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38 Cards in this Set

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to agree
hanno convenuto che era meglio
they agreed it was better
erano convenuti in piazza
they had gathered in the square
e' corso a casa
e' corso via
ha corso tanto
he ran home
he ran away
he ran alot
gli e' mancato il coraggio
his courage failed him
to agree
hanno convenuto che era meglio
they agreed it was better
erano convenuti in piazza
they had gathered in the square
e' corso a casa
e' corso via
ha corso tanto
he ran home
he ran away
he ran alot
gli e' mancato il coraggio
his courage failed him
ha mancato di coraggio
he lacked courage
ha mancato all' appuntamento
he missed his appointment
e' proceduto notevolmente
he has progressed considerably
ha proceduto da persona onesta
he acted honestly
con aria ammirata
with an admiring look
l'appetito vien mangiando
the more you have the more you want
lo abbiamo visto attraversando la strada
we saw him crossing the street
piangendo non mi commuovi
your crying will not move me
si e' lasciato convincere
he let himself be persuaded
gli dispiaceva essersi lasciato convincere
he was sorry he had let himself be persuaded
verbal syncope
fall of a vowel, andro' per andero'
defective verbs
verbs which do not have a full conjgation
to commit an offense
only used in the infinitive
associazione a delinquere(conspiracy to commit a crime)
no past participle
le loro opinioni divergevono radicalmente(their opinions were radically opposed
no past participle
non si esime mai dai suoi doveri(he never shirks his duties)
to shine
no past participle
lucevono le stelle(the stars were shining)
to itch
gli prudeva il naso(his nose was itching)
to be used to
no verbal past tense or conditional
come soleva dire Ugo(as Ugo used to say)
to creak
no past tense
bisogna ungere quei cardini perche' stridono(we must oil those hinges because they are creaking)
to urge
no past tense
urge la tua presenza(your presence urgently required)
to be about
no past tense
su cosa verte la question(what is the question about?)
to be in force
no past tense
qui vigono severe leggi fiscali(here strict tax laws are in force)
il perche e il percome
the why and the wherefore
senza ne' un perche' ne un percome
without a why or a wherefore
arriccia il naso
he wrinkles his nose
fallo con tuo comodo
do it at your convenience
giocare a mosca cieca
to play blind mans bluff
a rimpiattino
hide and seek