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73 Cards in this Set

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identify 2 aspects that Psychodynamic theory brought to psychiatry.
1. early childhood experiences affect adult personality and determine BEHAVIOR
Unconscious motivation
unconsciousness--> most impt. determinant of behavior
What is psychopathology occur?
When does it occur?
-panic attacks
-somatic symptoms

occurs when hidden drives intrude into voluntary behavior --> cause symptoms
Identify Freud's 3 structures of the mind.
-Born with child
-Pleasure principle
-biological urges for food, water, elimination, warmth and sex
-constantly wants satisfaction
-life energy -->libido
-task --> satisfy ID in realistic manner
-still must be in accordance with superego
-internalized beliefs
What is Intrapsychic conflict
-demands of ID, superEGo and reality sometimes conflict.

-leads to anxiety
-EGO must settle conflict by defence mechanisms
what are the defense mechanisms used to satisfy the conflict demands of ID.
a. repression
b. denial
c. projection
d. regression
e. rationalization
f. intellectualization
-motivated forgetting
-did not happen
-never happened
-distorts reality
-mother of all defenses
-reality is opposite
-part of process when coming to grip with reality
-protects from overwhelming realization

*Alcoholic insists hes only a social drinker
-going backwards
- despite the negative, look at the positive
-so you dont feel as bad
-ie. sailor whos boat is sinking explains to the crew technical aspects of the damage .. to rid his fearful emotions
What is Neurosis?
-psychopathological symptoms that occur when defense mechanisms are not working.

symptoms include:
-Somatoform disorder (no REAL physical disorder)
-Dissociative disorder
-Anxiety disorder
What are Somatoform disorders?
-involve physical symptoms with NO apparent physiological basis.

-reflects unconscious displacement of anxiety-->body
Identify 4 Somatoform Disorders.
1. Pain disorder
2. body dysmorphic disorder
3. hypochondriasis
4. conversion disorder
5. somatization disorder
Pain disorder
psychological --> onset and maintenance of pain
body dysmorphic disorder
-occupied with imagined or exaggerated defects in appearance
-fears of having serious illness
conversion disorder
Sensory and Motor symptoms without any physiological cause
somatization disorder
recurrent, multiple symptoms complaint but no biological basis
Describe the DSM-IV criteria for CONVERSION DISORDER.
-1+ symptom affecting M/S neurological condition

-symptons appear in context of STRESS

-symptoms NOT intentially produced

-not due to medical condition or substance
La Belle indifference
-pt with conversion dx sometimes show la belle

-LACK OF CONCERN regarding symptoms
what is Hysterical blindness?
-falls under conversion disorder

-follows stress / conflict
ie. video of mother who cant see after hearing that her child was raped
Glove anesthesia?
conversion paralysis
symptoms feel like carpal tunnel
Identify 2 Differential diagnoses for symptoms similar to Conversion dx.
1. malingering: simulation of exag. illness for FINANCIAL or other obv. gains

2. factitious disorder: to gain attention from medical personal
What 2 other disorders are often seen with conversion disorder?
1. anxiety
2. depression
Personality Disorder
-excessive rigid patterns in behavior
-resistant to change
-1st observed @ childhood
Identify 3 clusters of personality disorders
cluster A: Odd or eccentric

cluster B: dramatic, emotional, erratic

cluster C: anxious and fearful
Identify Cluster A
Odd or Eccentric disorders:
cluster A: paranoid
tense, guarded, holds grudge
cluster A: schizoid
-socially isolated
-restricted emotions
-no interpersonal relationships
-no wife, doesnt go out
cluster A: schizotypal
-peculiarities of thought
-emotionally detatched
Identify Cluster B:
B: dramaticm emotional, or erractic behavior

B: histrionic
-needs immed. gratification
-needs reassurance
-acts out for attention
ie. sends Dr. flowers
B: narcissistic
-self absorbed
-expects special tx
-envious of attention to others
B: borderline
-cant be alone
-intense mood swings
-chronic anger
-drug and alcohol abuse
-sexual promiscuity
-self harm gestures
B: antisocial
*** not what it sounds like ***
-lack of guilt
-breaks social rules
-has childhood hx of this
-out for themselves , noone else
Identify Cluster C
C: Anxious or fearful behavior

-Obsessive compulsive
C: avoidant

* avoidant v. schizoid
-easily hurt or embarrassed
-few close friends
-sticks to routines
-avoids new or stress exp

* schizoid doesnt mind being alone
C: dependant
-wants others to make desicion
-need costant advice
-fears abandonment
C: Obsessive compulsive
-overconscientious and orderly
-too detailed
-cant express affection
Describe the CRITERIA for OCPD
Need 4 of 8;
1. rules rules rules
2. perfectionist
3. excessive devotion to work
4. inflexable
5. cant get rid of junk
6. doesnt delegate
7. miserliness
8. rigid and stubborn
Freud refers to OCPersonality D as ___.
-Anal retentive personality.
-person is stuck in anal stage of development (1.5-3) during issues of autonomy.
-control FREAK
OCD- AXIS I Anxiety disorder
How does Freud tap into the human unconscious mind?
1. free association:
-waiting for freudian SLIP and RESISTANCE
2. dream analysis;
-indirectly satisfying represssed urge or conflict
In psycholanalytical treatment, dreams are ___.
-royal road to unconscious
Identify Freuds 3 view of human nature
1. deterministic:
2. pessimistic
3. acceptance today
GOAL -->tension reduction
can judge a person by the jokes they tell and laugh about
acceptance today
problem with emperical verification ??????
Psychological assessment concludes that ...
patients reaction to illness reflect biology, AND experience, culture, lifestyle and personality
What is Psychological testing?
What does a good test need?
-test a sample of ind. behavior and make inferences

-standardized/ uniform
How can you examine if the test is reliable?
1. test-retest
2. alternate forms: form a & b
3. measure internal consitancy (1/2 test)
4. interscorer (person that grades) reliability
Identify 6 types of psychological tests
1. IQ
2. aptitude test
3. achievement test
4. personality tests
5. neuropsychological batteries
6. vocational/interest
IQ test
-access ability to do abstract thinking, problem solve, attention, memory
Aptitude test
access abilities --> job matching test
achievement test
test what you learned
personality test
assess traits, attitude, values
neuropsychological batteries
following head trauma, are there any neurological deficits??
-disturbance in behavior
What is MMPI-2?
Minnesota multiphasic Personality Inventory

-helps determine which individuals are prone to physical symptoms due to stress.
Jenkins Activity Survey;
What type personality are you?
Type A characteristics.
What is the MMPI Validity Scale?
-used to identify test takers that are trying to manipulate the test results.

L: Faking Good
F: Faking bad
K: defensive: produce normal profile but we know something is wrong
Identify the Criteria for Hypochondriasis.

(somatoform disorder)
-preocc. w/ fears of having serious dx
-preocc. w/ medical evaluation
-belief is NOT delusional
-duration >6m
-occurs early adulthood
-comorbidity with anxiety and mood disorder.
Identify 2 personality scales that can be used to detect depression. (used in literature)

1. BECK depression Inventory

2. Hamilton Psychiatric Rating Scale for Depression (HAM-D)
Beck Depression Inventory
-self report inventory
-involves CLINICIAN rating the patient.
"gold standard"
-good reliability and validity
-21 items
-relies on clinical interviewing SKILLS
HAM-D assess:
-somatic symptoms
-working capacity/ interest
-psychomotor retardation
Projective Hypthesis
-access unconscious motivation
-person given ambigious test stimulus and asked to make sense of it
-interpreted based on persons needs, motives, unconscious conflicts and defenses
Identify 2 Projective Personality Tests
1. Rorschach
2. Thematic apperception test
-10 cards
-bi-symmertrical ink blots
-20 cards
-scenes of human interaction
-make up a story regarding what is going on