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40 Cards in this Set

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Different species adapting similarly to an environmental challenge.

Interstitial Fluid

Fluid between cells that aids in the movement of materials

Epithelial Tissue

  • Cuboidal, Columnar, or squamous
  • Stratified, Simple, or pseudostratified

Connective Tissue

  • Collagen, Elastic, Reticular
  • Fibroblasts, Macrophages

Muscle Tissue

  • Smooth, Skeletal, Cardiac
  • Contain myosin

Nervous Tissue

  • Neurons and glial cells


Uses internal mechanisms to moderate internal changes in the face of external, environmental fluctuation


Allow internal conditions to vary with external changes

Set Point

The baseline to measure changes in a certain condition of the body like temp or pH


Homeostasis adjusting to changes in external environment


Process by which animals maintain an internal temperature within a tolerable range

5 Adaptations that help animals thermoregulate

  1. Insulation
  2. Circulatory adaptations
  3. Cooling by evaporative heat loss
  4. Behavioral responses
  5. Adjusting metabolic heat losses

Countercurrent exchange

Heat exchanges between opposite flowing fluid vessels


  • Overall flow and transformation of energy in animals
  • Determines how much food an animal needs


Physiological state in which activity is low and metabolism slows

Essential Amino Acids

AAs that must be obtained from the diet

Essential Fatty Acids

Needed unsaturated from the diet


  • Are typically cofactors for enzymes
  • Can be water-soluble or fat-soluble


Needed nutrients that typically have a charge


  • Thiamine deficiency
  • Characterized by cardiovascular or nervous system problems

Enzymatic hydrolysis

The chemical process used to break down nutrients

Suspension feeders

Sift small food particles from the water

Substrate feeders

Animals that liv in or on their food source

Fluid feeders

Suck nutrient-rich fluid from a host

Bulk feeders

Eat relatively large pieces of food

Intracellular digestion

Food particles are engulfed via endocytosis and digested in vacuoles

Extracellular digestion

Breakdown of food in compartments that are continuous with the outside of the animal's body

Saliva Chemicals

  • Amylase: hydrolyzes starch/glycogen
  • Mucin: slippery glycoproteins that protect the mouth from abrasions
  • Buffers and antibacterials


  • H+ secreted by the parietal cells into the lumen, where it combines with Cl-
  • Denature proteins to expose the peptide bonds


  • Pepsinogen release into the lumen by the chief cells where it is converted to pepsin by the HCl
  • Pepsin also aids in pepsinogen transformation

Pancreatic secretions

Alkaline rich solution that neutralizes the chyme's acidity


Bile salts act as emulsifiers that aid in the digestion of lipids


Fats are mixed with cholesterol and coated with proteins and are then transported to the lacteals


Small lymphatic vessels in each villi


Ferments ingested materials to aid in the digestion of plant materials

Protein-enrgy Malnutrition

  • "pot belly"
  • Can either be protein deficient with calories ok, or not enough calories
  • Symptoms: lethargy, failure to thrive, hair turning reddish, saggy skin


  • Deficiency of Niacin
  • Originally seen when Europeans brought back corn from the Americas
  • 3 D's: diarrhea, dermatitis, dementia
  • Characterized by rough skin


  • Deficiency in either vitamin D, calcium, or phosphorus
  • Can cause bone deformities


  • Vitamin C deficiency
  • Swelling of joints, loss of hair, bruising/bleeding easily


Produced by body fat cells and cause the body to resist insulin