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86 Cards in this Set

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What is maternity nursing?
the care given by the nurse to e expectant family(not mother) before, during, and following birth.
What does family-centered care recognize?
the strength and integrity of the family as the core of planning and implementing health care.
Who was Soranus?
a greek physician; the father of obstetrics.
What did Crede do?
recommended instilling 2% silver nitrate into the eyes of newborns to prevent blindness caused by gonorrhea.
What is used today to prevent blindness?
Urethromycin; antibiotic
What is the ultimate goal of maternal and child nursing?
to help children and parents obtain and maintain optimal health.
What did Semmelweis do?
discovered a relationship between the incidence of puerperal fever and handwashing.
What is another name for puerperal fever?
childbed fever.
What did Pasteur do?
he picked up where Semmelweis left off and confirmed it.
What did Lister do?
he revolutionized surgica practice by introducing antiseptic surgery.
What did William Harvey do?
described the circulation of blood.
What did Peter Chamberlen do?
invented obstetric forceps; he kept it a family secret though.
What did William Morton do?
he was the father of anesthesia.
What did the Children's Bureau do?
focused is attention on the porblems of infant mortality and developed a hot lunch program.
Who was the White House Conference on Children and Youth called by?
President Roosevelt.
What is the emphasis on Maternity Care today?
What does case management do?
finds a way to make a patients stay as short as possible.
What does a nurse midwife do?
attents uncomplicated deliveries.
What is a major goal as a nurse before labor?(cultural consideration?
identify mother expectations about pregnancy and birth.
What is culture?
a body of socially inherited characteristics that one generation hands down to the next.
What are the 3 leading causes of maternal death?
PIH(pregnancy induced HTN)
What is a blended family?
2 or more adults livig together and engaged in care and crearing of children.
What is a nuclear family?
has a mother, father, and dependent children.
What does current maternity practice focus on?
hgh quality family experiences.
How might a maternity nurse use statistical data?
to become aware of reproductive trends, to determine populations at risk, to evaluate te quality of prenatal care, or to compare relevant information from state to state and country to country.
What is diagnosis-related groups?
a Medicare system that determines payment for a pt's stay based on their diagnosis.
What does a Pediatric Nurse Practitionor(PNP) do?
focuses on prevention of illness and maintenance of health rather than the tx of illnss.
What do Clinical Nurse Specialists do?
provide care in the hospital or community to specific specialty patients. ex: cardiac, nerological.
What is the nursing process?
a series of steps describin the systematic problem-solving approach nurses used to identify, prevent, or treat actual or potential health problems.
What are the steps to the nursing process?
Assessment, Diagnosis, Outcome Identification, Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation.
What are the functions of the bony pelvis?
support and distribute body weight, support and protect pelvic organs, and form the birth passageway.
What is the best pelvis for giving birth.
gynecoid pelvis.
What is mitosis?
a process of cell division by which the body grows and develops and dead body cells are replaced.
What are te 46 chromosomes called?
diploid number of chromosomes.
What is the process of mitosis in the sperm?
What is the process of mitosis in the ovum?
What is meiosis?
a process of cell division in which the reproductive cells undergo 2 sequential divisions.
How many chromosomes are in meiosis?
23/cell and only 1 sex chromosome.
What are the 23 chromosomes called?
haploid number of chromosomes.
What is fertilization?
when the sperm and ova unite.
What is the formation of gametes called in meiosis?
Where does fertilization occur?
in the outer third of the fallopian tube, near the ovary.
What happens to the sperm during fertilization?
it passes through the cervix and uterus, the into the fallopian tubes.
What happens after the sperm reaches the ova?
a chemical change occurs that prevents anymore sperm from entering.
What determines the sex of a baby?
the sperm.
What is the male chromosome?
What happens during the transport of the zygote through the fallopian tubes?
What is cleavage?
begins with 2 cells which divide into 4, and then divide into 8.
What happens when the cells turn into 8?
What happens when the cells devide?
they get smaller and form a solid ball called the morulla.
When does the morula enter the uterus and how long does it stay there?
3rd day: for 2-4 days.
What is teretagen?
a substance that causes adverse physical effects on the embryo.
Where does the zygote implant?
in the upper section of the posterior uterine wall.
Where do the cells burrow?
in the prepared lining of the uterus.(endometrium)
What is the endometrium then called?
What is trophoblasts?
the outer layer of the cells.
After implantaion to the uterus, what is the outer membrane?
What is the inner membrane?
What does the amniotic fluid consist of?
98% water, traces of glucose, protein, lanugo, urine and vernix caseosa.
What is the pH of amniotic fluid? is is basic or alkalitic?
7.0-7.25; alkalitic
What are the purposes of amniotic fluid?
prevents adherence of the amniotic membrane to fetus or embryo; cushions embryo against injury; maintains constant temperature.
What happens on the 9th day after fertilization?
the yolk sac forms in the blastocyst. It functions only during embryonic life and initiates the production of RBC's.
What takes over after the yolk sac?
the liver.
What are the 3 germ layers?
Ectoderm; mesoderm; endoderm.
When is organal genesis?
first 8 weeks of life.
When can insulin be obtained from the fetus?
12th week.
When is the liver the main source of hemoglobin for the fetus?
20th week.
What are the main activities of the placenta?
metabolism; transfer of nourishment and waste; endocrine secretion.
What serves as the endocrine gland during pregnancy?
the placenta.
What hormones does the placenta produce?
progesterone, estrogen, hCG, and hPL.
What are the vessels of the umbilical cord?
2 arteries and 1 vein.
What did Alexander Gordon do?
childbed fever.
What did Oliver Wendell Holmes do?
wrote the paper about childbed fever.
What is wharton's jelly?
it surrounds and protects the blood vessels of the umbilical cord.
What terminated fetal circulation?
when the baby is breathed at birth and the cord is clamped.
Describe week 3 of the milestones?
size is 2.5mm.
Describe week 4 of the milestones?
1st lunar month. measured from crown to rump(CR). 1/2 pea.(3.5-4mm).
Describe week 6 of the milestones?
Describe week 8 of the milestones?
2nd lunar month. 30mm.
Describe week 12 of the milestones?
measured from crown to heel. can secrete a small amt of urine. it is not an embryo anymore. it is now a fetus.
Describe week 28 of the milestones?
7th lunar month. fetus can survive if born.
Describe week 32 of the milestones?
8th lunar month. little old man look.
Describe week 36 of the milestones?
9th lunar month. appears plump.
Describe week 40 of the milestones?
10th lunar month. ready to be born.
Describe week 42 of the milestones?
considered term.
Describe the time over week 42 of the milestones?
post-due or post-term.