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37 Cards in this Set

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The 4 elements are related to:
elements related to a humor, and then body part
Element, humor, body part
yellow bile→ liver
blood→ heart
black bile → spleen
What is disease described as:
disease is seen as an imbalance in these humans
- need balance, mediate
What are the two popular theories of medicine:
1. Humorism
2. Vitalism
extremely popular among Islamic, Greek, and roman physicians
→ then popular in Europe.
all bodies have a finite amount of energy
- must keep body balanced

- shift from humorism to dissection→ something structural causing disease
- ethical, religious and cultural issues
- body is sacred = no cutting up = lack of bodies
What are the solutions for lack of bodies:
- animal dissections – (don’t have souls or pain)
- dissect the bodies of criminals- alive or dead
- murder → to supply medical schools with bodies
- grave robbing
- bodies of unclaimed
When was the anatomy act passed? how many inspectors?
- attempt to stop these kinds of abuses
- protest most vulnerable
- not very powerful

Antomy act only had one inspecter for all of GB
When was Gray's Anatomy Published? by who?
Gray’s Anatomy- 1858 first published
Henry Gray- Author
Henry Carter- Artist
What were the drawing based on?
- adult men’s bodies
- 1 or 2 women
- 1 child
- all would be poor, in the hospital where Henry practiced and were unclaimed
- Funeral homes had secret deals with doctors
- Medical schools—lied about number of students to get more bodies
What is the relation today to the underground body trade?
- organs: kidneys (transplant tourism), liver parts, gametes: reproductive tourism, surrogacy
Which countries top and bottom organ donations? which allow economics transactions
- Canada is one of the worst countries when it comes to organ donations
- Spain is the best
- Iran allows economic transactions
- Underground trade= same issues as body trade
What is the common theme of the underground trade? and of medicine?
Always population that is preyed upon vs. population that is more powerful
Elaborate on the idea that the understanding of the body is fabricated:
- therefore body is constructed
- anatomy not only indicator of disease
- but also social abnormality or inferiority
- height, weight
- all very influenced by culture
- when we look at the body we often view it through the lens of sexism, feminism, homosexuality
- it is glamorized that the body tells secrets
Who is Joel Braslow?
Psychiatrist + Historian
Sum up the reading on him
- encouraging reader to self reflect
- history allows people to be better physicians
- talks about mothers breakdown
- talks about father= surgeon proud of having done a lobotomy (slice nerves from skull)
Who did his father learn from?
Walter Freeman
Walter Freeman:
Freeman 1936- ice pick and hammer
- would sever many nerves
- would suppress patients with mental problems
- terrible abuse of psychiatric patients
- some people think it may work
- people use electric shock
- notion that mental illness can be cured by doing something to the body
- “One flew over the cuckoo nest” → raised public outrage
What was Joel's big realization? and why? how?
Joel grows up with father who does this and feels this shameful, and is ashamed of father
- interested in tracking notion that mental illness is in the mind but in the body
- Tells James Story (African American): patient with schizophrenia
- Joel does everything: drugs to calm him down
- James commits suicide
- Joel Thinks he did all of the right things as a physician but not as a human being: should have been concerned are you happy? Family? Support? Home?
- He displayed negative side effects to the drug
- Come to realize he was exactly like his father
- Drugs = lobotomy
- James was a victim of Joel’s training
- Then he looks at family history:
- Mom incarcerates, sees her records, and looking at record sees that they are unclear
What does he decide about labels of the mentally ill?
are more of s security for the psychiatrist then for the patients own good.
James + father + mother= important to be skeptical about what youre doing
- important to be compassionate
- b/c clinical knowledge important to focus
- medical knowledge = on patient vs. disease is limited
Charlotte Perkins Gilman: who? when? what did she write? why?
Charlotte Perkins Gilman 1860-1935 “The yellow Wall paper”
- active in feminist movement
- PPD → people didn’t know what it was
- Is the doctor creating the illness
- Husband and brother = doctors
- Society or organic or both
- Why did she go crazy?
who was her doctor?
S. Weir Mitchell – president of American Neurological Association- specialist in neurology “the rest cure”
Give a brief description of her life?
Married Charles Stetson 1884
- Daughter 1845
- ends in asylum
- mental illness is caused by exhaustion of the nerves:
o therefore body needs rest:
o staying bed, eating fatty foods, isolation, no mental or physical activity
- By late 1800’s women considered very susceptible to neurastimia
- This upholds womens right to: vote, higher ed, doctors, lawyers
- She goes out of mind in rest cure
- To get revenge wrote : “The yellow wall paper”
- If she was from marginalized population wouldn’t have been diagnosed with neurastimia
What was this nerve exhaustion: who invented its name? Symptoms?
- believed people who suffering from nerve exhaustion had: Neurastenia
- she get diagnosed with this by George Miller Beard
- Collection of symptoms:
o Anxiety
o Sadness
o Headaches
o Muscle aches
o Fatigue
o Sounds like depression or Epstein- Barr
- Today could have been a bunch of different things
Why did George this people got neurastemia?
- He thought people developed Neuratemia because of urbanization of USA
o Stimulus causing too much excitement = exhaustion
o American business men, soilders
o See connection to vitalism and balance!
What would the marginalized population get diagnosed with?
Feeble Mindedness
What does this different diagnoses add to our themes?
- work differently for different populations of different peoples
- depends on who is diagnosed
- *** People always bring cultural understanding to their medical diagnosis:
o dissection
o diagnosis
o prejudices
Francis Galton: who? what?
Frances Galton 1882- 1911:
Darwin’s cousin
- anthropologist
- inventor
- statistician
- coins term “Eugenics” (well-born)
What is Eugenics?
o pseudoscience of eugenics
o do people inherit their abilities? Or is it the environment? Classic nature vs. nurture
- About improving human population through selective breeding
Positive Eugenics:
could improve humans, forbid some people to get married
- paying some women who are “good stock” to have many children
Negative Eugenics:
- immigration control
- only want certain number in country
- they cannot breed with native born population
- sterilize people
- shut people from institutions
- commit infanticide
- genocide
Who will determine what is good or bad stock?
- ruling class in society ex: Francis Galton
- race: dark….slated for negative eugenics
- physical deformities: club foot, blind
- IQ scores
- Religion
- Native vs. immigrant
- Status

CONTINUES theme of health is decided based on construction
What did Francis think on nature vs. nurture? Describe his view of the feeble minded:
We inherit from our parents, main thing is mental intelligence.
- very concerned about feeble mindedness
- look physically normal but:
o mentally inferior, believed to breed twice as much as other
o some with feeble mindedness could be attractive to seduce
o if they could be stopped: no more disease
- Top class
- Little appreciation to lower class
- Looked to prove what they wanted to believe
What are the 2 rival disease concepts?
First: desease from the outside versus disease from within
Second: disease of the individual versus disease of the group.