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98 Cards in this Set

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Baddé nem

I want to sleep

Räye7 nëm

I'm going to sleep (m)

Räy7a nëm

I'm going to sleep (f)

Ra7 nëm bakkir lleyleh

We are going to sleep early tonight

nëm m'akh-khar

He went to bed late

Nëmet m'akh-khara

She went to bed late

Nëmö m'akh-kharïn

They went to bed late

Ma 3am yed2ar y'nëm

He can't sleep

Ma 3am te2der t'nëm

She can't fall asleep

Ma 3am be2der nëm

I can't fall asleep


Go to sleep (m)


Go to sleep (f)

Rü7ö nëmö

Go to sleep (pl)

Ma baddon ynëmö halla2

They don't want to sleep right now

We3yet m'akh-kharah

She woke up late

We3yö m'akh-kharïn

They woke up late


I am asleep (m)


I am asleep (f)


We are asleep (pl)

B2üm bakkir

I wake up early

Bi2üm bakkir

He wakes up early

Bet2üm bakkir

She wakes up early

2emna bakkir

We woke up early

W3ït 3abukra bakkïr

I woke up early this morning

We3é m'akh-khar

He woke up late

Hiya badda tekol shi

She wants something to eat

Hue beddo yekol bouza

He wants to eat ice cream

Ne7na beddna nishrab shi

We wanna drink something

Henné beddun yishrabo shi

They wanna drink something

Inta beddak tishrab shi

You (m) want to drink something

Inti beddik tishrabé shi

You (f) want to drink something

Intö beddkon tishrabo shi

You (pl) want to drink something

Hiyyé ken badda tnem

She wanted to sleep

Huwwé ma ken beddo ynem

He didn't want to sleep

Ana ken beddé nem

I wanted to sleep

Hue beddo yishrab l'mäy

He wants to drink water

Henné ma Ken beddun ynemo

They didn't want to sleep

Ana beddé ekol jebneh

I wanna eat cheese

Inta Ken beddak tnem

You (m) wanted to sleep

Inti ma Ken beddik tnemé

You (f) didn't want to sleep

Intö Ken beddkon tnemo

You (pl) wanted to sleep

Ne7na beddna nëkol zeutün

We wanna eat olives

Hue ma ken beddo ynem

He didn't want to sleep

Inta beddak tekol jawz

You (m) wanna eat walnuts

Inti beddik teklé darah

You (f) wanna eat corn

Intö beddkon teklo tamer

You (pl) wanna eat dates

Ana beddé ekol ishrab nbïd

I wanna drink some wine

Hiya badda tishrab 3assïr

She wants to drink juice

Huwwé beddo yishrab l'mäy

He wants to drink water

Hiya ma Ken badda trou7 3al mestahfa

She didn't want to go to hospital

Hue ma ken beddo yrou7 3al rrïf

He didn't want to go to the countryside

Ana Ken beddé rou7 3al ghebeh

I wanted to go to the forest

Ne7na Ken beddna nrou7 3al sshutt

We wanted to go to the beach

Henné Ken beddun yrou7o 3al jjabal

They wanted to go to the mountains

Inta ken beddak trou7 3al maktabeh

You (m) wanted to go to the bookstore

Inti ma Ken beddik trou7é 3al 7abs

You (f) didn't want to go to prison

Intö Ken beddkon trou7o 3al 2ahweh

You (pl) wanted to go to the cafe

Hiyé ra7et 3al mat7af

She went to the museum

Hue ra7 3al mattär

He went to the airport

Ana re7et 3al safärah

I went to the embassy

Nehna re7na 3a Italia bi shaher el 3assal

We went to Italy on honeymoon

Henné 3al gym elyoum

They went to the gym today

Inta re7et 3al piscine mbere7

You (m) went to the swimming pool yesterday

Inti re7té 3al shugul el sobo7

You (f) went to work this morning

Intö re7to 3al mattär el 3abokra

You (pl) went to the airport early this morning

Hiyé 3atoul bitrou7 3al sshatt bé-ssayf

She always goes to the beach in summer

Hue deyman birou7 3al jjabal bé-ssheté

He always goes to the mountains in winter

Ana 3adatan brou7 3al sheghel bel bus

I usually go to work by bus

Ne7na marrat minrou7 3al supermarket kel jom3ah

We sometimes go to the supermarket on Fridays

Henné birou7o 3a Britania kel seni

They are going to Britain this year

Inta abadan bitrou7 3al barrá

You (m) never go outside

Inti walamara bitrou7i 3end l'7akïm

You (f) never go the doctor

Intö naderan bitrou7o 3al knïseh

You (pl) rarely go to church

Hiya ray7a 3al jëm3ah sseneh el jjeyeh

She'll go to university next year

Hiyé 3atoul bitrou7 3al sshatt bé-ssayf

She always goes to the beach in summer

Hue deyman birou7 3al jjabal bé-ssheté

He always goes to the mountains in winter

Ana 3adatan brou7 3al sheghel bel bus

I usually go to work by bus

Ne7na marrat minrou7 3al supermarket kel jom3ah

We sometimes go to the supermarket on Fridays

Henné birou7o 3a Britania kel seni

They are going to Britain this year

Inta abadan bitrou7 3al barrá

You (m) never go outside

Inti walamara bitrou7i 3end l'7akïm

You (f) never go the doctor

Intö naderan bitrou7o 3al knïseh

You (pl) rarely go to church

Hiya ray7a 3al jëm3ah sseneh el jjeyeh

She'll go to university next year

Hue raye7 3al mestashfa ba3dein

He'll go to hospital later

Ana raye7 3a Lebnen 3al meeled

I'm going to Lebanon for Christmas

Ne7na ray7in 3a Beirut ba3dein

We're going to Beirut later

Henné ray7in 3a Britannia ba3d shaher

They're going to Britain in a month

Inta raye7 3al mattar ba3d jem3ah

You (m) are going to the airport in one week

Inti ray7a 3a Lebnen ba3d bukra

You (f) are going to Lebanon the day after tomorrow

Intö ray7in 3al ssadaliyeh ba3d shwey

You (pl) are going to the pharmacy in a while

Mo7tamal nrou7 3a Italia

We might go to Italy

Mo7tamal nrou7 3a Italia

We might go to Italy

Akid brou7 3a Britannia

I'm definitely going to Britain

Mo7tamal nrou7 3a Italia

We'll probably go to Italy

Akid brou7 3a Britannia

I'm definitely going to Britain

Yemken birou7o 3a l'yabän

They might go to Japan

3al aghlab la2 Minrou7 3a Oroppa

We probably won't go to Europe

Mo7tamal brou7 3a Espänya

I'll probably go to Spain