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42 Cards in this Set

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what bounds femoral triangle?
bounded superiorly by the inguinal ligament, laterally by the sartorius, and medially by the medial edge of adductor longus
what's in the femoral triangle?
the femoral nerve and the femoral sheath, which encloses the femoral artery, vein, and canal. The femoral nerve is at the lateral edge of the triangle--it is not enclosed by the femoral sheath
the adductor hiatus is a space in the:
adductor magnus
what's in the femoral canal?
deep inguinal lymph nodes
what are the hip flexors?
ILIOPSOAS, sartorius, rectus femoris, and pectineus
what are the abductor muscles?
gluteus medius and minimus, tensor fasciae latae, piriformis, and obturator internus
what are major hip extenders?
hamstrings--semimembranosus, semitendinosus, and biceps femoris. Gluteus max, too
what are medial rotators of thigh?
adductors and gluteus medius, minimus, and tensor fasciae latae
where can you best feel femoral pulse?
femoral triangle
where do you feel pulse of dorsalis pedis a?
Anterior to the ankle joint
where do you feel pulse of popliteal a?
popliteal fossa
If the femoral artery is occluded at the beginning of the adductor canal, which artery could help provide viability to the leg through collateral circulation?
The descending branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery anastamoses with both the descending genicular branch of the femoral artery as well as the lateral superior genicular branch of the popliteal artery. These connections provide collateral circulation to the knee and leg
what muscle must be retracted to expose adductor canal and contents?
what's in the adductor canal?
femoral artery, femoral vein, saphenous nerve, and nerve to vastus medialis
A ruptured aneurysm in the most proximal portion of the deep femoral artery would result in a hematoma located initially in the
deep femoral artery branches from the femoral artery in the femoral triangle. So, if the aneurysm ruptured in the most proximal portion of the deep femoral artery, the hematoma would be in the femoral triangle
patient can't flex thigh or extend leg. What n is most likely damaged?
quadriceps muscles, innervated by the femoral nerve, are the most important leg extensors. Rectus femoris, a component of the quads, is also a hip flexor
MRI reveals a loop of ilium passing inferiorly, posterior to the superior pubic ramus. What type of hernia is this?
An obturator hernia is a protrusion of a loop of bowel through the obturator canal
what's a lumbar hernia?
hernias through the lumbar triangle, which is bordered medially by the latissimus dorsi, laterally by the external abdominal oblique, and inferiorly by the iliac crest.
what n lies b/w iliacus and psoas major muscles?
what separates the superficial and deep femoral aa in thigh?
what's the major source of blood to perineum?
internal pudendal a
If the head of the femur is dislocated postero-medially, compression of which nerve is likely to result?
what passes thru lesser sciatic foramen? Greater sciatic foramen?
lesser: obturator internus; greater: piriformis
what are the muscles in the hamstring compartment innerv by?
all: tibial n; EXCEPT: short head of biceps: common fibular
what's in the popliteal fossa?
popliteal artery, popliteal vein, common fibular nerve, and tibial nerve
what's the deepest struc in popliteal fossa?
popliteal a
what compartment does the deep femoral a supply?
post compartment of thigh
what supplies anterior thigh compartment w/ blood?
femoral a
what supplies medial thigh compartment w/ blood?
obturator artery and medial circumflex femoral artery, as well as the deep femoral
what supplies gluteal compartment w/ blood?
superior and inferior gluteal aa
what's most imp muscle for powerfully extending thigh?
gluteus maximus
which way does piriformis rotate thigh?
what's a positive Tredelenburg sign?
exhibiting a characteristic hip drop on the uninjured side while standing on the injured side
what a supplies lateral leg and ankle?
fibular a
what internal iliac a branches exit from the greater sciatic foramen superior to the piriformis muscle?
superior gluteal a (n, too)
what strucs travel thru greater sciatic foramen inferior to piriformis?
pudendal nerve, nerve to obturator internus, nerve to quadratus femoris, inferior gluteal artery, posterior femoral cutaneous nerve, inferior gluteal nerve, and sciatic nerve
what imp actions do hamstrings do?
flex leg; extend thigh
what does the popliteal a divide into?
anterior and posterior tibial
what are imp plantar flexers of foot?
gastrocnemius and soleus --> calcaneal tendon ; plantaris also inserts on this tendon and plantar flexes, but it's not a major muscle for this action
what strucs are lined up behind flexor retinaculum anterior to posterior?
tendon of Tibialis posterior, tendon of flexor Digitorum longus, posterior tibial Artery (and vein), tibial Nerve, and tendon of flexor Hallucis longus. So, T, D, A, N, H equals Tom, Dick, ANd Harry.
what does anterior tibial a become at ankle?
dorsalis pedis a
what does posterior tibial a become?
medial plantar a