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187 Cards in this Set

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_____________ therapy focuses on individuals taking personal responsible for the way they interact with others and focuses on the integrated self; it deals with the self (fun/successful side) and the self image (dark side, imposes standards that inhibits growth); maladaptive behaviors is occurs as a result of the self not being integrated or unified self; focus is on hear and now, using ‘I’ statements, person identifying what they might have done wrong, and dream interpretations are used.
Gestalt Therapy
__________________ _______________ theory deals with taking a negative thought/situation and putting a positive spin on it; ex. A gambler who loses all of his money (negative occurrence) reports that he gambles for fun (positive spin).
Cognitive Dissonance Theory
According to Freud : The mind is comprised of two main parts the ____________________ mind which includes everything that we are aware of and the _____________________ mind which is the keeper of thoughts, memories, urges, feelings etc.
According to Freud: The _____________ is developed at birth, consists of instincts, pleasure principle (immediate gratification), relies on reflex actions, and primary process thinking = mental image that satisfies id’s needs; the _____________ develops at 6 months, reality principle (defers gratification), secondary process thinking = realistic, rational thinking, mediates conflicting demands of the id and reality (& superego once developed), and the __________________ emerges between 4 and 5 years and is the internalization of society’s values and standards developed by parents
super ego
Neo Freudian, Jung divides the psyche into three parts; the __________________ is what Jung identifies as the conscious mind, the __________________ is the part of the mind which is not presently conscious (suppressed memories/experiences), and the ____________________ is a vault of memories handed down from generation to generation. Jung also posits the idea of archetypes which are part of the ‘vault’ that is important to personality development.
personal conscious
collective conscious
Neo Freudian, Adler developed the approach identified as ________________________ identifying that everybody has a sense of inferiority and that individuals attempt to overcome this inferiority by being motivated by future goals. There are four major concepts associated with this approach, inferiority feelings (developed as part of a perceived/real weakness), striving for superiority (moving toward perfect completion), healthy style of life (optimistic outlook, contribution to the welfare of others), and mistaken style of life (selfishness, striving for personal power).
individual psychology
Neo Freudian ____________________ agreed with the basis of the psychoanalytic theory of Freud but viewed maladaptive behavior as the result of anxiety directly resulting from a child’s interpersonal relationships.
Karen Horney
Neo Freudian ___________________ believed that society and culture also played a significant role in individual human development.
Erich Fromm
The _______________________ theory is more concerned with the self and object relationship than with unconscious drives; this theory emphasizes interpersonal relations, primarily in the family and especially between mother and child. Theorists are interested in inner images of the self and other and how they manifest themselves in interpersonal situations.
Object Relations Theory
__________________ is a developmental disorder that is present after the first year of birth, presents with a marked impairment in social interaction and communication, and is more common in males than females.
Autistic Disorder
__________________ is a developmental disorder that occurs at approximately 5 months, is more common in girls, and presents with a loss of motor skills. It is also likely that the growth of the child's head will slow.
Rhett's Disorder
_________________ is a subtype of schizophrenia in which the cognition and affect are intact, there is the presence of one (1) or more delusions or frequent hallucinations, and is the most favorable subtype.
_________________ is a subtype of schizophrenia in which delusions/hallucinations are confused if present, client presents with confused speech/behavior, and affect is flat/inappropriate.
_________________ is a subtype of schizophrenia in which physical characteristics are present in the form of mutism or lack of motor skills.
________________ is the subtype of schizophrenia that doesn’t meet the criteria for any other subtype
_______________is the subtype of schizophrenia in which there are no current delusions/hallucinations/psychotic symptoms present but they have been present in the past; positive symptoms are attenuated (silent) and negative symptoms are currently displayed.
_________________ presents with one or more manic (elevated mood either hyperactive or irritable which affects functioning)/mixed episode (both hyperactive and irritable symptoms present) with or without a major depressive episode, treated by lithium, and presents in both males and females equally.
Bipolar I
_________________ presents with at least one major depressive episode and one hypomanic (elevated mood either hyperactive or irritable which doesn’t affect a person’s functioning), is more present in females than males, and doesn’t present with manic or mixed episodes.
Bipolar II
Numerous periods of depressed mood (symptoms only; no episodes) and unpredictable periods of hypomania is given the diagnosis of _____________________; the symptoms must last for at least two (2) years in an adult and one (1) year in a child.
Cyclomythic Disorder
This personality type presents as impulsive, instability in relationships, engages in self destructive behaviors, is concerned about self image, and presents with an unstable affect…what is _________________ personality disorder?
This personality disorder is characterized by emotional, attention-seeking, colorful, dramatic, and extroverted behavior. ; what is _________________?
This personality type has no empathy for others, needs to be admired, has thoughts of grandiosity, and holds themselves in high regard; what is ___________________ personality disorder?
This personality type is hypersensitive, wants a relationship, if lonely feels it deeply, is socially withdrawn, and feels inadequate; what is ____________________ personality type?
This personality type presents with restricted emotional response in social situations, is indifferent to interpersonal relationships, and prefers isolation; what is ___________________ personality type?
____________________ is a disturbance of six (6) months or more of active phase symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, etc) and or negative symptoms (flat affect, avolition – lacks ability to reach goals, alogia – deficiency of speech); delusions are typically bizarre (strange) and it has four (4) subtypes.
____________________, in contrast to schizophrenia; it has duration of at least _______ month but less than _____months; this disorder includes active phase symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, etc.).
Schizophreniform Disorder
One (1)
Six (6)
____________________ presents with coexisting symptoms of mood disorder and active phase symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, etc.) WITH at least two (2) weeks of hallucinations/delusions present without mood disturbance; in contrast to schizophrenia moods are present for part of the disturbance.
Schizoaffective Disorder
_____________________ Disorder duration is from one day to one month, may or may not be triggered by a severe stressor; symptoms include delusions, disorganized speech, hallucinations etc.
Brief Psychotic
___________________ Disorder is described as non-bizarre delusions for at least one month; no other signs of active phase symptoms are present.
____________________ Psychotic symptoms occur solely during the course of a mood disturbance.
Mood Disorder with Psychotic Features
___________ is the intentional passage of feces, must occur _____ a month for ____ months, and occurs after the age of _____________
Encopresis, once, three, age 4
____________ is a defense mechanism that occurs when the drives of the id are forced into the unconscious and denied by the individual
_______________ occurs when a person retreats to a safer earlier stage of development
________________happens when a person attributes their own unacceptable needs and drives onto another person.
_______________ occurs when a person avoids a particular instinct by expressing its opposite.
Reaction Formation
________________ is the transfer of an instinctual drive from one target to a less threatening target.
_________________is the acting out of a socially acceptable behavior as a direct reaction to the drive to do something unacceptable
__________________is the admission of socially unacceptable impulses joined with the inability to attribute them to oneself
__________________is the ascribing of another’s thoughts and behaviors to the self in order to better control one’s own thoughts and behaviors.
__________________is the ascribing of another’s thoughts and behaviors to the self in order to better control one’s own thoughts and behaviors.
__________________is the interpretation of behaviors in a manner that makes them appear more rational or logical
________________ the arresting of libidinal energy in an unresolved conflict
_________________ is the repetition of a behavior in order to undo the effects of a past action.
__________refers to “a formal periodic process in which professional standards of intervention have been spelled out and practices are monitored by colleagues.”
Peer Review
When a “A group of professionals in the same agency meet regularly to review cases and treatment approaches without a leader, share expertise and take responsibility for their own and each other’s professional development and for maintaining standards of [agency] service." it is called ______________
Peer Group Supervision
The goal of the __________________is social change, with an emphasis on changing power relationships and reallocating resources in the community through institutional change.
Social Action Model
___________is described as the suspension of critical thinking that occurs in highly cohesive groups; it occurs most often in highly cohesive groups when members feel a need to achieve consensus and, therefore, disregard alternative courses of action.
Group think
When people are placed into a group to deal with some situation, the group as a whole typically has some overriding attitude toward the situation; Over time and with group discussion, the group's attitude toward that situation may change; When it changes in such a way that the group attitude is enhanced and strengthened, then _______________ has occurred
Group polarization
Objective vs. Subjective
Objective = truth/fact
Subjective = opinion
______________involves the intentional production of false or grossly exaggerated physical or psychological symptoms, motivated by an external incentive (e.g., obtaining drugs, avoiding work, obtaining financial compensation, avoiding criminal prosecution). This person is in control of his symptoms and can stop them when they are no longer useful.
Piaget's _______________ stage occurs from ages 7-11 years is marked by the emergence of logical (cause-and-effect) thinking, including reversibility and the ability to serialize and sequence.
Concrete Operational Stage
Piaget's _______________ stage (2-7 years) is marked by the appearance of symbolic functions, which are associated with the use of language. In this stage the child is more focused on one aspect of situation or object.
Preoperational Stage
Piaget's _______________________ (birth-2 years), the child learns about objects through the sensory information they provide (how they look, feel, and taste) and the actions that can be performed on them (sucking, grasping, hitting, etc.).
Sensorimotor Stage
Piaget's ____________________ (11 years through the end of adolescence), the individual can think abstractly and relativistically, engage in hypothetico-deductive reasoning, and carry out systematic tests to prove and disprove alternative explanations for observed events. Egocentrism (self-consciousness, self-criticism, and self-admiration) often re-emerges in this phase.
Operational Stage
The ________________ is defined as a variable that is caused or influenced by another
Dependent Variable
According to the Kubler-Ross model, there are five stages that a dying person goes through when she/he is told that she/he has a terminal illness; what are the stages?
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance
_____________ strive to maintain stability of system (positive and negative)
With this particular culture, therapist should pay attention to the extended family, should adopt a problem solving approach, foster empowerment, attend to non verbal behaviors, not avoid the issue of racism, and initially reference authority figures as Mr. or Mrs. (unless given permission to do otherwise); what is the _________________________culture?
African - American
This culture shares a naturalistic outlook that views harmony between humans and nature a good thing, places emphasis on the extended family, focuses on the present, is cooperative and will listen more often than speak; therapist should take a collaborative approach, use the community as a healing process, and understand that particular behaviors might have cultural roots than pathological roots…what is the ____________________ culture?
American Indian
When working with this culture, the therapist can expect that problems are understated, modesty can be expected when discussing family matters and sexual issues, one form of stress for this population assimilation especially in the end of the first year, a direct approach should be used with this culture and nonverbal/indirect communication should be expected from the client; what is the __________________ culture?
___________________ clients are more likely to emphasize family over individual welfare, focus on more interdependence, have difficulty discussing problems, are more concrete and have ‘magical’ beliefs about God or other powers. Being personable and engaging in small talk is necessary for the engagement process. Acceptance of offerings of food is also necessary. Family therapy can be helpful.
_____________ therapy is primarily concerned with growth orient approach focusing on one’s being; anxiety occurs as a result of conflict arising between death, isolation, freedom, and meaningless. This therapy encourages people to take responsibility to their lives while helping them to achieve greater intimacy.
Existential Therapy
___________ is a disturbance in consciousness accompanied by either change in cognition (memory loss) and/or perceptual abnormailities; can be caused by a general medical condition or substance use. Symptoms usually develop rapidly and fluctuates over time.
_______________is described a disturbances in consciousness and other cognitive functions, autonomic hyperactivity, vivid hallucinations, delusions, and agitation. Associated with prolonged or heavy alcohol use
Delirium Tremens (DTS)
___________ is a disturbance involving some degree of memory impairment and at least one other cognitive impairment (aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, disturbance in executive functioning); can be caused by general medical condition or substance use; onset is usually dangerous and the course is progressive.
This therapy assumes that ever person is motivated towards self-actualization and positive healthy growth; growth occurs when the self remains unified, whole and organized. Maladaptive behavior surfaces when there is incongruence between the self and one’s experiences. What is ________________________?
Person – Centered (Rogerian) Therapy
_______________ is a mood disorder that is present most of the time for at least two years in adults or one year in children/adolescents.
Dysthymic Disorder
_______________ is characterized by a maladaptive pattern of use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress of at least one (1) symptom in a 12 month period.
Substance Use Disorder
_______________ a disorder that involves the continued use of a substance despite significant substance related problems AEB the presence of at least three (3) characteristic symptoms during a 12 month period. May or may not involve tolerance and withdrawal (physiological dependence).
Substance Dependence
If stuttering persists beyond the age of _________ it is recognized as a disorder by the DSM.
Five (5)
If a client is diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder they will most likely present with the following defensive mechanisms ______________.
Reaction Formation
Isolation of Affect
Symptoms MOST likey associated with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome include the following_______________.
Lower than average intelligence
Facial deformity
Growth deficiencies
Defense mechanism that an alcoholic would MOST likely use is ___________
Symptoms that are MOST common in babies addicted to heroin are _______________.
premature birth
elevated risk for SIDS
Neonatal addiction
Problem drug use among adolescents is MOST linked with________________
____________________ involves a strong, persistent cross-gender identification and discomfort with one's sex or a sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex; the onset of this disorder is between the ages of _____ and _____.
Gender Identity Disorder
2, 4
____________________ requires the development of characteristic symptoms after exposure to an extreme trauma; the symptoms must be present for _______.
1 month
_________________ are characterized by physical symptoms that suggest a medical disorder that are not fully explained by a medical condition and cause clinically significant distress or impairment and are not intentionally produced.
Somatoform Disorders
_____________ is characterized by preoccupations with an imagined defect in apperance or an excessive preoccupation with a slight anomally that causes significant impairment.
Body Dysmorphic Disorder
_____________ involves cross-dressing for the purpose of sexual arousal
Tranvestic Fetishism
_____________ is characterized by intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors that involve touching or rubbing against a nonconsenting person
_____________ involves exposure of one's genitals to an unsuspecting stranger
________ involves the use of nonliving objects, by themselves, for sexual pleasures.
____________ involves sexual activity with a prepubecent child or children (usually age 13 or younger); person must be at least _____ years old to receive this diagnosis
______________ includes a refusal to maintain a normal weight, intense fear of gaining weight, significant disturbance in the of the shape/size of one's body, and in females amenorrhea (absence of menstral cycle).
Anorexia Nervosa
_______________ is characterized by recurrent episodes of binge eating that is accompanied by a lack of control, inappropriate compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain (such as purging and laxatives), and self evaluation tha is unduly influenced by body shape and weight.
Bulimia Nervosa
_______________ involves discrete episodes involving a loss of control of aggressive impulses resulting in assaultive acts or destruction of property.
Intermittent Explosive Disorder
______________ is a pervasive pattern of distrust and suspiciousness that entails interpreting the motives of others as malevolent (hateful).
Paranoid Personality Disorder (PPD)
The ________________personality disorder is diagnosed in the presence of pervasive social and interpersonal deficits in cognition, perception, and behavior that are not sufficiently deviant to be considered psychotic; ___ of ______ characteristics need to be present to be diagnosed with this disorder.
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
5 of 9
_______________ is present when a person displays a persistent preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control, which limit flexibility.
Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder
____________ is recorded when a client's IQ is between 71-84. Client is able to function and adapt to life without support.
Borderline Intellectual Functioning
When acute psychiatric symptoms and difficulty stabilizing is present the goals of treatment are____________
1) to provide a safe environment and protect client/others
2) inpatient treatment is necessary
3) focus of treatment is monitoring patient, stabilzation, and medication managment
When acute psychiatric symptoms are present the goals of treatment are to________
1) provide safe environment and rapid stabilization
2) Settings: PH, IOP, or increased OPT care
3) Focus: stabilization, medication management
When moderate psychiatric symptoms that interfere with functioning and a higher level of care is required, the goals are to_______________
1) improve daily functioning and self managment
2) settings: IOP individual threapy, CM, educational group, medication managment
3) focus: stabilization, natural supports, coping skills
___________ refers to a person having a major psychiatric disorder AND either a substance abuse or dependency diagnosis.
Dual Diagnosis
_______________ is characterized by an IQ of 50-55 to 70; with appropriate interventions 6th grade education can be achieved and can support themselves with minimal supervision.
Mild Mental Retardation
_______________ is characterized by an IQ of 35-40 to 50-55; 2nd grade level of education can be achieved and unskilled/semiskilled tasks can be performed in supervised settings.
Moderate Mental Retardation
_______________ is characterized by an IQ of 20-25 to 35-40; can aquire elementary self care skills, learn to count, read simple words, and perform simple tasks with adult supervision.
Severe Mental Retardation
_______________ is characterized by an IQ of 20-25 and below; can perform simple tasks under close supervision and may show improvement in selfcare/communication skills with training.
Profound Mental Retardation
_____________ is characterized by pattern of inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity, onselt of symptoms prior to age _____, symptoms for at least ____ months, and impairement in two settings; more common in boys than girls.
Age 7
6 months
_______________ involves repeated regurgitation and rechewing of food, for at least ______ month; typically appears between ages _____ and ______.
Rumination Disorder
one (1)
3 and 12
____________ is repeated voiding of urine during the day or night into bed or clothes at least ________ weekly for ________months; Nocturnal only is the most common subtype
2 times
3 or more months
This tic disorder presents with at least one vocal tic and multiple motor tics, begins prior to age 18
Tourettes Disorder
For chidren who are receiving foster care under title IV-B funding, a permancy planning hearing must occur within_____ months of the child being placed.
12 months
"Folie a deux" refers to...
Two people who share the same delusional system.
___________ is a substance induced disorder associated with manic like symptoms.
inhalant intoxication --- euphoria is one of the many symptoms of associated with inhalant toxication
The five (5) stages of the minority identity disorder are _________
•Resistance and Immersion
•Synergistic Articulation and Awareness
Jellinek's formulation of alcohol addiction is focused on the _____________ model
____________, which has been described as an indirect form of reframing, involves asking each family member to describe specific behaviors, feelings, or relationships within the family system and then pointing out the differences in their accounts. The goal is to help family members see the similarities and differences in their perceptions; this, in turn, enables family members to view their problems in a different light – i.e., increases their flexibility in viewing their problems.
Circular questioning
___________ view family dysfunction as a result of surpressed emotions and desires.
Experiential family therapists
The primary role of a clinical social worker is___________
being a resource
____________ is used primarily to control seizures and relieve anxiety; the common side-effects from this medication include drowsiness, dizziness, tiredness, weakness, dry mouth, diarrhea, upset stomach, and changes in appetite.
Klonopin (clonazepam)
___________is caused by cerebrovascular disease (e.g., a series of small strokes).
Vascular Dementia
Minority Identity Theory -Resistance and Immersion
Individual withdrawals from white culture to delve into his or her own
Minority Identity Theory - Synergistic Articulation and awareness
Optimum identity; Individual is able to identify as he or she wishes, appreciate other cultures and balance all aspects of his or her heritage
Minority Identity Theory - Introspection
Individual actively seeks to integrate the redefined identity into the dominant culture without compromising aspects of his or her own racial or ethnic identity
Minority Identity Theory -Conformity
One identifies with white culture
Minority Identity Theory - Dissonance
One to question white culture and begin an interest in one’s own racial or ethnic group
Family systems theory suggests that abusive families are often characterized by _____________ in which the husband and wife are alienated from one another and looks to the child for emotional support.
This family theory emerged from the systems theory, boundaries are either opened or closed, family functions as a whole (one family member in system influences another), families are in a constant state of change, and focuses on the idea that the sum of the family is more than its parts.
Family Systems Theory
___________________is a theory of human behavior that views the family as an emotional unit and uses systems thinking to describe the complex interactions in the unit; concepts of this theory includes triangles, emotional cutoff, differention of self, sibling position, societal emotional process, family projection process, and nuclear family emotional system.
Bowen family systems theory
__________ is a family of depressants is used therapeutically to produce sedation, induce sleep, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms, and to prevent seizures.
benzodiazepines used to treat anxiety. also can be used for seizures and as a sleep aid
Ativan (lorazepam)
SSRI used for treating depression
Celexa (Citolopram)
benzodiazepines used to induce sleep and relaxation
Halcion (triazolam)
Anti Anxiety medication which reduces fear, tension
Buspar (buspirone)
anti-psychotic used for hallucinations, delusions and confusion. also for Tourette's d/o & bx/hyper in kids
Haldol (haloperidol)
SSNRI used for treating depression
Cymbalta (duloxetine)
antidepressant used for depression, GAD, and social anxiety
antipsychotic medication used to treat schizophrenia and bipolar
Abilify (aripiprazole)
medication affects chemicals in body used to control mania associated with bipolar
Depakote (divalproex)
__________ is a family of depressants is used therapeutically to produce sedation, induce sleep, relieve anxiety and muscle spasms, and to prevent seizures.
benzodiazepines used to treat anxiety. also can be used for seizures and as a sleep aid
Ativan (lorazepam)
SSRI used for treating depression
Celexa (Citolopram)
benzodiazepines used to induce sleep and relaxation
Halcion (triazolam)
medication affects chemicals in body used to control mania associated with bipolar
Depakote (divalproex)
_____________are commonly abused prescription drugs. They can cause hangover-like symptoms, nausea, seizures, and coma. Overdose or mixing these drugs with alcohol can be fatal.
Barbituates and Tranquilizers
_______________ can cause such long-term problems as tremors, seizures, psychosis, and heart or respiratory failure
___________can cause nausea, rapid heart rate, depression, and disorientation. Long-term effects include paranoia and psychosis
_________________can cause rapid heart rate and memory impairment soon after use. Long-term effects include cognitive problems, infertility, weakened immune system, and possible lung damage
Marijuana and Hashish
__________________such as heroin can bring on respiratory and circulatory depression, dizziness, impotence, constipation, and withdrawal sickness. Overdoses can lead to seizures and death.
_________, in addition to triggering unpredictable and violent behavior, can cause dizziness, numbness, high heart rate and blood pressure, convulsions, and in high amounts fatal heart and lung failure or ruptured blood vessels
Stimulants such as _____________ have health effects that include high heart rate and blood pressure, headache, blurred vision, dizziness, impotence, skin disorders, tremors, seizures, and psychosis.
In this stage, according to Erikson, infants learn that others can be trusted to
satisfy basic needs; caregivers must show them that they are reliable and dependable.
Trust vs. Mistrust
In this stage, according to Erikson, toddlers develop a
sense of self-sufficiency in satisfying one’s needs.
Autonomy vs. Shame/Doubt
In this stage, according to Erikson, preschoolers learn to develop independence in planning and undertaking activities
Iniative vs. Guilt
In this stage, according to Erikson, school age children learn that recognition can be achieved by producing things.
Industry vs. Inferiority
In this stage, according to Erikson, pre-adolescents develop a sense of the groups to which one belongs outside the family
Identity Vs Role Confusion:
In this stage, according to Erikson, adolescents develop a sense of the role that
one will play in the adult world
Identity Vs Role Confusion:
Individual Identity
Erickson's adult stage identified as ________________ forming one or more intimate, reciprocal relationships with others and to develop
the willingness to compromise
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Erickson's adult stage identified as ____________ focuses on contributing to society and to help guide
future generations
Generativity Vs Stagnation
Erickson's adult stage identified as ____________ adults develop a sense that one has led a happy, productive life.
Integrity Vs Despair
During Piaget's _____________ stage, logical reasoning processes are applied to abstract ideas as well as concrete objects; one can ability to deal with abstract, hypothetical, and contrary-to-fact ideas, and engage in hypothetical arguments and debates
Formal Operations
Kohlberg’s _____________stage of
Cognitive Moral Development: Stage 1: Obedience and punishment orientation (Children follow rules to avoid punishment)
• Stage 2: Naively egoistic orientation/Interpersonal Concordance (Children follow rules to earn rewards or favors)
Kohlberg’s _____________stage of
Cognitive Moral Development:
• Stage 3: Good boy -- Nice girl orientation
- Children conform to rules to avoid social disapproval or rejection
• Stage 4: Authority Maintaining Orientation
(Law and Order)
- Children want to avoid criticism from persons
of authority
Kohlberg’s _____________stage of
Cognitive Moral Development:

Stage 5: Contractual Legalistic
Orientation (Social Contract) - People select moral principles to live by

• Stage 6: Universal Ethical Principle
Orientation (Golden Rule) – People behave in a way that respects the
dignity of all
________________ is characterized as more than the normal anxiety people experience day to day. It's chronic and exaggerated worry and tension, even though nothing seems to provoke it.
General Anxiety Disorder
___________ is characterized as irresistible attacks of refreshing sleep that occur daily over at least 3 months and has the presence of recurrent intrusions of REM sleep and/or cataplexy (i.e., brief episodes of sudden bilateral loss of muscle tone, most often in association with intense emotion).
Recurrent or persistent involuntary spasm of the musculature of the outer third of the vagina that interferes with sexual intercourse
_______________ occurs over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving the act of observing an unsuspecting person who is naked, in the process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity
______________ is characterized by recurrent episodes of excessive daytime sleepiness or prolonged nighttime sleep
______________ disorder is characterized by a long-standing need for the person to be taken care of and a fear of being abandoned or separated from important individuals in his or her life.
Dependent Personality Disorder
Characterized by one or more symptoms or deficits affecting voluntary motor or sensory function that suggest a neurological or other general medical condition
Conversion Disorder
An _________________ is characterized by the development of emotional or behavioral symptoms in response to an identifiable stressor (or stressors) occurring within 3 months of the onset of the stressor.
Adjustment Disorder
___________ is characterized by recurrent or persistent genital pain associated with sexual intercourse in either a male or a female.
These disorders typically aren't diagnosed until an individual is a young adult, often not until their 20's or even 30's
Personality Disorders
________________prevention takes place after an illness has been treated; it is designed to prevent recurrence of the problem.
________________prevention, which refers to early detection and treatment of problems before they develop into full-blown illnesses with long-term consequences.
______________prevention, which is aimed at preventing problems before they occur in the first place.
The ___________ is designed to test the hypothesis that group means were drawn from the same population – i.e., that means are equal in the population
A therapist, when using the technique of _____________ (also called challenge), you engage in respectful and gentle efforts to help a client recognize that he is using distortions, deceptions, denials, avoidance, or manipulations that are getting in the way of desired change
___________ is used to help a client change the meaning he gives to an event, behavior, or life experience by gently persuading him that it can be viewed in a different and more positive light.
The technique of _____________ is useful when a client engages in angry or aggressive behavior toward you. With this technique, you offer no resistance to the client and avoid responding with either anger or defensiveness to his behavior. You calmly acknowledge to the client that he may have legitimate reasons for his anger, his criticism of you, etc., that his perceptions of the situation are correct, etc.
____________ is verbal communication skill used in response to vague or unclear client messages; this skill is used when you don't understand the client's message.
The ____________ is designed for use with individuals between the ages of 13 and 19 years whose reading ability is at or above the sixth-grade level; it is self-report personality inventory consisting of true-false items that assess enduring personality traits and acute clinical states
The _________ is designed to be used with adult clients undergoing clinical assessment or psychotherapy. It is a self-report personality inventory consisting of 175 true-false items that assess enduring personality traits and acute clinical states.
is designed for individuals aged 18 and over who have at least a sixth-grade reading comprehension level. It is a self-report personality test that reports an examinee’s performance in terms of clinical scales and validity scales and is commonly used to assess personality through profile analysis – a method of score interpretation that involves looking at the pattern of subtest or scale scores. For adolescents ages 14 to 18, The ___________is available.
MMPI - 2
The ______________ is designed as a brief measure of visual-motor integration and screening tool for neuropsychological impairment for individuals aged 3 years and older.
Bender - Gestalt
Lenore Walkers cycle of violence includes three (3) stages which are characterized as:
Tension building (victim tries to diffuse by giving in to the batterer)
Acute Battering Incident
Honeymoon stage
The _____________ one that unconditionally, naturally, and automatically triggers a response. For example, when you smell one of your favorite foods, you may immediately feel very hungry.
Unconditioned Stimulus
Stimulus refers to _________
The ______________ is the unlearned response that occurs naturally in response to the unconditioned stimulus.
Unconditioned Response
The ___________ is previously neutral stimulus that, after becoming associated with the unconditioned stimulus, eventually comes to trigger a conditioned response. For example, suppose that when you smelled your favorite food, you also heard the sound of a whistle, the whistle serves as this type of response when paired with your favorite food.
Conditioned Stimulus
The ______________ is the learned response to the previously neutral stimulus.
Conditioned Response
____________ occurs when an infant begins to connect with its environment and with the people in it.
Separation Individuation
Psychoanalysts uses a technique called ___________________ that encourages clients to relate anything which came into their mind, regardless of how apparently unimportant or potentially embarrassing the memory threatened to be
Free association
___________ symptoms associated with depression are basic bodily processes, such as eating, sleeping, feeling pleasure, and elimination.