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61 Cards in this Set

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Describe pathway of greater saphenous vein
Greater saphenous vein passes ANTERIOR to MEDIAL malleolus, ascends up medial side of the leg receiving communications from small saphenou vein, continues up the medial side of the thigh and enters saphenous opening of fascia lata
Describe pathway of small saphenous vein
It ascends POSTERIOR to lateral malleolus, winds upward and posteriorly on the calf, drains into popliteal vein behind knee, also communicates with deep veins via perforating veins
Thickened portion of fascia lata on the lateral side is called
Iliotibial tract
Saphenous opening
Gap in the fascia lata of anterior thigh just below inguinal ligament, transmits greater saphenous vein and lymph vessels
Name muscles of anterior compartment of thigh
Psoas major
Quadriceps femoris
Nerve supply of anterior compartment of thigh
Femoral nerve
Blood supply of anterior compartment of thigh
Femoral artery
Action of sartorius
Flexes and laterally rotates thigh, flexes and medially rotates leg
Name muscles forming quadriceps femoris
Rectus femoris
Vastus lateralis
Vastus medialis
Vastus intermedius
Action of quadriceps
Extension of the leg.
Rectus femoris - also flexes hip joint.
All of quadriceps important for knee stability
What muscle is chief felxor of hip
Innervation for psoas muscle
Ventral rami L2-L4
Innervation for iliacus
Femoral nerve
Action of pectineus muscle
FLexion + adduction of thigh
Name muscles of medial compartment of thigh
Adductor longus
Adductor brevis
Adductor magnus
Obturator externus
Blood supply for medial compartment of thigh
Obturator artery
Profunda femoris
Innervation of medial compartment of thigh
Obturator nerve
Action of gracilus
Adducts thigh at hip joint, flexes leg at knee joint
All adductor muscles of medial compartment of thigh do what?
Adduct and flex thigh
Obturator externus does what?
Laterally rotates thigh
Borders of femoral triangle
Superior - inguinal ligament
Lateral - sartorius
Medial - Adductor longus
Contents of femoral triangle - lateral to medial
Femoral nerve
Femoral sheath
Deep inguinal lymph nodes
Femoral sheath contents lateral to medial
Femoral artery
Femoral vein
Femoral canal
Contents of femoral canal
Fat + inguinal lymph nodes
Describe femoral hernia
Protrusion of abdominal contents through femoral canal
More common in females
Below and lateral to pubic tubercle
BELOW inguinal ligament
Outlet of femoral canal is
Saphenous opening
Lateral margin of femoral canal
Femoral vein
Adductor canal is located under _
Sartorius muscle
Adductor canal begins at _ and ends at _
Apex of femoral triangle
Adductor hiatus
Contents of adductor canal
Femoral vessels
Saphenous nerve
Nerve to vastus medialis
Adductor hiatus is a gap in
adductor magnus tendon
Once they pass through adductor hiatus femoral vessels are called
Which structure does NOT pass through adductor hiatus
Saphenous nerve, it runs between sartorius and gracilus to the medial knee and runs on medial leg accompanied by great saphenous vein
Femoral nerve levels are
L2, 3, 4
_ is a terminal branch of femoral nerve
Saphenous nerve
Obturator nerve levels
L2, 3, 4
Femoral artery is a direct continuation of _ artery
External iliac
A large and important branch of femoral artery that arises from its lateral side is
Profunda femoris - deep femoral artery
Deep femoral artery is located behind _ and on surface of _
Adductor longus
Adductor magnus
Branches of deep femoral artery are
Lateral circumflex
Medial circumflex
4 perforating branches going to posterior thigh
Gluteus maximus action
extends and laterally rotates femur, helps to keep knee joint in extension
Innervation to glut maximus
Inferior gluteal nerve
Gluteus medius and minimus have same action. They _
They are innervated by _
ABduct and medially rotate thigh
SUperior gluteal nerve
Chief abductors of thigh are
Gluteus medius and minimus, they also steady pelvis while walking
_ and _ help to keep knee in extension through their insertion to iliotibial tract
Gluteus maximus and tensor fascia latae
Piriformis _ the thigh (function?)
Laterally rotates
Piriformis, obturator internus, superior and inferior gemelli, quadratus femoris have common action . They _
Laterally rotate thigh
Superior gemellus is innervated by _ while inferior gemellus is innervated by _
Nerve to obturator internuss
Nerve to quadratus femoris
Major portion of sacral plexus lies on top of _
Piriformis muscle
Sacral plexus levels
L4 - S4
Sciatic nerve levels
L4- S3
Sciatic nerve emerges through _ below _
greater sciatic foramen
Sciatic nerve divides into _ and _
Anterior tibial nerve and common fibular nerve
Superior gluteal nerve exits _ above _ and runs between _ and _
It supplies 3 muscles - name them
Greater sciatic foramen
gluteus medius and minimus
Gluteus medius and minimus + tensor fasciae latae
Inferior gluteal nerve exits _ below _
It supplies one muscle - name it
Greater sciatic foramen
Gluteus maximus
Nerve to quadratus femoris exits _ below _
It supplies two muscles - name them
Greater sciatic foramen
Inferior gemellus and quadratus femoris
Pudendal nerve and nerve to obturator internus have levels of _
S2 - S4
Name muscles of posterior compartment of thigh
Biceps femoris
Hamstring portion of adductor magnus
POsterior compartment of thigh muscles all have one action . What is it?
Extension of thigh and flexion of leg
Nerve supply of posterior compartment of thigh is
Sciatic nerve
Pes anserinus tendon includes
All flex knee joint and provide additional support for knee