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75 Cards in this Set

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yo disfruto leer

I enjoy reading

te importaría cerrar la puerta?

would you mind closing the door?

Chris sugirió​ ir a cine

Chris suggested going to the cinema

de repente todo el mundo paro de hablar. Hubo silencio

Suddenly everybody stopped talking. There was silence.

Yo are lascompras cuando yo haya terminado de limpiar el apartamento

I'll do the shopping when I've finished cleaning the flat

yo debo posponer ir al dentista

I must postpone going to the dentist

¿has considerado ir a vivir en otro pais?

Have you ever considered going to live in another country?

Ella admite conocer el secreto

She admits knowing the secret.

Ellos dijeron que eran inocentes. Ellos negaron haber hecho algo mal.

They said they were innocent. They denied doing anything wrong

ellos trataron de evadir la respuesta a mi pregunta

they tried to avoid answering my question.

Nosotros no podemos arriesgarnos a esperar

We can't risk waiting.

Yo nunca me imagine encontrarte aqui

I never imagined meeting you here.

no tengo ganas de salir esta noche. (usando fancy)

I don't fancy going out this evening

yo he parado de leer el periódico. Yo creo que es una pérdida de tiempo

I've given up reading newspapers. I think it's a waste of time

Tom ha pospuesto decirle a Mary las malas noticias tanto como sea posible

Tom had put off telling Mary the bad news for as long as possible.

Continua tratando.

Continua Sonriendo.

Keep on trying.

Keep on smiling.

Tu continuas interrumpiendo cuando yo estoy hablando

You keep interrupting when I'm talking.

You keep on interrupting when I'm talking.

No puedo imaginar a George manejando una motocicleta

I can't imagine George riding a motorbike.

Tu no puedes pararme de hacer lo que yo quiero.

You can't stop me doing what I want.

Realmente dijiste eso? Yo no te recuerdo diciendo eso.

Did you really say that? I don't remember you saying that.

- Perdóname por dejarte esperando mucho tiempo.

- esta bien.

- Sorry to keep you waiting so long.

- That's all right.

Ellos negaron haber robado el dinero

They denied that they had stolen the money.


They denied stealing the money.

Chris sugirió que nosotros debíamos ir al cinema

Chris suggested going to the cinema


Chris suggested that we went to the cinema.

El admitio haberse robado el dinero

He admitted stealing the money.


He admitted that he stole the money.

Ella sugirió​ ir al zoológico

She suggested going to the zoo.

A el no le animó jugar tennis

He didn't fancy playing tennis.

Ella admitió manejar rápido

She admitted driving fast.

Ella sugirio ir a nadar

She suggested going to swimming

El negó haber dañado el reproductor de DVD

He denied breaking the DVD player.

A ellos no les importo esperar unos minutos.

They didn't mind waiting a few minutes

El trato de evadir contestar mi pregunta

He tried to avoid answering my question.

Podrías por favor parar de hacer tanto ruido

Could you please stop making so much noise?

Yo disfruto escuchar música.

I enjoy listening to music.

Yo consideré aplicar al trabajo, pero al final yo decidí no aplicar a eso.

I considered appying for the job, but in the end I decided against it.

¿ya Has terminado de leer el periodico?

Have you finished reading the newspaper yet?

Nosotros necesitamos cambiar nuestra rutina. Nosotros no podemos seguir perdiendo asi.

We need to change our routine. We can't go on losing like this.

No me importa que uses mi teléfono, pero por favor pregúntame primero.

I don't mind you using my phone, but please ask me first.

Su memoria se esta poniendo peor. Él continúa olvidando las cosas.

His memory is getting worse. He keeps forgetting things.

Yo he pospuesto pagar esta factura muchas veces. Yo realmente debo hacerlo hoy

I've put off paying this bill so many times. I really must do it today.

¡Qué cosa tan difícil de hacer! ¿Puedes imaginar alguien siendo tan inteligente?

What a hard thing to do! Can you imagine anybody being so smart?

Yo tengo que renunciar a tratar de perder peso - Eso es imposible.

I've give up trying to lose weight - it's impossible

Si tu apuestas. Te arriesgas a perder tu dinero.

If you gamble, you risk losing your money.

No puedes parar de hacerme lo que you quiero.

You can't stop me doing what I want.

Es mejor tratar de evadir viajar durante la hora pico.

It's better to avoid travelling during the rush hour.

Podriamos aplazar pintar la cocina hasta la proxima semana?

Shall we postpone painting the kitchen until next weekend?

Te importaria bajarle a la musica, por favor.

Would you mind turning the music down, please?

te importaria parar de interrumpirme todo el tiempo?

Would you mind not interrupting all the time?

Ella es una interesante persona. Yo siempre disfruto hablar con ella.

She's a very interesting person. I always enjoy talking to her

Yo no me siento muy bien. Yo no quiero salir

I'm not feeling very well. I don't fancy going out.

Me apena no tener mas sillas. Yo espero que no te importe sentarte en el piso.

I'm afraid there aren't any chairs. I hope you don't mind sitting on the floor.

Ese fue un hermoso día, entonces yo sugerí tener un picnic.

It was a beautiful day, so I suggested having a picnic.

Eso fue muy divertido, yo no pude parar de reir.

It was very funny. I couldn't stop laughing.

Mi carro no es muy confiable. Eso se mantiene dañando

My car isn't very reliable. It keeps breaking down.

Yo le ofrecí prestarle plata a ella

I offered to lend money to her.

Era tarde entonces decidimos tomar un taxi

It was late, so we decided to take a taxi home.

Yo no le ofrecí ayudarla

I offered not to help her

Nosotros decidimos no salir por el estado del tiempo

We decided not to go out because of the weather

Ella espera asistir a la escuela hoy

she hopes to attend school today

Ella no espera ir a la excursión.

She expects not to go on the tour

Yo creo que la musica que nosotros escribimos merece ser oida.

I felt the music we were writing deserved to be heard.

El no merece morir

He deserves not to die

Los periodistas algunas veces prometen conservar las identidades de sus fuentes secreta.

Journalists sometimes promise to keep the identities of their sources secret.

Yo prometi no cantar

I promise not to sing

Simon estaba una difícil situación, entonces yo estuve de acuerdo en ayudarlo.

Simon was in a difficult situation, so I agreed to help him.

El Presidente Trump acordó no terminar el TLCAN en este momento

President Trump agreed not to terminate NAFTA at this time

Planeo saltarme el almuerzo

I plan to skip lunch

Tom se las arregló para escaparse.

Tom managed to escape.

Dios planea no hacerte dano

God plans not to harm you

( For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare[a] and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope.) Jer29:11

Donald Trump trata de no offender a nadie en su discurso

Donald Trump Manages Not to Offend Anyone in his speech

No tengo la capacidad para pagarte

I can't afford to pay you

Es una cuestión de si podemos permitirnos no gastar el dinero

It is a matter of whether we can afford not to spend the money

Tom pidió protección policial, después de que Mary y John amenazaron con matarlo

Tom asked for police protection after Mary and John threatened to kill him.

threatened, threatened, threatened.

Amenaza no ayudar a la gente de Colombia

He threatens not helping people de Colombia

Yo me rehusé a pagar

I refused to pay.

Me niego a moverme

I refuse not to move