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63 Cards in this Set

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blood contained in blood vessels

closed circulatory system

high in oxygen, away from the heart


low in oxygen, to the heart


intimate contact w/ body cells and tissues/ the only place materials enter and leave the blood stream


getting blood to a location more quickly


gets more blood to a location


an example of an inflammatory response


made up of smooth muscle, elastic, fibrous and controls vasoconstriction and dilation

tunica media

larger vessels need their own blood supply---

where is this located?

vasa vasorum // tunica externa

____are usually elastic, have little resistance, and can withstand fluctuation in BP


what prevents backflow in veins?

venous veins

largest veins:

SVC, IVC (smooth muscle)

pooling of blood due to poor valves (don't close properly)

varicose veins

usually 1 layer thick / form a network / only place where materials can enter or leave the BS


typical BP


pressure in aorta when left ventricle contracts

systolic pressure

lowest pressure in aorta when all 4 valves are closed at the same time

diastolic pressure

when diastolic > 100


what leads to hypertension?

diet (high in sodium), obesity, age, race, heredity

short term control of bp

neural & chemical control

vasomotor center in brain stem

neural control

chemoreceptors in aorta, detect an increase in ____ and leads to increased BP ( breathing faster)

CO2 / chemical control

long term control of BP

renal regulation

works by altering blood volume

renal regulation

if there is an increase in blood volume

there is an increase in BP

if there is a lot of salt intake, which retains fluid-

increase in BP

if kidneys eliminate water often

decrease in BP

any condition in which blood vessels are inadequately filled and blood cant circulate correctly

circulatory shock

type of circ. shock - low blood volume,

hypovolumic shock

type of circ. shock- vol. normal, extreme vasodilation, allergic reaction, massive release of histamine

vascular shock

type of circ. shock- heart has failed as a pump

cardiogenic shock

blood to and from the lungs

pulmonary circulation

blood to and from major body system

systemic circulation

blood to and from liver (liver stores excess nutrients, intestines cant handle it, liver is a storage)

hepatic- portal circulation

the heart is located in the ____, superior to the __, and posterior to the ____

mediastinum, thoracic cavity/ diaphragm/ sternum

what covers the heart?


what is the pericardium for?

protection, to anchor the heart, and to prevent over filling

contains a fibrous and serous layer

parietal pericardium

lines the cavity


on the heart

visceral pericardium

space b/w the visceral and parietal pericardium

pericardial cavity

3 layers of the heart wall

epicardium, myocardium, endocardium

outside layer of the heart ____, contains the___

epicardium, visceral pericardium

muscle of heart is located in _____,which is the bulk of the heart


inside layer of heart, endothelial layer


superior vena cava---

carries blood from the head to the heart

inferior ven cava---

carries blood from the lower ext. to the heart

pulmonary veins---

carries blood from the lungs to the heart

high in o2

largest artery, carries blood away from the heart to rest of body


right and left, carries blood to the lungs, picks up oxygen, rids CO2

pulmonary arteries

what bypasses the blockage?

coronary arteries, coronary veins, coronary sinus, myocardial infarction, coronary bypass.

receiving chambers, thin walls, dont do anything---


____does all the work


thick walls, strongest chambers, contains papillary muscles, and cordae tendonae


strongest ventricle

Left Ventricle

____ are cords attached to the ____

papillary muscles---cordae tendonae

what controls the opening and closing of a valve?

cordae tendonae

usual ph of blood

7.35-7.45 - more basic

how much of your body is blood?


3 functions of blood:

distribution, regulation, protection

liquid portion of blood-


how does the blood protect the body?

platelets = clotting, antibodies

% of RBC of total blood volume
