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15 Cards in this Set

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How many parts to the brain stem?
mesencephalon/mid brain
mylencephalon/medulla oblongata
what 5 structures are contained in the mid brain?
1)cerebral peduncles
2)cerebral aqueduct
3)corpora quadrigemina
4)substantia nigra
5)two cranial nerves
describe cerebral peduncles
2 bulges on ventral surface
contain descending voluntary motor tracts and ascending sensory tracts=PROJECTION TRACTS
describe cerebral aqueduct
duct connecting 3rd and 4th ventricles for CSF
describe corpora quadrigemina
4 bumps on dorsal surface
top two superior colliculi
FUNC:visual reflex center for coordinating head and eye movement
bottom two infwerior colliculi
FUNC: auditory reflex center
describe substantia nigra
linked to basal nuclei
helps control slow sustained muscle movement
name the 2 cranial nerves in the midbrain
3 and 5; III et IV
Name the five funcs of the pons
where is it located
1)deep sensory and motor axons run up and down
2)superficial axons run transversely and communicate c the cerebellum
3)resp. center regulates rate and depth and reg. rythm
4)cranial nerves V, VI, VII
5) 1/2 of the 4th ventricle
what portion of the LOCATION is the cerebellum
How is this connected to other portions of the brain stem
location:metencephalon posterior portion
by 3 paired axon tracts;cerebellar peduncles
describe the 3 cerebellar peduncles point of connection and FUNC:
1)superior connects to midbrain motor info out goes to primary motor cortex
2)middle connects to pons incoming motor info from primary motor cortex
3)inferior connects to medulla incoming sensory info form skeletal muscle, tendons and joints:inner ear for equilibrium:eye tells us what we see
generalize the function of the inferior cerebellar peduncle
recieves sensory info from skeletal muscle, joints, tendons, equilibrium and sight pathways. Asseses info and coordinates the force direction and extent of muscle contraction by modifying the motor info from the cortex. IT allows for smooth voluntary muscle movements; COORDINATION
give the two names for the most inferior portion of the brain stem
mylencephalon or medulla oblongata
name the five landmark features in the mylenchephalon
1)1/2 of the 4th ventricle
(other half in PONS)
2)pyramids 2 large rounded anterior elevations=axon tracts(projection tracts)
3)decussation pyramids 80% of the projection axons cross where the medulla meets the spinal cord
4)cranial nerves 8,9,10,11 and 12(VII, IX, X, XI, XII)
5)autonomic reflex center
describe the 4 functions of the autonomic reflex center
1)cardiac center:regulates force and rate of heart contraction
2)vasometer center:regulates B/P by chging blood vessel diameter
3)respiratory center: along with the center in the pons controls rhythm of breathing
4)reflex center for vomiting, hiccuping, swallowing, coughing and sheezing