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33 Cards in this Set

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What does FM 22-100 cover?
Army Leadership (Be, Know, Do)
What does FM 7-0 cover?
Training the force
Define Leadership.
Leadership is influencing people—by providing purpose, direction, and motivation—while operating to accomplish the mission and improving the organization.
What is purpose?
Purpose gives people a reason to do things.
What is direction?
When providing direction, you communicate the way you want the mission accomplished.
What is motivation?
Motivation gives subordinates the will to do everything they can to accomplish a mission. It results in their acting on their own initiative when they see something needs to be done.
Describe the "Be, Know and Do".
Army leadership begins with what the leader must BE, the values and attributes that shape a leader’s character. Your skills are those things you KNOW how to do, your competence in everything from the technical side of your job to the people skills a leader requires. But character and knowledge—while absolutely necessary—are not enough. You cannot be effective, you cannot be a leader, until you apply what you know, until you act and DO what you must.
A leader must have a certain level of knowledge to be competent. That knowledge is spread across four skill domains. What are the four skills a leader must have?
Interpersonal - knowledge of your people and how to work with them.
Conceptual - the ability to understand and apply the doctrine and other ideas required to do your job.
Technical - how to use your equipment.
Tactical - the ability to make the right decisions concerning employment of units in combat.
What are the Leader Actions?
1. Influencing – making decisions, communicating those decisions, and motivating people.
2. Operating – the things you do to accomplish your organization’s immediate mission.
3. Improving – the things you do to increase the organization’s capability to accomplish current or future missions.
What are the three levels of leadership?
Direct - Direct leadership is face-to-face, first-line leadership.
Organizational - Organizational leaders influence several hundred to several thousand people. They do this indirectly, generally through more levels of subordinates than do direct leaders.
Strategic - Strategic leaders include military and DA civilian leaders at the major command through Department of Defense levels. Strategic leaders are responsible for large organizations and influence several thousand to hundreds of thousands of people.
What are the Army Values?
Selfless Service
Personal Courage
What are the attributes a leader must have?
Mental - The mental attributes of an Army leader include will, self-discipline, initiative, judgment,self-confidence, intelligence, and culturalawareness.
Physical - Physical attributes include health fitness, physical fitness, and military and professional bearing, all which can be developed. Army leaders maintain the appropriate level of physical fitness and military bearing.
Emotional - As an Army leader, your emotional attributes include self-control, balance, and stability. All contribute to how you feel and therefore to how you interact with others.
Why must leaders introduce stress into training?
Leaders must inject stress into training to prepare soldiers for stress in combat.
What are the different leadership styles?
Directing - The directing style is leader-centered. Leaders using this style don’t solicit input from subordinates and give detailed instructions on how, when, and where they want a task performed. They then supervise its execution very closely.
Participating - The participating style centers on both the leader and the team. Given a mission, leaders ask subordinates for input, information, and recommendations but make the final decision on what to do themselves. This style is especially appropriate for leaders who have time for such consultations or who are dealing with experienced subordinates.
Delegating - The delegating style involves giving subordinates the authority to solve problems and make decisions without clearing them through the leader. Leaders with mature and experienced subordinates or who want to create a learning experience for subordinates often need only to give them authority to make decisions, the necessary resources, and a clear understanding of the mission’s purpose.
Transformational and Transactional - These words of a distinguished military leader capture the distinction between the transformational leadership style, which focuses on inspiration and change, and the transactional leadership style, which focuses on rewards and punishments.
What are intended and unintended consequences?
Intended Consequences are the anticipatedresults of a leader’s decisions and actions.
Unintended Consequences are are the results of things a leader does that have an unplanned impact on the organization or accomplishment of the mission.
What are the four forms of communication?
One way
Two way
Active Listening
Which of the four forms of communication do Soldiers receive the least training on?
What is communications?
The flow or exchange of information and ideas from one person to another
Name the two barriers of communications
Name some physical barriers of communication
Noise of battle
What is counseling?
Subordinate-centered communication that produces a plan outlining actions necessary for subordinates to achieve individual or organizational goals.
What are the two categories of counseling?
Event-oriented counseling
Performance / Professional growth counseling
What are the 4 steps of ethical reasoning?
Define the problem
Know the relevant rules
Develop and evaluate courses of action
Choose the course of action that best represents Army values
What are the 7 steps to problem solving?

Identify the problem
Identify facts and assumptions
Generate alternatives
Analyze alternatives
Compare the alternatives
Make and execute your decision
Assess the results
Identify the problem
Identify facts and assumptions
Generate alternatives
Analyze alternatives
Compare the alternatives
Make and execute your decision
Assess the results
What is reverse planning?
When you begin with the goal in mind, you often will use the reverse planning method. Start with the question “Where do I want to end up?” and work backward from there until you reach “We are here right now.”
Good teams get the job done. People who are part of a good team complete the mission on time with the resources given them and a minimum of wasted effort; in combat, good teams are the most effective and take the fewest casualties. What are five characteristics of a good team.
Work together to accomplish the mission.
Execute tasks thoroughly and quickly.
Meet or exceed the standard.
Thrive on demanding challenges.
Learn from their experiences and are proudof their accomplishments.
Name the four indicators of good leadership?
To assess your subordinate leaders you must-
Observe and record leadership actions.
Compare what you see to the performance indicators in the appropriate reference.
Determine if the performance meets, exceeds, or falls below standard.
Tell your subordinates what you saw; give them a chance to assess themselves.
Help your subordinate develop a plan of action to improve performance.
What are the team building stages?
What are the 11 principles of leadership?
Know yourself and seek self-improvement
Be technically and tactically proficient
Seek responsibility and take responsibility for your actions
Make sound and timely decisions
Set the example
Know your soldiers and look out for their well being
Keep your subordinates informed
Develop a sense of responsibility in your subordinates
Ensure the task is understood, supervised and accomplished
Build the team
Employ your unit in accordance with its capabilities
What are the three stages of the Character Development Pyramid?
Leaders teach values - subordinates learn from culture
Leaders reinforce values - subordinates comply
Leaders shape the ethical climate - subordinates internalize army values
Name some things in a unit that affect morale
Military justice
What are Beliefs?
Beliefs are assumptions or convictions you hold as true about something, concept or person