong.

Synonym: prolong, postpone

Antonym:shorten, abbreviate



At night, the moonlight caused the stones in the quarry to shine.

Definition: an excavation or pit, usually open to the air, from which building stone, slate, or the like, is obtained by cutting, blasting, etc.

Definition: an excavation or pit, usually open to the air, from which building stone, slate, or the like, is obtained by cutting, blasting, etc.

Synonym: gouge, tunnel, pit

Antonym: fill, cover



Mikey is such a picky eater that he will spurn everything except chicken nuggets and ice cream.

Definition: to reject with disdain; scorn.

Definition: to reject with disdain; scorn.

Synonym: despise, disregard

Antonym:accept, approve



Investigators often resort to subterfuge in an attempt to make criminals admit wrongdoing.

Definition: an artifice or expedient used to evade a rule, escape a consequence, hide something, etc.

Definition: an artifice or expedient used to evade a rule, escape a consequence, hide something, etc.

Synonym: dishonesty, evasion

Antonym: honesty, openness



I need to write a powerful resume to gain approbation from an employer.

Definition: approval; commendation.  
Synonym: consent, permission

Antonym: refusal,rejection

Definition: approval; commendation.

Synonym: consent, permission

Antonym: refusal,rejection



In an effort to assuage angry customers, the store issued everyone a full refund.

Definition: to make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; mitigate: 
Synonym: satisfy, ease, calm

Antonym: intensify, irritate

Definition: to make milder or less severe; relieve; ease; mitigate:

Synonym: satisfy, ease, calm

Antonym: intensify, irritate



A few politicians have formed a coalition to put prayer back into schools.

Definition: a combination or alliance, especially a temporary one between persons, factions, states, etc. 
Synonym: affiliation, combination

Antonym: detachment, disassociation

Definition: a combination or alliance, especially a temporary one between persons, factions, states, etc.

Synonym: affiliation, combination

Antonym: detachment, disassociation



The decadence of traditional values is apparent in the large number of people who go to jail for committing crimes.

Definition: the act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state; deterioration; decay: 
Synonym: degradation

Antonym: increase, improvement

Definition: the act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state; deterioration; decay:

Synonym: degradation

Antonym: increase, improvement



The comedian hoped his jokes would elicit a great deal of laughter from the audience.

Definition: to draw or bring out or forth; educe; 

Synonym: evoke, cause

Antonym: hide, keep

Definition: to draw or bring out or forth; educe;

Synonym: evoke, cause

Antonym: hide, keep



My mother never missed the opportunity to expostulate her opinion anytime my father did something which displeased her.

Definition: to reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done; remonstrate:  
Synonym: disagreement, argue

Antonym: agree

Definition: to reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done; remonstrate:

Synonym: disagreement, argue

Antonym: agree



Too often used by young girls, the word “like” has become hackneyed.

Definition: made commonplace or trite; stale; banal: 
Synonym: repeated, common, everyday

Antonym: fresh, new, original

Definition: made commonplace or trite; stale; banal:

Synonym: repeated, common, everyday

Antonym: fresh, new, original



The professor will take his family on a long vacation during his hiatus.

Definition: a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc. 
Synonym: interval, lapse

Antonym: closing

Definition: a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc.

Synonym: interval, lapse

Antonym: closing

The top advertisers frequently use a form of innuendo to sell their products.
Definition: an indirect intimation about a person or thing, especially of a disparaging or a derogatory nature. 
Synonym: immoral

Antonym: evidence, proof

Definition: an indirect intimation about a person or thing, especially of a disparaging or a derogatory nature.

Synonym: immoral

Antonym: evidence, proof



The lawyer will intercede for his client in the court proceedings.

Definition: to act or interpose in behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble, as by pleading or petition: 
 Synonym: plead, advocate

Antonym: leave alone

Definition: to act or interpose in behalf of someone in difficulty or trouble, as by pleading or petition:

Synonym: plead, advocate

Antonym: leave alone



After being on an airplane for nearly twenty-four hours, Henry is a bit jaded and never wants to travel again.

Definition: dulled or satiated by overindulgence: 
 Synonym: exhausted, worn

Antonym: fresh, activated

Definition: dulled or satiated by overindulgence:

Synonym: exhausted, worn

Antonym: fresh, activated



The film had an R-rating because of its lurid depiction of the haunted house.

Definition: gruesome; horrible; revolting: 
 Synonym: disgusting, horrid

Antonym: pleasant, delightful

Definition: gruesome; horrible; revolting:

Synonym: disgusting, horrid

Antonym: pleasant, delightful



Having gotten an “A” in all of his classes, the teenager felt he had proven himself meritorious.

Definition: deserving praise, reward, esteem, etc.; praiseworthy: 
 Synonym: praiseworthy, winner
Antonym: improper, dishonorable

Definition: deserving praise, reward, esteem, etc.; praiseworthy:

Synonym: praiseworthy, winner

Antonym: improper, dishonorable



He was a petulant child who was aggravated by the smallest things.

Definition: moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, especially over some trifling annoyance: 
 Synonym: whiny, cranky
Antonym: patient, happy

Definition: moved to or showing sudden, impatient irritation, especially over some trifling annoyance:

Synonym: whiny, cranky

Antonym: patient, happy



Since he was a senior member of the golf club, Allan had the prerogative to reject new member applications.

Definition: an exclusive right, privilege, etc., exercised by virtue of rank, office, or the like
 Synonym:  claim, liberty
Antonym: duty

Definition: an exclusive right, privilege, etc., exercised by virtue of rank, office, or the like

Synonym: claim, liberty

Antonym: duty



Since my cousin lives in a trailer on a dirt road, many people consider her to be provincial.

Definition: belonging or peculiar to some particular province; local: 
 Synonym: rural, local
Antonym: city, urban

Definition: belonging or peculiar to some particular province; local:

Synonym: rural, local

Antonym: city, urban



Many homeowners use apps that simulate the sound of a barking dog to keep intruders out of their homes.

Definition: to create a simulation, likeness, or model of (a situation, system, or the like)
 Synonym: mimic,  copy
Antonym: destroy, original

Definition: to create a simulation, likeness, or model of (a situation, system, or the like)

Synonym: mimic, copy

Antonym: destroy, original



If my freedom of speech was taken away, I'd take umbrage to that.

Definition: offense; annoyance; displeasure: 
 Synonym: anger, annoyance
Antonym: calmness, cheer

Definition: offense; annoyance; displeasure:

Synonym: anger, annoyance

Antonym: calmness, cheer



The head cheerleader made an unctuous effort to get the geeks to give her their prom queen votes.

Definition: characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, especially in an affected manner; excessively smooth, suave, or smug. 
Synonym: servile
Antonym: genuine

Definition: characterized by excessive piousness or moralistic fervor, especially in an affected manner; excessively smooth, suave, or smug.

Synonym: servile

Antonym: genuine



The athlete hoped the increased training would allow him to transcend Olympic records.

Definition: to rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed: 
Synonym: overstep, excel
Antonym: fall behind, lose

Definition: to rise above or go beyond; overpass; exceed:

Synonym: overstep, excel

Antonym: fall behind, lose



Scratching your eye will not ameliorate the itching.

Definition: to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve: 
Synonym: help, amend

Antonym: aggravate, decrease

Definition: to make or become better, more bearable, or more satisfactory; improve:

Synonym: help, amend

Antonym: aggravate, decrease



Jason handled his first acting role with aplomb and won over his critics.

Definition: self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation. 
Synonym: balance, confidence

Antonym: fear

Definition: self-confidence or assurance, especially when in a demanding situation.

Synonym: balance, confidence

Antonym: fear



The cheerleading squad led the crowd in bombastic cheers.

Definition: (of speech, writing, etc.) high-sounding; high-flown 
Synonym: inflated; pretentious
Antonym: reserved, humble, quiet

Definition: (of speech, writing, etc.) high-sounding; high-flown

Synonym: inflated; pretentious

Antonym: reserved, humble, quiet



Since the callow baker was new to cake decorating, she did not know how to properly frost the multi-layer cake.

Definition: immature or inexperienced:
Synonym: inexperienced, juvenile, untrained

Antonym: experienced, mature

Definition: immature or inexperienced:

Synonym: inexperienced, juvenile, untrained

Antonym: experienced, mature



Instead of studying, we wasted the hours talking about irrelevant drivel.

Definition: pointless babble or chatter
Synonym: nonsense, irrelevant, gibberish

Antonym: sense, truth

Definition: pointless babble or chatter

Synonym: nonsense, irrelevant, gibberish

Antonym: sense, truth



Because our mayor is the epitome of a good citizen, he has been in office for over ten years.

Definition: a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type.
Synonym: representation

Antonym: enlargement

Definition: a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type.

Synonym: representation

Antonym: enlargement



While I cannot force you to drive the speed limit, I exhort you to do so or else you might end up in jail.

Definition: to urge, advise, or caution earnestly; admonish urgently. 
Synonym: encourage, advise

Antonym: dissuade, discourage

Definition: to urge, advise, or caution earnestly; admonish urgently.

Synonym: encourage, advise

Antonym: dissuade, discourage

Ex Officio

Adverb, Adjective

When Janice became the prime minister’s wife, she became an ex officio member of the government.

Definition: by virtue of office or official position. 
Synonym: approved

Antonym: disapproved

Definition: by virtue of office or official position.

Synonym: approved

Antonym: disapproved



I really think it would infringe on his right to privacy if you were to publish his personal correspondence without his knowledge and permission.

Definition: to commit a breach or infraction of; violate or transgress: 
Synonym: violate, obtrude

Antonym: obey, comply

Definition: to commit a breach or infraction of; violate or transgress:

Synonym: violate, obtrude

Antonym: obey, comply



The con artist hoped to ingratiate himself into the wealthy widow’s life.

Definition: to establish (oneself or someone else) in the favor or good graces of someone, especially by deliberate effort (usually followed by with): He ingratiated himself with all the guests.
Synonym: flatter, attract

Antonym: disgust, repel

Definition: to establish (oneself or someone else) in the favor or good graces of someone, especially by deliberate effort (usually followed by with): He ingratiated himself with all the guests.

Synonym: flatter, attract

Antonym: disgust, repel



Since she has never been able to let her son go, my mother-in-law is an interloper in my marriage.

Definition: a person who interferes or meddles in the affairs of others: 
Synonym: intruder, meddler

Antonym: wanted, invited

Definition: a person who interferes or meddles in the affairs of others:

Synonym: intruder, meddler

Antonym: wanted, invited



A man with a generous heart can see the intrinsic value in something which looks worthless to others.

Definition: belonging to a thing by its very nature: 
Synonym: genuine, real, true

Antonym: fake, accidental

Definition: belonging to a thing by its very nature:

Synonym: genuine, real, true

Antonym: fake, accidental



No matter how angry I get, I will not inveigh my feelings using social media.

Definition: to protest strongly or attack vehemently with words; rail (usually followed by against): 
Synonym: expostulate, condemn

Antonym: accept, agree

Definition: to protest strongly or attack vehemently with words; rail (usually followed by against):

Synonym: expostulate, condemn

Antonym: accept, agree



After the long race, Jack experienced a feeling of lassitude.

Definition: weariness of body or mind from strain, oppressive climate, etc.; lack of energy; listlessness; languor. 
Synonym: laziness, exhaust

Antonym: energy

Definition: weariness of body or mind from strain, oppressive climate, etc.; lack of energy; listlessness; languor.

Synonym: laziness, exhaust

Antonym: energy



The year 2000 saw the end of another millennium.

Definition: a period of 1000 years. 
Synonym: prosperity, long

Antonym: short

Definition: a period of 1000 years.

Synonym: prosperity, long

Antonym: short



The occult show about a group of teenage witches living together is one of the highest rated shows on television.

Definition: of or relating to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies. 
Synonym: supernatural, magical, mystical

Antonym: real, natural

Definition: of or relating to magic, astrology, or any system claiming use or knowledge of secret or supernatural powers or agencies.

Synonym: supernatural, magical, mystical

Antonym: real, natural



The light will permeate through the curtain when the sun rises.

Definition: to pass into or through every part of: 
Synonym: penetrate, pierce

Antonym: take out, remove

Definition: to pass into or through every part of:

Synonym: penetrate, pierce

Antonym: take out, remove



The rising level of unemployment is going to precipitate a huge crowd at the welfare office.

Definition: cause (an event or situation, typically one that is bad or undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely
Synonym: further, advance

Antonym: block, hinder

Definition: cause (an event or situation, typically one that is bad or undesirable) to happen suddenly, unexpectedly, or prematurely

Synonym: further, advance

Antonym: block, hinder



I was so happy to move out of my parents’ house and escape their stringent rules.

Definition: rigorously binding or exacting; strict
Synonym: rigorous, stiff, severe

Antonym: lenient, calm

Definition: rigorously binding or exacting; strict

Synonym: rigorous, stiff, severe

Antonym: lenient, calm



Since Bob and Mary are both book addicts, we jokingly surmise the couple met in a library.

Definition: suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.
Synonym: assumption, guess

Antonym: truth, fact, certainty

Definition: suppose that something is true without having evidence to confirm it.

Synonym: assumption, guess

Antonym: truth, fact, certainty