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26 Cards in this Set

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personality factors associated with smoking and drinking

rebelion, aggresive, impulsive, alienation, low self esteem

Farley's Type T theory


psycho biological need for stimulation

the sick role

in response to being overwhelmed, act or think they are sick --- reduces performance

injury or illness deconditioning

physically inactive and become weaker and weaker

somatopsychic effect

disease cause certain changes, affect personality

down syndrome

alzheimers at young age (40)

strengths in social emotional relationships


the predisposition of the body to a disease or disorder

eg childhood abuse

people who are abused in childhood have hippocampus that is ___% smaller in volume


Borderline Personality Disorder

self harm, self destructive, bulimia, reckless driving, shop lifting, poor impulse control

frontal lobe

still developing at age 25

executive control system

-some working memory

-managing yourself

-impulse control


Type A linked to coronary heart disease

due to anger and criticalness

Human Termites:

children who were conscientious

-30% less likely to die in any given year

-less likely to suffer an early death from injury

-less likely to engage in unhealthy habits

Human Termites:


-no link with longevity

-along with conscientiousness it is a predictor of longevity

Human Termites:


more likely to smoke/drink/take risks/die

-dif from optimism

children whose parents got divorced before kids 21

die sooner (1/3 sooner mortality rate)

people have divorced parents are ____ likely to get divorced and die _____

more, sooner

the Self Healing Personality


those who didn't become ill from stress felt they had control over what happens

the Self Healing Personality


those not ill from stress felt they had control over something bigger than themselves

the Self Healing Personality


those not ill from stress were excited about life and saw obstacles as an opportunity for growth

Two Types of Self-Healing Personalities

1. the active healthy personality

busy fun loving, seek simulation, extroverted, spontaneous

Two Types of Self-Healing Personalities

2. the relaxed healthy personality

active but calm, philosophical, don't cope as well with conflict and high levels of stimulation

Human and Existential Aspects of Self-Healing

growth orientation

Maslow- concerned with social justice, ethics, free of prejudice

Human and Existential Aspects of Self-Healing

Broaden and Build model

-importance for positive psychology

having positive emotions broadens the way people think and responding

Human and Existential Aspects of Self-Healing

identity and purpose

people who are self healing fell that what they do has meaning in their lives and their lives have dignity

Human and Existential Aspects of Self-Healing

sens of coherence

belief world is understandable and meaningful is central to health

-this is taken away when develop PTSD

associated with longer life


how people stay healthy