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29 Cards in this Set

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Nominal Measurement
information/variables whose attributes differ only in kind ex: gender, place of birth
Ordinal Measurement
information/variables whose attributes can be rank ordered on a scale, but the numbers cannot say how much better any category is than any other
ex: socioeconomic status, client satisfaction
Interval Measurement
information/variables where the distance between measures has meaning,there is no true zero for measure
ex: IQ scores, temperatures
Ratio Measurement
information/variables whose attributes are based on a true zero point, we can meaningfully interpret the comparison between variables
ex: income, number of children, number of behaviors
Descriptive Statistics
describe and summarize a variable of interest and portray how a particular variable is distributed in the sample or population
Borderline Intellecutal Functioning
IQ 71-84
Code on Axis II
Mild Mental Retardation
IQ approximately 50-55
Can perform at 6th grade level
live in community or supervised settings
Moderate Mental Retardation
IQ approx 35-55
Able to perform at 2nd grade level
Can do own ADLs, semi-skilled or unskilled work
Live in community or supervised settings
Severe Mental Retardation
IQ approx 20-35
Little or no communicative speech
Institutionalized or possible group home
Profound Mental Retardation
IQ below 20
Need total care
a skewed distribution
Normal development
Birth to 2 mos
social smile, can follow moving objects with eyes, attention to speaking voice, grunts, sighs
Normal Development
4 mos
lift head, recognize bottle, recognize familiar faces, place objects in mouth, cooing, babbling, laughing
Normal Development
5 mos
grasps objects independently, stretches arms out when picked up
Normal Development
6 mos
begins to teethe, turns over from back to stomach, can recognize strangers but usually not afraid
Normal Development
7 mos
makes polysyllabic vowel sounds, can sit briefly
Normal Development
8 mos
can sit alone without support, pull self to standing position, reach for objects and pick up using all fingers and thumb, can munch instead of just sucking, imitates facial expressions, STRANGER ANXIETY
Normal Development
9 mos
creeping on all fours, responds to name, says Mama, Dada, but does not know meaning
Normal Development
10 mos
can pay attention, stands with support, can play some games
Normal Development
1 year
can crawl well, walk with support, can follow simple commands, drink from cup, enjoys attention
Normal Development
18 mos
can walk, speak 5-20 words, can use a spoon, often can indicate when they are wet
Normal Development
2 years
can walk and run well, can use stairs, have mastered using "no", everything is "mine", can say 20- 50 words and put 2-3 words together
Normal Development
6 years
Lose temporary teeth, can recognize colors, knows numbers, beginning to read,
Freud's Stages of Psychosexual Development
Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency, Genital
Erikson's 8 Basic Conflicts of Psychosocial Development
Trust vs Mistrust, Autonomy vs Shame/Doubt, Initiative vs Guilt, Industry vs Inferiority, Identity vs Role Confusion, Intimacy vs Isolation, Generativity vs Stagnation, Ego Integrity vs Despair
Cognitive Development
the capacity to adjust to surrounding enviriomental conditions
is composed of 2 processes- assimilation and accomodation
Cognitive Development
the taking in of new information and integrating it into the schema or structure of thought, stored in a way that it may be used later in problem solving
Cognitive Development
process by which thought structure is modified
children assimilate to take in new information and accomodate it
Piaget's Stages of Cognitive Development
Sensorimotor (0-2)
Object Permanence
Preoperational Thought (2-7), Irreversibility
Concrete Operational (7-11),
Formal Operations (11-16 if achieved)
Abstract Thought