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25 Cards in this Set

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2 types of CVA
Ischemic & Hemorrhagic
2 types of Ischemic CVA
Embolism & Thrombosis
2 types of Hemorrhagic CVA
Intra-cerebral & Extra-cerebral
4 parameters of aphasia
Word finding, fluency, repetition, auditory comprehension
Cardinal feature of aphasia
Anomia (word finding deficits)
Broca's aphasia
Non-fluent, good auditory comprehension, poor repetition
Wernicke's aphasia
Fluent, poor auditory comprehension, poor repetition
Global aphasia
Non-fluent, poor auditory comprehension, poor repetition
Transcortical motor aphasia
Non-fluent, good auditory comprehension, good repetition
Conduction aphasia
Fluent, good auditory comprehension, poor repetition
Transcortical sensory aphasia
Fluent, poor auditory comprehension, good repetition
Anomic aphasia
Fluent, good auditory comprehension, good repetition
Impaired reading ability
Impaired writing ability
Auditory agnosia
impaired understanding of the meaning of auditory stimuli, difficulty matching objects to their sound
Auditory verbal agnosia
impaired understanding of spoken words
Impaired understanding of the meaning of a certain stimuli even though there is not peripheral sensory impairment
Non-fluent speech with the absence of functor words. Speech is primarily nouns/verbs. Speech may sound telegraphic.
Fluent speech that has inaccurate syntactic rule application. Incorrect subject/verb agreement, tense markers, pronouns, etc.
Semantic paraphasia
A word that is related to the desired target word (apple instead of orange)
Phonemic paraphasia
A similar sounding word is substituted (jacuzzi instead of zuchinni)
Unreal words phonologically or semantically that are substituted for real words (Ritig instead of grape)
Inappropriate repetition of a previous response that continues after the task requirements have changed and the response is no longer needed.
Ideational Perseverations
Perseverations on a concept or idea despite a topic shift.
Continuous Perseverations
Inappropriate prolongation of a behavior that should stop cannot be inhibited so it continues (clapping after a song ends but continues to clap after the rest of the audience has stopped)