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15 Cards in this Set

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Define the NS US UR CS CR of Pavlovs study

NS= bell, US= food, UR=salivating at the sight of food, CS= bell, CR= salivating to the sound of the bell alone.

Define Appetitive Conditioning

Using a pleasant stimulus that the individual will seek out (food,treats)

Define Aversive Conditioning.

When a negative stimulus is used that the subject would avoid (electric shock/loud noise)

What is excitatory conditioning?

builds up the link between the NS and UR

What is inhibitory conditioning?

Supresses the association of the US

What is extinction?

The CR is weakened when CS is absent, link is broken but can be acquired quickly by re-pairing

what is disinhibition?

the response is recovered, during extinction, when a new stimuli is presented

Define spontaneous recovery?

Occurs after exntinction has occured and a rest period has been taken. The CR is recovered.

High order conditioning?

Another conditioning takes place after the first one (get stung by wasp, scared of wasp, see wasp by bin, scared of bin)

Sensory pre conditioning

original learning is not apparent until conditioning occurs (see a wasp by a tree= no fear, get stung by wasp= scared of wasp, see tree = scared of tree)

latent learning

learning occurs but is only evident under diff set of conditions

What is Thorndikes law of efffect?

trial and erorr, consequences of behaviour will determine if its repeated

define reinforcer, punisher, negative and positive.

increases behaviour, decreases behaviour, removes something, adds something.


taught how to carry out behaviour in a certain way/time under certain consequences


taught how to carry out whole sequence of behaviours to recieve a reward.........