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9 Cards in this Set

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What is the etiology of Hamstring Strains?
1. Muscular imbalance
a. Quad weakness- hams try to pick up slack
b. Hamstring dominance- also weak- hams used to stabilize the pelvis
c. Short hamstrings- dominance perpetuated
H, A of Hamstring Strain?
1. Acute, local hamstring pain
2. Mechanism of injury- sprinting to 1st base; raquet sports
1. Recurrence
1. Local tenderness and edema in mm belly
2. Ecchymosis
3. Hamstring atrophy
4. Gluteal &/or gastroc atrophy
R for hamstring strain- Arthrokinematics?
R for hamstring strain- STTT?
1. Pain with resisted hip ext and/or knee flexion
2. Active hip ext and knee flexion depending on reativity
3. A/PROM for hip flexion and/or knee ext at (end range)
T for hamstring strain?
1. Play and tone impaired
2. Length and strength impaired
Management of hamstring strain?
2. Reduce tone
3. Restore play and length of soft tissue and neural tissue (AROM before PROM)
4. retrain faulty mvt patterns
5. Strengthen abs prn
6. Strengthen quads prn
Dx groupings of hamstring strain?
1. Acute onset
2. Local hamstring pain 2nd to hamstring contraction and/or lengthening
Diff Dx of Hamstring strains>
Hamstring strain vs. umbar radiculopathy vs peripheral nn. irritation
-differentiate by distinguishing mech of injury and ANTT
What are some special tests for hip?
1. Alignment Tests
a. Craigs Test (Ryder's Method)
b. Q angle
2. Joint provocation
a. Scouring (Quadrant test)
b. FABERE'S test: flex, abd, ER, ext
-Sup fig 4
-Prone fig 4
3. Strength test:
a. Trendelenburg- trunk lean and SB-> + if this happens with one-legged stance
4. Length test:
a. 2 jt hip flexor
b. Modified Ober
c. Hamstring
d. Gastrocsoleus