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53 Cards in this Set

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RNA Pol I & Pol III share several subunits with Pol __
RNA Pol I only transcribes one gene, the ________________.
But many copies of this gene are present. It is the most highly
expressed gene in the cell.
RNA Pol I only transcribes one gene, the rRNA precursor.
But many copies of this gene are present. It is the most highly
expressed gene in the cell.
Human RNA polymerase I promoter consist of..
In addition to Pol I, initiation requires two other factors, called _____ and _____. ____ comprises TBP and three TAFs specific for Pol I transcription. This complex binds to the _______________.
UBF,SL1,SL,core element
SL1 binds DNA only in the presence of ____. This factor binds to ____, bringing in SL1 and stimulating transcription from the core promoter by recruiting Pol I.
Most RNA pol III promoters are _________________ from the start site
Pol III transcribes _______ and the 5_____________.
tRNA, 5s rRNA genes
The RNA pol III promoters contain...
box a
box b
box c and
TFIIIA is also needed for transcription of _________ genes.
It binds to _________.
5s rRNA genes.
Box C.
Sequences at intron-exon boundaries:

Three conserved sequences in an intron required for removal of the intron
GU at 5' end
AG at 3' end
branch site A in the middle
What initiates the intron splicing?
2'OH on branch site attack the 5' phosphate at the beginning of the intron and creates a lariat.
What happens next?
3' oh on DNA attack the other end of the intro, thus realing it. the products are intron lariats and spliced exons.
in trans splicing, you get a __ shaped intermediate that gets removed.
Splicing is carried out by over ____ proteins and __ RNAs in the ______________ complex
150, 5, spliceosome
spliceosome consist of
what are the 5 snRNPS ?
U1, U2, U4, U5, and U6
Early (E) complex - ___ binds 5’-splice site
__________________ binds branch point
_______________ binds pyrimidine tract
and 3’ branch site.
u1, BBP (branch binding protein), U2AF (U2 auxillary factor)
A complex– ______ binds branch point and displaces BBP causing the branch point A to bulge out.
B complex – ___, ___, ___ (tri-SNRNP particle) bind bringing the 5’ and 3’ ends and branch point_____________.
U4, U5, and U6, together
___ displaces U1 at the 5’-branch point. U1 and U4 exit allowing the _________ to form.

This complex has a ______ interaction responsible for cleavage of the 5’-splice site.

___ helps bring the 5’ & 3’ splice sites together where they can be linked after 3’-splice site cleavage.
U6, C complex, U2:U6, U5
U6:U2 makes the ___________ for catalysis of splicing reaction.
active site
Group II self- splicing mechanism....
two transesterification reactions initiated by branch site A attacking 5' end of splice site.

two transesterification reactions initiated by free G binding pocket and then attacking 5' end of splice site.
Group I self- splicing mechanism...
two transesterification reactions initiated by free G binding pocket and then attacking 5' end of splice site.

5’ splice site binds 3’ splice
site leaving linear intron
with G as the first nucleotide
two errors that can occur during splicing.
exon skipping and pseudo splice-site selection
pseudo splice-site selection: A false (similar sequence)
__-splice site used. result is shorter ______ sequence.
3', exon
___________________ proteins recruit splicing components
to the splice sites to ensure they are recognized.
SR (serine arginine-rich)
SR proteins bind ______________________ sites in exons.
exonic splicing enhancer (ESE)
SR proteins recruit ___ to 5’ splice site and _____ to 3’ splice site.
U1, U2AF
Loading of splicing factors onto ___ _____________ ____ also
ensures the splice sites are encountered in the right order.
RNA polymerase tail (c terminal domain tail)
____ and ______ replace U1 and U2.
u11, u12
Many of these introns have:
__ instead of GU at the 5’-splice site
and ___ instead of AG at the 3’-splice site
so different sequences are recognized.
U12 BINDS THE ___________________ SITE.
AU on 5' end
Alternative splicing in troponin T: exons in the spliced mRNA on alpha troponin T.
Alternative splicing in troponin T: exons in the spliced mRNA on beta troponin T.
75 % of human genes are _____________ spliced.
5 ways to splice pre-mRNA.
normal (all exon present)
exon skipped
exon extended
intron retained
alternative exons (where you get multiple exons put together, but never all at the same time. example 1+2, 2+3, but never 1+2+3)
Alternative ________ and alternative ______ sites may also be
involved in alternative exon usage.
promoters, poly-A
Monkey virus SV40 T antigen alternative splicing:

If the transcript is not spliced, a ____ codon is encountered & the
_______ antigen is made. If it is spliced the ________ antigen is made
small, small t (t-ag), large T (T-ag)
2 more mechanisms that yield mutually exclusive splicing
review slide 23
Splicing ________ &
__________ binding sites
are present at intron-exon
junctions. Positively or negatively regulates splicing depending on bound protein at site.
enhancer, repressor
the hnRNP I protein is a splicing _________.

bindin of the ____________ protein blocks access to the splice site.
repressor, repressor, splice sites
Exons often encode... (three words)

Example-a homodimeric DNA
binding protein
independent protein domains
So exons shuffled by recombination
to a different protein often lead to _______ _______ with _____ __________.
stable hybrids, new functions
______ ________________ led to the creation of the LDL receptor gene.

It contains exons from these two genes...
exon shuffling, c9 complement, egf precursor
In RNA editing of apolipoprotein B gene, C is ________________ to ___.

This happens in the _______________ because of _____________ _________________ ___________________ that catalyzes the reaction
deaminated, U, cytidine deaminase enzyme
When there is no editing of the gene (happens in liver), the message CAA is translated as _____________ where as editing in liver causes it to be translated into a ________ codon UAA
glutaine, stop codon
Another enzyme that performs RNA editing:
ADENOSINE DEAMINASE causes adenine to turn into ___________.

This can basepair with ____.

What is edited in the brain using this mechanism?
inositol, C

an ion channel
U's are added into mRNA by
gRNA (guide-RNA)
Each gRNA is divided into three regions. The first, at the 5' end, is called the___________and directs the gRNA to the region of the mRNA it will edit. also called region of ______________.

the second, called the ___________ region, determines exactly where the Us will be inserted within the edited sequence;

and the third, at the 3' end, is a ____________ stretch.
anchor, homology


What cuts at mismatch?
gRNA mediated U insertion is common in (2 words)
trypanosome mitochondria