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165 Cards in this Set

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What problem solving methods focus on ends or goals?
Win win situtations
win win problems solving strategy involves indentifying what?
The source of conflict so that you can present them as a problem to be solved.
What is a super ordinate goal?
a goal greater than your unit's goals, it is a goal all involved units or departments strive for
In a SAR mission, the super ordinate goal would be what?
find the missing people
If the common purpose is to be achived in a SAR what must be reduced?
conflict between themselves.
What is a win lose situation?
When you say, do what I say because I am the boss
What kind of power are you depending on when you say do what I say because I am the boss?
legitimate power
What is the second and related approach in the win lose situtation?
You use mental or physical power to force compliance an another individivual or unit.
What is the most important thing to remember about a win lose situation?
the winner has not been able to see someone else's side of the problem.
What is the side payment of conflict situations?
in essence when you offer a aide payment you are saying,"I will bribe you to take a losing position
Who use side payment alot?
organizations-- they pay people extra to do unpleasant tasks
What is mediation in conflict mangement?
When you and another commander ask you common superior to resolve your conflict
There is a clear we/they distinction between you and the other person, rather than a what?
we versus the problem
In win lose situtations Each of you see the issue only from your own point of view rath than
defining the problem in terms of mutual needs.
In win lose situtations the emphasis is on getting a solution rather than on what?
defining the problem in terms of mutual needs.
in Win lose situtations you take things too personally rather than what?
remain objective in the conflict missing a focus on facts and issues.
In win lose there is no difference between what?
conflict resolving activities and other group processes, nor is there a planned sequence of those activities
In win lose you both ad conflict oriented emphazising what?
the immediate disagreement rather than relationship oriented emphaziaing the long term effect of your differences and how to resolve them
in Supression and smoothing you do what to resolve conflict
suppress the differences and focus on similarities in the arguments
What conflict handling approach usually only last for a short time the differences probably will come up again.?
suppression and smoothing
The denial approach does what?
simply deny the conflict exists.
What method of conflict fits the majority power like a national election?
the use of power
What is compromise as a method of handling conflict?
They often assuem both sides give up soemthing but in the ned each comes out a relative winner.
In compromise bargaining can creat dynamics that can what?
generate a new conflict which comsume much time and energy
How does confrontation or interfration work in methos of handling conflict?
you and the opposition are encouraged to present your viewpoints in hopes that this will reduce your differences.
confrontation can prevent what?
unwise, poor and unacceptable resolutions
What is the heart of the win win approach?
participative management
What does participative management depend of?
your people agreement and commitment of objectives.
When you use participative management you are telling your people what?
that they need a solutions that will achieve both their goals and their subordinates goals in a mutually acceptable ways they still want to control
using participative management to manage conflict effectively you must identify what?
EACH sides goals.
What six guidle lines to you use in participative mangement conflict resolution?
1analyse the problem to identify the basic issue 2 advoid stating goals as personal priorities 3 state the problem as a goal or as an obstacle rather than as a solution 4 identify obstacles to getting the goal 5 depersonalize the problem 6identifying the problem generating solutions and evalusting solutions all should be seperate processes from each other.
Problem solving and conflict management are What?
a problme can be a conflict and a conflict can be what?
thought of as a problem
What are some of the basic principles underlying the strucutral organization ?
unity of command , span of control , logical assignment, and delegation of authority.
What is unity of command?
this means only one person has control of and bears responsibility for the activity.
what doing something unity of command does what?
keeps responsibilities from overlapping with each other, thus preventing misunderstand, friction and confusions
What is span of control in management principles?
This is how many cadet nco's and officers you can effectively supervise. It depends on your physical and mental capabilities.
Why is span of control important?
it determines weather an organizational structure will be a flat or deep one.
Who have more personnel under their conmmand?
Supervisors at lower levels.
The larger the organization the narrower what?
the span of control
In logical assignment what is pooled and better used?
Experience , equipment, skills and facilities
What is the art of giving others the authority to make decisions to take action, and to give orders on your behalf?
Delegation provides for what?
Teamwork and for increased productivity.
To gain a working knowledge of delegating authroty you show know and and understand what?
Responsibility, authoroity accountablility
What is Responsibility?
the moral obligation that is assigned with the task. One a job everyone is responsibility. responsibility cannot be deligrated but it can be assigned.
What is Delegation of authority?
It give a subordinate the right to make decisions, to take action and to five orders.
What is accountabliliy?
is your ability to answer your superior when asked how correctly or efficiently you are getting the job done.
What are the three types of unit organizational structure?
Line, line and staff, and functional
What is the olderst and simplest form of organizational structiure?
Each position along the line has general authroity over what?
lower positions
In logical assignment what is pooled and better used?
Experience , equipment, skills and facilities
What is the art of giving others the authority to make decisions to take action, and to give orders on your behalf?
Delegation provides for what?
Teamwork and for increased productivity.
To gain a working knowledge of delegating authroity you show know and and understand what?
Responsibility, authoroity, accountablility
What is Responsibility?
the moral obligation that is assigned with the task. One a job everyone is responsibility. REsponsibility cannot be deligated but it cannot be assigned.
What is Delegation of authority?
It give a subordinate the right to make decisions, to take action and to five orders.
What is accountabliliy?
is your ability to answer your superior when asked how correctly or efficiently you are getting the job done.
What are the three types of unit organizational structure?
Line, line and staff, and functional
What is the oldest and simplest form of organizational structure?
Each postion along the line has general authority over what?
lower positions
the supervisory lines proceed step by step without breakdown though what?
the levels of the organization.
Line structure give to each person undivided charge of what?
certain assigned duties and a definite person to report to.
In the the structure the direct chain of command links the top lever to what?
each lower level
In a line organization who has the most direct control?
The commander
The line organization is simple and makes clear what?
division of authority encourages speedy actiona nd minimizes the straying from the established course
The line type of organization may be effectively where?
in smaller organization.
The line organization neglects what?
the use of specialized assistance, requires too much excutive concentration on minor details, and depends on the retention of a few key people.
When you can no longer be effective without specialized help, consider useing what?
the lone and staff organizational structure
In the lone and staff organization the line retains what?
command and operating responsibilites.
What does the staff of specialists in the line and staff act as?
your advisers and taks that cur across the entire unit.
How does the functional organization helps you as a commander?
pass instructions down the chain of command to various line elements.
What does the functional organization give each staff agency?
responsibility for all actions relating to its particular function though out the unit.
The functional organization relieves you from what?
having to make decisions that call for specialized knowledge
the functional organization
What makes relationships within the organization more complex?
The functional organization
In a functional organization relieves you from having to do what?
make decisions that call for specialized knowldge.
In what orginatational could a person appear to have two bosses?
In a functional organization what does a thin line sometimes separates?
what should be controlled by you the commander, and dividing one person's staff duties from another person staff duties.
In functional organizations when structuring an organization do what?
establish procedures so that functional authority can be used without weakening the postion of the commander.
In functional organization carefully refine the staff's job descriptions to prevent what?
possible overlap and confusion
What are procedures ?
detailed guides describing the exact way to do a certain activity within the unit and are used at the lower level or organization.
An operation is the process of what?
carrying out the procudures.
At the heart of the operation procedures do what?
direct its effort they coordinate it is place and them, and they kepp performance in line with ogjectives.
Because the structure and procedures are closely related develope what?
them simultaneously to support each other
Your finished proceedural blueprint show do what?
what will be done. when it will be done, and what resources will be used.
What is hard because it required them to get those involved to learn about the decision its' purpose and the rationale for it schedule, costs responsbilities and controls?
Putting decisions into action.
your challenge in making and implementing decisions is what?
allocate available resources judiciouly and phase them into assemblies that can accomplish the objectives of the organization.
How many basic results that at confront decision makers and problems solvers.
Because the structure and procedures are closely related develope what?
them simultaneously to support each other
Your finished proceedual blueprint show do what?
what will be done. when it will be done, and what resources will be used.
What is hard because it required thim to get those involved to learn about the decision its' purpose and the rationale for it schedule, costs responisbilities and controls.
Putting decisions into action.
you challenge in making and implementing decisions is what?
allocate available resources judiciousely and phase them into assemblies that can accomplish the objectives of the organization.
How man basic results that at confront decision makers and problems solvers.
it is okay to be wrongas long as you what?
What do people do that are dead wrong?
they usually take their ideas down in flames with them and that clears the way for a fresh start.
What is the null set of making and implementing decisions?
the procedss of making decisions by doing nothing
What is the worst of all making and implementing decisions?
being technically correct by administratively wrong.
Being technically correct by administratively wrong can distroy what?
destroy a good idea and yourself in the process.
The same thinking processes and principles of organization lie behind what skills?
speaking and writing
Of all communication media what kind is used most for ten for official communication?
To write effectively you should express your ideas how?
naturally as in everyday conversation without slang or incorrect grammar
What is used to clarify the meaing of written language?
Use punctuation marked only to do what?
make the thought clearer
What is a comma?
This shows the smallest beak in continuity of thought in an idea or sentence. It separates words that might otherwise be misunjderstood, independent clause items in a series and parallel adjectives
What is a semi colon?
Theis indicates a sentence break greater than a comma but less than a period. It separates independent clauses not joined by coordinating conjunctions. sentence elements containing commas, or independent clasueu joined by parenthetical expressions
What is a colon?
This put stong emphasis on what follows. It is used before a series or list of items or between independent clauses when the second amplifies the first.
What is a dash?
use this to indicate a complete or sudden change of thought or to give empahsis to what follows or to what is enclosed by the dashes.
Waht is a Parenthesis?
us these to enclose inserted material that is loosely connected with the main thought of the sentence. They set off material that you wan tot be considered incidental.
What is a Apostrrophe used for?
This is used to show possession, mark omissions in contractions, and to form some plurals
What is a period used for?
The most common punctuations mark is the period. It is used as the ordinary end-stop mark of sentences, as a mark of abbreviation, and as a signal that something is being omitted from quoted passages.
It is important you express numbers how?
in narrative form
Generally spell out what numbers?
less than 10 except in special cases.
How do you write two or more numbers in the same category and one of them is 10 or larger?
use figures
How do you write numbers used in conjunction with slogans, serious, or dignified subjects are spelled our in The Ten Commandments?
Write them out
How are fractions generally written?
generally spelled out if they stand alone or if they are followed by of,a, or an ie..half an apple, I'll take 1/2
How do you write ordinal numbers?
spell out
How do you writing serial numbers, military unit unit designations, page and chapter numbers, sport scores?
Use numerals
When you are organize your thoughts for writing what should you do?
Make your purpose clear
Writing has a general purpose and what else?
a specific objective.
What are the three purposes of CAP writing?
To direct, to inform (or ask questions). or to persuade.
All three purposes of CAP writing are concerned with what 6 things?
who, what, when, where, why, how
What does a directive usually emphasize?
what is to be done.
what does informative writing stress?
How something is to be done
What does persuasive writing emphaize?
what something should be done
After determining your general purpose, ask yourself what?
What is my specific objective
in Cap writing you should analyze?
The limits you place around your subject should depend on what two things?"
your purpose in writing and the needs of your reader
How should you list specific idea?
Write down the ideas that have been popping in and out of your mind.
Group specific ideas where?
under main ideas
Once you have gotten enough facts and information for writing you should what?
organize the material and your own ideas about that material
What is the most common patterns of cap writing?
topic, time, reason, problem solving and space
The time pattern is what?
whenever time of the sequence of events is important
What is the reason pattern?
What is the problem solutions patterns?
It usually states the problem as a question It discusses facts bearing on the problem. proposes and tests possible solutions, and recommends specifice action.
What is the basic pattern of the military staff study report?
The problem solutions patterns
What is the space pattern?
This is particularly useful when the information has to do with location. Some people call this the geography book approach.
When choosing a writing pattern choose the one that will best what?
communicate your ideas
What is inductive reasoning?
a general conclusion that comes from a series of specific observations
Lead your reader from the familuar to what?
The new
Lead your reader from the simple to the what?
Arrange your points in an order that gives what?
maximum emphasis
In typical writing the end position has what?
the greatest weight
Build your arugment to what?
a logical climax
In PAO writing of news releases the which position has the greatest weight?
the first
What will a good outline do?
Keep you on course, lets you write in spite of interruptions
What do you have to do to make an outline?
use the main points you want to make as the framework for the outline.
Once you fit your main and supporting points into your lutline you are ready for the what?
the final steps in organizing your material
What are your steps after your outline is done?
plan for transitions plan your introductions and plan your conclusion
What do transitions do?
link successive ideas and they relate individual ideas to your overall purpose
What does the minor transition link?
who simple elements by using a word or phrase such as then or the next point.
What is the minor transitions tell the reader?
that a new element is coming and something about the relationship of the old to the new.
what are the three things in common do introductions?
The capture and stimulate the readers's intrrest they focus the reader's attention on the subject, and guide the reader into the subject.
What includes the statement of purpose?
the introduction
An effective conclusion summarizes what?
the content and closes the writing effectively by giving it a sense of completion or resolution.
To eliminate the frustration of getting started?
just start quickly and easily. put down the owrds as fast as they come and worry about the grammar and polish later.
Don't worry about what when beginning the write?
Don't worry about the introduction
Dont' let what slow you down?
the outline
the outline is more of what?
a sketch than a blueprint.
For a long piece of writing break your material into sections and what?
concentrate on only one section at a time
Write as much as possible when?
at one time
Don't revise when?
as you write
Double space what?
your draft
When writing your draft quadruple space when?
between paragraphs and leave generous margins at the top bottom and sides of the paper--this gives room to write in changes without losing time