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24 Cards in this Set

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Position of descriptive adjectives
In French, unlike in English, most descriptive adjectives....

(a hard-working student)
(an interesting course)
In French, unlike in English, most descriptive adjectives follow the noun they modify:

un étudiant travailleur (a hard-working student)
un cours intéressant (an interesting course)
Position of descriptive adjectives
In French, like in English, descriptive adjectives are.......

(This student is hard-working)
(He’s hard-working)
(This course is interesting)
In French, like in English, descriptive adjectives are often used after the verbe être (to be):

Cet étudiant est travailleur (This student is hard-working)
Il est travailleur (He’s hard-working)
Ce cours est intéressant (This course is interesting)

NB. un étudiant travailleur et intéressant (a hard-working, interesting student)
Adjective placed before the noun

(a pretty girl)
(a young man)
(a good idea)
(a big lecture theatre)
(an interesting young man)
there is a group of short, commonly-used French adjectives that usually precede the noun.

beauty, age, goodness, size----for adjectives with no more than 2 syllables

une jolie fille (a pretty girl)
un jeune homme (a young man)
une bonne idée (a good idea)
un grand amphithéatre (a big lecture theatre)
NB. un jeune homme intéressant (an interesting young man)
Adjective placed after the noun
colour, shape, nationality
Agreement of descriptive adjectives
In French, most descriptive adjectives agree in number and gender with the noun or pronoun they modify.

In other words, they have four possible forms: masculine singular; feminine singular; masculine plural; feminine plural. The feminine singular is usually formed by adding an -e to the masculine singular. Plural adjectives of either gender are usually formed by adding an -s to the singular. Adjectives referring to a group of mixed gender take the masculine plural form:

• Un homme intéressant
• Une femme intéressante
• Des hommes intéressants
• Des femmes intéressantes
• Des hommes et des femmes intéressants
Final -d, -s and -t, usually silent in French, are pronounced
NB. Final -d, -s and -t, usually silent in French, are pronounced when -e is added:



Adjectives whose masculine form ends in an unaccented...
Adjectives whose masculine form ends in an unaccented -e do not change in the feminine:
un problème difficile
une question difficile
Certain adjectives whose masculine form ends in -e + consonant
Certain adjectives whose masculine form ends in -e + consonant place a grave accent over this -e as well as adding the regular -e to form the feminine:
le premier homme (the first man)
la première femme (the first woman)

le pain complet (wholemeal bread)
la farine complète (wholemeal flour)
Adjectives whose masculine form ends in
Adjectives whose masculine form ends in -f change the -f to -ve in the feminine:
un homme actif (an active man)
une femme active (an active woman)

• un bâtiment neuf (a new building)
• une maison neuve (a new house)
Adjectives whose masculine form ends in -x
Adjectives whose masculine form ends in -x change the -x to -se in the feminine
un homme heureux (a happy man)
une femme heureuse (a happy woman)
Adjectives whose masculine form ends in -eur
Adjectives whose masculine form ends in -eur change the -eur to -euse in the feminine or, less commonly, to -rice:
un homme travailleur (a hard-working man)
une femme travailleuse (a hard-working woman)

un homme créateur (a creative man)
une femme créatrice (a creative woman)
Adjectives whose masculine form ends in -el, -ien, -as or -os
Adjectives whose masculine form ends in -el, -ien, -as or -os double the final consonant before adding e in the feminine:
quel homme? (which man?)
quelle femme? (which woman?)

un bâtiment ancien (an old building)
une maison ancienne (an old house)

le bas peuple (the lower classes)
la basse saison (the low season)

un gros problème (a big problem)
une grosse erreur (a big mistake)
Some adjectives have irregular feminine endings
Some adjectives have irregular feminine endings. These include:
beau belle (handsome / beautiful / good-looking)
blanc blanche (white)
bon bonne (good)
doux douce (soft / gentle / sweet)
faux fausse (false)
fou folle (mad)
frais fraîche (fresh)
gentil gentille (kind / nice)
grec grecque (Greek)
jaloux jalouse (jealous)
nouveau nouvelle (new)
vieux vieille (old)
NB. The masculine singular adjectives beau, nouveau and vieux have an alternative form
NB. The masculine singular adjectives beau, nouveau and vieux have an alternative form (bel, nouvel, and vieil) which is used in front of a noun beginning with a vowel or mute h:
un beau garçon (a good-looking boy)
un bel homme (a good-looking man)

un vieux garçon (an old bachelor)
un vieil homme (an old man)

un nouveau logiciel (a new software program)
un nouvel ordinateur (a new computer)
Adjectives whose masculine singular ends in -s or -x
Adjectives whose masculine singular ends in -s or -x do not change form in the plural:
un vin français
des vins français

• un homme courageux
• des hommes courageux
Adjectives whose masculine singular ends in -eau add -x
Adjectives whose masculine singular ends in -eau add -x to form the masculine plural:
un nouveau restaurant
de nouveaux restaurants
Most adjectives whose masculine singular ends in -al
Most adjectives whose masculine singular ends in -al change the –al to -aux in the masculine plural:
l’hymne national
les hymnes nationaux
A small number of adjectives are invariable:
A small number of adjectives are invariable: they never agree in number or gender with the noun or pronoun they modify. These include:
some adjectives of colour (marron, orange, noisette, kaki, turquoise)
Adjectives preceding plural nouns

When an adjective precedes a noun in the plural form, the plural indefinite article des.............
Adjectives preceding plural nouns

When an adjective precedes a noun in the plural form, the plural indefinite article des generally becomes de
J’ai des livres français → J’ai de nouveaux livres français
Il y a des films à la télé →Il y a de vieux films à la télé.
When an adjective precedes a noun in the plural form, the plural indefinite article des.............

Except if compound type nouns, eg. des jeunes filles, des petits pois
Adjectives that can precede or follow nouns they modify

Some adjectives can either precede or follow a noun, but their meaning depends on their
Adjectives that can precede or follow nouns they modify
Some adjectives can either precede or follow a noun, but their meaning depends on their position. Generally, the adjective in question has a literal meaning when it follows the noun and a figurative meaning when it precedes the noun.
Adjectives that can precede or follow nouns they modify
Literal sense Figurative sense
Il a des chaises anciennes
M. Sellier est l’ancien propriétaire
He has antique chairs
Mr Sellier is the former landlord

C’est un lecteur de CD très cher
Ma Chere amie…

That’s a very expensive CD player
My dear friend

C’est un homme très grand
C’est un très grand homme
He’s a very tall man
He’s a great man

Les étudiants pauvres n’ont pas
Pauvres étudiants! Il y a un examen de voiture demain
Poor students don’t have a car
The poor students! There is an exam tomorrow!
Placement of more than one adjective

When more than one adjectives modifies a noun.........
Placement of more than one adjective
When more than one adjectives modifies a noun, each adjective precedes or follows the noun as it were used alone.

Eg. C’est un vieil immeuble agréable
Adjective examples
i'm shy
I do not communicate easily
I am generous
I give a lot to others
I am independent
I like to be free
I hate the routine
I hate monotony
I am passionate about reading
I love reading
Je suis timide
Je ne communique pas facilement
Je suis généreuse
Je donne beaucoup aux autres
Je suis indépendante
J’aime être libre
J’ai horreur de la routine
Je déteste la monotonie
Je suis passionné par la lecture
J’adore lire