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38 Cards in this Set

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head, neck trunk


arms legs

how many bones and how much body weight

206 bones and 20%

sacrum cool?

for kids sacrum fuses from 5 to 1 bones


-calcified, living, connective tissue

- compact and spongy bone

- classfied according to shape

- multiple functions: supportive structure, protection, levers

- resevoir

- containers

- holds blood producing cells and minerals like Ca & P

flat bones

2 thin plates of compact bone sandwiching spongy bone

sesamoid bone

embedded in tendon, often circular

how many axial bones and how many in skull vertebral column and rib cage

and functions


29 skull

26 vertebral

25 rib cage

support and protect and attachment surface

appendicular how many bones and how many in:

pectoral girdles

upper limbs


pelvic girdles

lower limbs



functions of girdles?

126 bones

pectoral girdles - 4

upper limbs - 6

hands - 54

pelvic girdles - 2

lower limbs - 8

feet - 52

functions - protection, locomotion

girdles are holding points of appendicular to axial

articulation classifications


- presence/absence of cavity


- movements permitted

solid joints

fibrous and cartilagenous

- held together by cartilage and CT not mobile

fibrous joints

- adjacent bones linked by thin connective tissue - sutural ligament in skull

- short collagen fibers in periodontal ligament btwn root and bony socket (gomphosis)

- adjacent bones linked by ligament - interosseous membrane and in radius/ulna and tibia/fibia

cartilaginous joints

- long bones

- btwn 2 ossification sites in developing bone

- remaining layer of cartilage

- when fully ossified its epiphyseal plate

- synchondrosis in humerus/femur bone

- btwn 2 seperate bones

- interconnected by fibrocartilage

- symphysis of pubis

- intervertebral discs

synovial joints

- structures associated

- moveable - produce movement in multiple directions - uni/bi/multi axial

- functionally and structurally classified

- articulaing surfaces

- knee joint

general structure of synovial joints

- Joint capsule: synovial membrane(inner layer) & fibrous membrane (outer layer - dense CT)

- joint cavity filled with synovial fluid (free movement & nutrients for cartilage)

- articular cartilage on epiphysis, hyaline 1/4 inch thick

- shock absorption baby

associated structure of synovial joints

tendons, cartilage, bursa, fat pad, ligaments, articular disc

fat pad

synovial joints - shock absorption and friction reduction

bursa (bursae pl)

- btwn:

- bone/skin

- ligament/skin

- ligament/muscle

- a synovial membrane

articular disc

- ensures perfect contact

- shock absorbing

- divides joint capsules

- exception where it is not hyaline but it is in fact FIBROCARTILAGE

synovial joints common movements

- gliding

- angular

- rotation

gliding movement

- translation, X & Y plane

- no change in joint angles

angular movement

- flexion/extension

- adbuction/adduction

- circumduction

- uni/bi axial

rotation movements

- internal (medial)

- external (lateral)

- only multiaxial


- pro - jaw foreward

- re- jaw backward


ele - jaw up to close mouth

- dep - jaw down to open mouth


- dorsi - toes up

- plantar - toes down


- inversion - turning foot so sole faces medially

- eversion - turning foot away from body, sole faces laterally


pro - hand turned downwards

sup - turned upwards (anatomical postition)


bringing thumb and finger together

lateral flexion

bending body to one side

gliding joints

- elevation/depression

- flexion/extension

- lateral flexion

- rotation

- 2 flat articular surfaces, one bone moves across surface of another, no changes in joint angle

- examples: sternoclavicular, intervertebral

hinge joints

- between accomodating articular surfaces of 2 or more bones

- movement around one axis that passes transversely thru the joint

- flexion/extension

- limited rotation, adduction and abduction

- examples - humeroulnar, knee

pivot joints

- axis of convex articular surface parallel to longitudinal axis of bone

- movement around one axis that passes longitudinally along the shaft of the bone

- rotation - pronation/supination

- examples - anlanto-axial, proximal radio-ulnar

condyloid (ellipsoial)

- ovoid articular surface recieved in elliptical cavity

- movement around 2 axes at right angles to eachother

- flexion/extension

- adduction/abduction

- circumduction

- examples - metacarpophalangeal, radiocarpal (wrist)

saddle joints

- articular surfaces are saddle-shaped, reciprocally convex-concave

- movement around 2 axes at right angles to eachother

- flexion/extension

- adduction/abduction

- circumduction

- opposition

- examples - 1st carpometacarpal - trapezium & 1st metacarpal

ball & socket joints

- spherical head of bone articulates with concave surface of another

- movement around multiple axes

- flexion/extension

- adduction/abduction

- circumduction

- rotation

examples - glenohumeral - ischiofemoral (hip)

- vulnerable to dislocation


flex- decreasing angle btwn 2 body parts (think flex biceps)

- extension - increase angle


aD - away from midline

aB - toward midline