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60 Cards in this Set

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muscle movement uses what specialized cells for contraction?

muscle fibers

muscle movement depends on interaction of which two proteins?

actin and myosin

three types of vertebrate muscle tissue

skeletal, cardiac, smooth

T/F: muscles can only actively shorten


muscle fiber consists of

myofibril and filaments

what is the thick portion of filaments


what is the thin portion of filaments


type of filament and actin or myosin for 1

type of filament and actin or myosin for 1

thick, myosin

type of filament and actin or myosin for 2

type of filament and actin or myosin for 2

thin filament, actin



I band



A band

1 actin or myosin

1 actin or myosin


2 actin or myosin

2 actin or myosin




Z line

what forms the cross bridges

myosin heads

what are the cross bridges used for in muscle contraction

bind active sites on actin filaments

what is required to contract muscle


what is the neuromuscular junction

place where motor axon terminates on muscle fiber

How does nerve stimulate muscle to contract?

1. nerve impulse travels to neuromuscular junction,

2.neurotransmitter is released and binds to receptors,

3. excitation of muscle membrane

how does muscle excitation cause contraction?

1. excitation of muscle cell membrane travels into cell along t-tubule

2. calcium released from sarcoplasmic reticulum

3. calcium binds to troponin which causes tropomyosin to uncover active sites

awhich type of respiration requires oxygen


in what form is extra energy stored in muscles

glycogen and creatine phosphate

where is elastic energy stored

tendons and cuticle

to who does homeostasis go back to?

Walter B. Cannon

isosmotic means

animal has same concentration as surroundings

hypoosmotic means

animals has lower concentration than surroundings


animal has higher concentration than surroundings

what is the process of diffusion

concentration going from high to low

what is osmosis

diffusion of water

what is an isotonic solution

same concentration as cytoplasm

what is a hypertonic solution and what happens (bursting/shrivelling)

more concentrated than cytoplasm; shrivelling

what is a hypootonic solution and what happens (bursting/shrivelling)

less concentrated than cytoplasm; bursting

what are osmoconformers

animals thatmaintain an internal environment that is isosmotic to their external environment

what is being stenohaline

restricted to living in narrow salinity range

what is being an osmoregulator

able to regulate or keep the solutes or salts o body fluid at a higher or lower concentration than the concentration of solutes in surroundings

is a shore crab an osmoregulator or osmoconformer


marine fishes are (hypo/hyper)-osmotic regulators


osmoregulators excrete _______ and absorb salts through ______ __________

water; active transport

freshwater animals are (hyper/hypo)-osmotic regulators


what do freshwater fishes have to do constantly to hyperregulate?

pee constantly

what do marine fishes have to do to hyporegulate?

drink constantly

marine sharks and ray maintain _____ to (raise/lower) osmolarity which makes them isosmotic

urea; raise

how do terrestrial animals lose water

evaporation, excretion of wastes

how do terrestrial animals conserve water

concentrated urine, behavioral strategies

what are the three possible forms of nitrogeneous waste

smmonia, urea, uric acid

what animals excrete ammonia


what animals excrete urea


what animals excrete uric acid, amphibians

insects, land snails, birds

what is the invertebrate excretory system


excretory system for arthropods


excretory system for vertebrates


what is it called when fluid is filtered from blood into bowman's capsule

glomerular filtration

are cells and proteins included in glomerular filtration


what is absorbed during tubular reabsorption?

amino acids, glucose, ions, water

what is absorbed in tubular secretion


what is the main idea of diabetes

not enough insulin, so glucose builds up in blood and body cells can't take it in and glucose appears in urine

where in the kidney is there a high concentration of salts and urea


what controls the permability of collecting duct


what does mammalian urine concentration depend on

osmolarity of renal medulla

an animal that lives in the desert has a (long/short) loop of Henle and produces (high/low) concentrated urine

long; high