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78 Cards in this Set

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Sustainable Sites has how many points?
Sustainable Sites has how many credits?
Sustainable sites has how many prerequisites?
Vehicles are responsible for approximately what % of US green house gasses?
The sustainable sites Construction Activity Pollution Prevention prerequisite is a ___ phase submittal?
Construction :-)
Intent of Construction Activity Pollution Prevention?
Reduce pollution by controlling soil EROSION, waterway SEDIMENTATION and airborn DUST generation.
An ESC is a?
"Erosion and Sedimentation Contol" plan
The ESC shall conform to?
1. 2003 EPA Construction General Permit or 2. Local Erosion and Sedimentation Standards and Codes.
ESC must accomplish what?
1. prevent loss of soil
2. prevent sedimentation of storms and streams.
3. prevent air pollution
The CGP is the?
Construction General Permit issued by the EPA - outlines whats needed to follow phase I and II of the NPDES.
NPDES is the?
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System
Stategies for Construction Activity Pollution Prevention are?
Temporary and permanent seeding, mulching, earth dikes silt fencing, sediment traps and basins.
Two types of measures listed in the EPA document STORM WATER MANAGEMENT FOR CONSTRUCT ACTIVITIES to control sedimentation are?
Stabilization and Structural Control.
Sedimentation Stabilization measures are?
Temporary and Permanent Seeding and Mulching
Structural Control Measures for sedimentation and erosion are?
Earth dikes ,
silt fencing,
sediment traps and basins
Construction Activity Pollution Preventions applies to sites less than one acre, true or false?
True, the NPDES, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System does not but the prereq does.
Credit 1 of Sustainable Sites is _______ and is worth ____ points?
Credit 1 of Sustainable Sites is Site SITE SELECTION and worth ONE point.
Intent of Site Selection is?
Avoid development of inappropriate sites and reduce environmental impact from location of a building on a site
Sites you should not develop are?
Prime-farmland, near 100 yr floodplain, endangered species habitat, 100 ft of a wetland, 50ft of water body on undeveloped land, public parkland
Strategies for Site Selection are?
avoid sensitive site elements, minimize footprint, minimize site disruption,
Who defines what prime farmland is?
US dept of Agriculture
Who defines the 100 yr flood plain and how close can you get?
You need to stay 5' above the 100 yr flood plain that is defined by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
The habitat of animals to avoid disturbing are on what list?
Federal or State threatened or endangered species list.
Wetlands are defined by?
US Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR, Parts 230-322 and Part 22.
What water bodies near undeveloped land do you need to stay 50 feet away from?
Bodies of water that could support fish, recreational for industrial use consistent with Clean Water Act.
You can use parkland if?
land of equal or greater value as parkland is traded and accepted by the public landowner.
Can there be more than 1 100 yr flood in 100 years?
Yes, A 100 yr flood elevation has a 1- percent chance of being equaled or exceeded each year
Development footprint is?
Area impacted by development activity, hardscape, access roads, parking lots, non-bulding facilities, structures
Community is?
Interacting population of individuals living in a specific area.
Ecosystem is?
Basic unit of nature that includes a community of organisms and their non-living environment linked by biological, chemical and physical process.
Credit 2 of Sustainable sites is ______ and is worth ______ point(s).
Credit 2 of SS is Development Density and Community Connectivity. It is worth 1 point.
What is the intent of Development Density and Community Connectivity?
Channel developments to urban areas with existing infrastructure, protect greenfields and preserve habitat and natural resources.
Option 1 of Development Density and Community Connectivity is?
Construct on a previously developed site or Renovate where: density 60,000 sq.ft./acre net (typ. two story downtown)
Option 2 of Development Density and Community Connectivity is?
1. Previously developed site
2. 1/2 mile of 10unit/acre residential
3. 1/2 mile of basic services
4. Pedestrian access
Development Density and Community Connectivity basic services are?
Bank, Place of Worship, Convenience Grocery, Day Care, Cleaners, Fire Station, Beauty, Hardware, Laundry, Library, Medical Dental, Senior Care, Park, Pharmacy, Post Office, Restaurant, School, Supermarket, Theater, Community Center, Fitness Center, Museum.
Development Density and Community Connectivity basic services are? Generalize
All the elements of a small town.
How many basic services do you need to be close to for Option 2 of Development Density and Community Connectivity?
Option 2 Development Density and Community Connectivity
Proximity is determined from the center of the building? True or False
False, 1/2 mile radius from the main entrance
What are Development Density and Community Connectivity strategies?
Give preference to sites that are urban and pedestrian.
Development Density and Community Connectivity is a what phase submittal?
Design Phase
Restaurants can be counted for how many basic services?
List ways building may affect an ecosystem?
consume land, encroach on agriculture, compromise wildlife habitat, cause erosion, increase stormwater runoff, radiate back heat, create light pollution
One important way Building Location affects ecosystem how?
The distance cars travel to and from the site.
Vehicle fuel consumption and emmisions contribute to?
climate change, smog, particulate pollution
Vehicle infrastructure negatively affects ecosystem how?
consumption of land and non-renewable resources, alter stormwater flow, and exacerbating heat island effect
New projects should do what to their environment?
enhance neighborhood, transportation and urban infrastructure
Preference should be given to what sites?
sites that preserve natural ecosystems, enhance health of the surrounding community
This site needs a?
Spell checker. I apologize for my poor spelling. It's always late at night and by this time my spelling and sight are poor.
NPDES stand for?
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System - available from the EPA as part of the Construction General Permit
Prerequisite 1 of Sustainable Sites is?
Construction Activity Polution Prevention. Worth 1 point.
Types of erosion that should be eliminated on existing sites are?
areas where foot traffic kills vegetation, slopes too steep for vegetation, runoff that exceeds vegetation holding power, vehicle traffic on unpaved areas
SWPPP is a?
Storm Water Pollution Prevention Program
Submittals for SS Prereq 1 are?
1. drawings showing erosion and sedimentation control measures.
2. confirmation of NPDES path
3. Narrative to describe Erosion and Sedimentation control measures.
Considerations of SS Prereq 1 are?
topsoil retention, off site erosion consequences, sedimentation of water bodies
Define Eutrophication
increase in chemical nutrients in an ecosystem, such as nitrogen and phosphates, often used to mean the resultant increase in the ecosystem's primary productivity leading to lack of oxygen in a body of water
Buildings account for:
?% of electricity consumption,
?% of energy use,
?% of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions,
?% of raw materials use,
?% of waste output (136 million tons annually), and
?% of potable water consumption.
72% of electricity consumption,
39% of energy use,
38% of all carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions,
40% of raw materials use,
30% of waste output (136 million tons annually), and
14% of potable water consumption.
Erosion is:
combination of processes in which materials of the earth's surface are loosened, dissolved or worn away, and transported from one place to another by natural agents. (water, wind, gravity)
Sedimentation is:
the addition of soils to water bodies by natural and human related activities. Sedimentation decreases water quality and accelerates the aging process of lakes, rivers and streams.
Definition of Wetlands
areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances do support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions.
Before a project site is selected you should:
Evaluate the potential environmental disturbances.
Site selection is a _____ stage submittal?
What is the best strategy for choosing a building site?
Choose a site that has already been developed.
Prime Farmland is?
land that has the best combination of physical and chemical characteristics for producing food, feed, forage, fiber, and oilseed crops and is available for these uses.
Prime Farmland can be?
cropland, pasture, rangeland, forest land or other land.
Prime Farmland cannot be?
urban built-up land or water
Prime Farmland has what?
soil quality, growing season, and moisture supply needed to economically produce high yields of crops when treated and managed.
Good soils for Farmland are?
Palouse silt loam - 0-7% slope; Brookston silty clay loam, drained; and Tama silty clay loam, 0-5% slope.
Where do you find the endangered species list?
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's List of Threatened adn Endangered Species.
The endangered species list contains just animals, true or false?
False, it contains plants too.
What is a Wetland?
"Wetlands consist of areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or ground water at a frequency and duration sufficient to support, a prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions."
Before selecting a site you should?
Evaluate the potential environmental disturbance that will occur as a result.
The best strategy for selecting a site is?
Choose a previously developed site.
The most effective means to meet the requirements of the Endangered Species act is to?
Minimize developmental impacts on indigenous wildlife.
Define Development Footprint.
area on a project site has been impacted by any development activity. Hardscape, access roads, parking lots, non-building facilities and building structures are all included in the developmental footprint.
Endangered Species are?
is an animal or plant species that is in danger of becoming extinct throughout all or a significant portion of it's range due to harmful human activities or environmental factors
Previously developed sites are those that previously contained?
buildings, roadways, parking lots, or graded or altered by direct human activity.
A Threatened Species is?
An animal or plant species that is likely to become endangered within the foreseeable future.
Wetland Vegetation
consist of plants that require saturated soils to survive, as well as certain tree and other plant species that can tolerate prolonged wet soil conditions.