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13 Cards in this Set

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The Upper Motor Neuron (UMN) System contains what pathways?
1-Direct Activation Pathway (Pyramidal Tract)
2-Indirect Activation Pathway (Extrapyramedial Tract)
What are the tracts of the Direct Activation Pathway?
1-Corticobulbar (cranial nerves)
2-Corticospinal (spinal nerves)
The Indirect Activation Pathway contains what tracts?
1-Cortiorubral - red nucleus
2-Corticoreticular - awake/sleep cycle
3-Rubrospinal, reticulospinal, vestibulospinal
What are the 2 components of the CNS control circuit system?
2-Basal ganglia
What are the cortical components of the Direct Activation Pathway (DAP)?
1-Primary motor cortex (precentral gyrus, motor strip)
2-Supplementary motor area ("planning ahead")
3-Primary sensory motor cortex (postcentral gyrus, somatosensory strip)
Describe effects of damage to tracts of the DAP:
1-Unilateral lesion
2-Bilateral UMN lesion
1-mild weakness on opposite side of body or contralateral lower facial weakness, weaknes & loss of skilled movement
2-Loss of skilled movement, spastic muscle tone
Describe the general effects of damage to tracts of the IAP
1-Muscle tone: spasticity
2-Reflexes: hyperreflexia
Describe the effects of damage to the IAP occuring:
1-Above midbrain & red nucleus
2-At level of midbrain below red nucleus
3-Below medulla
4-Brainstem damage to reticular formation
1-Decorticate posturing: increased extensor tone in legs & flexor tone in arms
2-Decerebrate posturing
3-Flaccidity in muscles innervated by spinal nerves
Name the 5 motor control funcions of the Basal ganglia
1-regulating muscle tone
2-maintaining normal posture
3-at rest muscle contraction
4-regulation of amplitude, velocity, & initiation of movement
5-movement selection & motor learning
What are 2 different effects of damage to the basal ganglie?
1-Hypokinesia: damage to substantia nigra; increased tone, rigidity (Parkinson's)
2-Hyperkinesea: excessive "dopamine" fibers; reduced dampening effect on cortical discharges
3-Motor speech damage with subcortical damage
What does cerebellum mean?
What is the percent of total neurons in the cerebellum?
1-"Little brain"
2-50% of total neurons of the CNS contained in cerebellum
What are 6 functions of the cerebellum?
1-Maintains equilibrium
2-Coordinates muscle action
3-Contributes to synchronization of muscles acting as a group
4-Contraction of muscels at right time
5-Corrects for over/under-shooting
6-smooth flow of articulators
What are effects of lesion to the cerebellum?
1-decomposition of movements
2-errors in rate/range
3-dysmetria: overshoot/undershoot
4-intention tremor
5-inebriated speech sound (ataxic dysarthria)
6-difficulty regulating movement
7-discordinated gait
8-hypotonia: low muscle tone