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64 Cards in this Set

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How many cranial Nerves?
Name the __ cranial nerves
Olfactory 1
optic 2
Oculomotor 3
Trochlear 4
Trigminal 5
Abducens 6
Facial 7
Vestibulocochlear 8
Glossopharyngeal 9
Vagus 10
Accessory 11
Hypoglossal 12
Which cranial nerves have Only sensory function
Olfactory 1
Optic 2
Vestibulocochlear 8

small ships make money but my brother says big boats make more
which cranial nerves only have motor function
Oculomotor 3
Trochlear 4
abducens 6
accessory 11
Hypoglossal 12
does olfactory nerve 1 have sensor, motor function or both? what is its function
does optic nerve 2 have sensory, motor function or both? what is its function
does oculomotor nerve 3 have sensory, motor function of both? what is its function
Ciliary muscle, pupil constriction, extrinsic eye muscles (not superior oblique or lateral rectus)
does trochlear nerve 4 have sensory, motor function or both? what is it function
superior oblique
does trigeminal nerve 5 have sensory, motor function or both? what is it's function?
sensory - face teeth and tongue
motor - mastication
does abducens nerve 6 have sensory, motor function or both? what is it's funciton
lateral rectus
does facial nerve 7 have sensory, motor function or both? what is its function
sensory - taste anterior 2/3 of tongue
motor - facial muscles, saliva and tears
does vestibulocochlear nerve 8 have sensory, motor function both? what is its function
hearing and balance
does glossopharyngeal nerve 9 have sensory, motor function or both? what is its function
sensory - taste( post 1/3 of tongue)
motor - swallowing and saliva
does vagus nerve 10 have sensory, motor function or both? what is it;s function
sensory - visceral sensation ( thoracic and abdominal cavities
motor - swallowing and 70% of parasympathetic
does accessory nerve 11 have sensory, motor function or both? what is its function
sternocleodomastoid, trapezius
does hypoglossal nerve 12 have sensory, motor function or both? what is it function
tongue muscles
how many pairs of spinal nerves?
where are the sensory neuron cell bodies and axons found?
cell bodies are in posterior root ganglion
axons are are from ganglion into posterior horn
cell bodies are in posterior root ganglion
axons are are from ganglion into posterior horn
where are motor neuron cell bodies and axons found>
cell bodies are in the anterior horn
axons are within the anterior root
cell bodies are in the anterior horn
axons are within the anterior root
where are the somatic and visceral sensory nuclei found
where are the autonomic and somatic motor nuclei found
what is a dermatome
specific segment of skin supplied by a single pair of spinal nerves
specific segment of skin supplied by a single pair of spinal nerves
what is shingles
-During initial infection, the chickenpox virus sometimes leaves the skin and invades the posterior root ganglia
-Virus remains latent until adulthood
-Rash of scaly, painful blisters
--Usually confined to one or a few adjacent dermatomes
what is a nerve plexus?
-A network of interweaving spinal nerves
-Split into multiple “named” nerves that innervate various body structures
what are the ___ principal plexuses
the cervical plexus stems from spinal nerves ___-_____
what does the cervical plexus innervate?
Innervates anterior neck and parts of head and shoulders
which spinal nerves does the phrenic nerve stem from
C345 keep diaphragm alive
the brachial plexus stems from spinal nerves _-____
what does the brachial plexus innervate
pectoral girdle and upper limbs
the brachial plexus ends up being which __ nerves
Musculocutaneous - anterior arm
radial - both post compartments
median - ant forearm and thumb
ulnar- median forearm
axillary - deltoid and teres minor
the lumbar plexus stems from spinal nerves ___-___
the lumbar plexus innervates the ...
lower limb
L2-L4 the lumbar plexus ends up being is the ______ which innervates_____
femoral nerve
anterior thigh muscles
the sacral plexus stems from spinal nerves __-___
the sacral plexus innervates the .....
lower limb
the main nerve of the sacral plexus ....
sciatic nerve divides into .....
common fibular and tibial nerves
where is the most common spinal nerve injury
dorsiflexion and inversion are innervated by which spinal nerves
what are the steps of the reflex arc
1 Receptor
2 Sensory (afferent) neuron
3 Interneurons
4 Motor (efferent) neuron
5 Effector
what are the characteristics of a monosynaptic reflex
The simplest of all reflexes  
No interneurons 
The stretch reflex is an example (patellar or knee-jerk reflex)
The simplest of all reflexes
No interneurons
The stretch reflex is an example (patellar or knee-jerk reflex)
what are the characteristics of a polysynaptic reflex
More complex neural pathway 
More than one synapse involving interneurons within the reflex arc
The withdrawal reflex is an example
More complex neural pathway
More than one synapse involving interneurons within the reflex arc
The withdrawal reflex is an example
which system has two motor neurons somatic or autonomic
autonomic (synapse)in
which system has one sensory neuron somatic or autonomic
in the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is the pre-ganglionic neuron short or long
in the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is the post0ganglionic neuron short or long
in the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is the pre-ganglionic neuron myelinated>
in the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is the post-ganglionic neuron myelinated?
are there a lot of branches of preganglionic axons in the sympathetic division of autonomic system
are there a lot of branches or postganglionic axons in the sympathetic division of the autonomic system
sympathetic division chart
where does the sympathetic division originate from
what are the functions of the sympathetic division of the autonomic system
-Fight or Flight”
-Activated in emergency situations and when excited or stressed.
t/f in the parasympathetic division the preganglionic neuron is myelinated and the post-ganglionic neuron is not
t/f in the parasympathetic division the pre-ganglionic neuron is short and the post-ganglionic neuron is long
t/f in the parasympathetic division there are a extensive branches of both the pre and pos-ganglionic neuron
both have few
parasympathetic chart
where does the parasympathetic division originate
Brainstem (CN III, VII, IX and X)
Sacral spinal cord
what are the functions of the parasympathetic division
Rest and Digest”
Conserves energy and replenishes energy stores
what are the affects of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions on the pupils
sympathetic - pupil dilation
parasympatheitic - pupil constriction
what are the affects of the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions on the digestive system
sympathetic - reduced activity
parasympathetic - increased activity
what are the affects of the parasympathetic and sympathetic division on the heart
sympathetic - increased heart rate
parasympathetic - decreased heart rate
t/f some blood vessels are affected by the sympathetic division but not the parasympathetic