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35 Cards in this Set

  • Front
  • Back
Outward/ lateral
inward/ medial
Trochlea means
the tibial nerve, and the commnon fibular nerve branches out of __
the sciatic nerve
The Femoral Artery goes into the _____, which comes out as the ____
adductor hiatus (adductor magnus), popliteal artery
Popliteal Fossa consits of
Biceps femoris tendon (lateral), semitendonosus membrane (medial), gastrocnemius (inferior)
What is the bandage tendon in the foot?
extensor reticulae
What are synovial sheaths?
Coverings that cover tendons, allows to slide smoothly
Muscles of the Deep POsterior Group (leg)
-Flexor digitorem longuss
-Flexor Hallucis longuss
-Tibialis Posterior
Muscles of the Superficial Posterior group (leg)
Muscle that unlocks knee joints
Flexor hallucis Longuss is..__
Most laterally, deep muscle and connects to big (great) toe
Flexor hallucis digitorem is.. __
most medially, deep muscle and connects to the toes (digits)
Tibialis Posterior originates from the...
Interosseus membrane
The posterior group (legs) is innervated by the
tibial nerve
The posterior group (legs) is blood supply is supplied by
fibular and tibial arteries
Lateral compartment muscles of the leg are..
fibularis longuss and fibularis brevis
Main action of the lateral compartment leg muscles are to
evert the foot,
the longuss plantar flexes the foot
The lateral compartment group of hte legs is innervated by the...
superficial fibular nerve
The anterior compartment leg muscles are..
-extensor hallucis longus
-extensor digitorem longuss
-fibularis tertius
-tibialis anterior
Which nerve, if broken, inhibits dorsiflexion of the foot?
Common fibular nerve
What is the most anterior muscle of hte leg (palpable) ?
tibialis anterior
Action of the tibilis anterior
dorsiflexion and inversion of the foot
attachment of the tibialis anterior
medial cuneciform surface of metatarsal 1
Action of extensor digitorem longuss
extensio of lateral four toes and dorsiflexion of foot
action of extensor hallucis longus
extension of big toe and dorsiflexion
action of fibularis tertius
dorsiflexion and eversion of foot
what muscle is normally considered a part of the extensor digitorem longuss?
fibularis tertius
The anterior compartment of the leg is innervated by the..__
the deep fibular nerve
The anterior compartment of the leg is supplied blood by the.. __
anterior tibial artery
The major artery of the leg is?
popliteal artery
Posterior compartment is supplied by
Posterior tibial artery
The anterior compartment is supplied by
anterior tibial artery, which descended from the popliteal artery, into the interosseus membrane
Which bone articulates with the tibia and fibula?
the talus
which foot bone crates the achilles tendon and is an attachment for the posterior muscles?
the calcaneus