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16 Cards in this Set

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_____ and _____ are closely interrelated

Feeding Behavior; Digestive Track

Carnivore GIT

  • simple GI tracts w/ little microbial activity
  • require certain nutrients, such as pre-formed vitamin A and taurine

Herbivore GIT

  • Complex digestive tract
  • symbiotic microbial activity that permits the digestion of plant fiber

Free-Choice Water (Ad-libitum)

water that is clean, accessible and will be preferred by an animal

What limits Free-Choice Water?

  • Inadequate water supply
  • Contaminated Water


Summation of taste, odor, appearance, texture and temp. of feed that determine its degree of acceptance.

(affected by chemical or physical nature of feed)

Chemical Factors effect Palatability

  • Taste
  • Odor (lesser)
  • Secondary compounds - toxins that protect plants

Physical Factors that effect Palatabilty

  • Texture
  • Particle Size - decrease particle size gen. increase feed intake (larger surface area in overall feed)

Expenditure of energy

large amounts of energy expenditure by an animal will generally result in an increase of feed consumption

Who consumes greater feed quantities of feed per unit body size?

What is young or mature lactating animals?

Larger animal consumes _______ feed per unit of body weight


Thermo-neutral zone (TNZ)

The metabolic rate of an animal is at a minimum when environmental temperatures are in a range that no energy demand is made on the body temp. regulating mechanisms

Environmental Temp beyond comfort zone:

As temp increases beyond comfort: _______

As temp decreases beyond comfort: _______

  1. animal consumes less feed
  2. animal consumes more feed

Specific Dynamic Action (SDA)

refers to the extra heat produced by the animal as a result of feed ingestion and the metabolism of its nutrients

Heat increment (HI)

is the sum of SDA and the heat of rumen fermentation

Feed consumption can be reduced by health of animal


  1. metabolic problems (bloat, diarrhea etc.)
  2. STRESS (Crowding, handling and noise)