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84 Cards in this Set

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Best way to start play therapy with a child diagnosed with SEPARATION ANXIETY D/O
see child with parent first then see child alone
- Potassium deficiency (body doesn't produce enough)
- common in people with eating disorders
Transtheoretical Model
1) Precontemplation: little insight about need to change, don't intend to change
2) Contemplation: aware of the need for change, considering change within next 6 months, not yet committed to the cange
3) Preparation: intent to take action in the next 6 months
4) Action: have already taken steps to bring about change
5) Maintenance: achieved changes in bx that have lasted for at least 6 months, taking steps to prevent relapse

Cognitive-affective techniques are good for precontemplation, contemplation, and preparation stages

Behavioral techniques are good for action and maintenance stages
Greatest danger associated with stereotyping
devaluation of the individual
Cultural paranoia
- adaptive response to racism
- therapist should help african american client bring feelings of suspiciousness, frustration & antipathy toward whites into conscious awareness
Functional paranoia
- unhealthy, pathology
Confluent Paranoiac
- High functional paranoia and high cultural paranoia
- Refer ct to African American therapist
You are referred a child who has been in a good foster home for 5 years and is moving to a new foster home. What is the child likely to experience?
Pretty severe psychological disturbance because of loss of primary caregiver
Circular questioning in family therapy
- Helps family members see similarities/differences in their perceptions which will increase their flexibility in viewing their problems (view problems in a different light)
Best treatment for panic disorders and agoraphobia
Flooding (in vivo exposure with response prevention)
What causes vascular dementia
cerebrovascular disease (series of small strokes)
Medication useful for decreasing obsessions in OCD
Nightmare D/O
- repeatedly wake up and recall frightening dreams
- content of dreams = imminent physical danger (attack, injury, being chased)
Sleep Terror D/O
- episodes of abrupt waking up, usually starting with a panicky scream
- don't remember dream after they wake up
Somatization D/O
- somatic complaints not better explained by general medical condition or substance use
- start before age 30
- last for several years
Undifferentiated Somatoform D/O
- somatic sxs last 6 months or more
Somatoform D/O NOS
- somatic sxs for less than 6 months
Cuento Therapy
- cuento = Spanish folk tale
- read cuentos and then lead group discussion about bx of characters and moral of the story
- most effective with Puerto Rican children
- cuentos adapted to environment are more effective than originals
Treatment for Cyclothymia
Cognitive therapy
Aversive Counterconditioning of a fetish
UCS=aversive stimulus
When are first words spoken by a child?
Between 10-16 months old
When is a referral considered complete?
Follow-up with ct to verify they have followed through on referral
Eye Contact
- Native Americans = prefer indirect gaze
- Caucasians = direct eye contact is sign of respect
- Asians = avoid direct eye contact with those in authority but that pattern may not carry over into treatment
- African Americans = avoid direct eye contact when listening but prefer it when speaking
Therapy with victims of abuse
Early in tx....
- reduce self-blame by repeatedly reassuring them they are not to blame for the abuse
- provide safe, caring environment

- refer to group to help them work through it by discussing it with others
Therapy with FAMILIES of abuse
- 1st step of tx: bring abuse out into the open b/c family members tend to deny it
- confronting abuser is helpful when it is the dad/husband
- see family members individually
- teach stress-reduction skills to abuser
Reasons why women stay in abusive relationships
#1) fear of more abuse if she leaves
2) unable to support herself economically
3) love or commitment to the relationship
HIV positive status
- HIV infected ct's have a duty to warn their partners
- social worker does not have duty to warn
Feminist Therapy
- goal is to empower the ct. Do this by addressing power differential between therapist & ct and then trying to decrease it
- assume ct's problems are due to sexism and gender repression
- promote collaboration with ct
- model alternative social roles
can lead to depression and social role dysfunction
Cocaine Withdrawal
- depression
- 2 or more: fatigue, vivid dreams, insomnia/hypersomnia, increased appetite, psychomotor agitation/retardation
- craving
Child Interviews
- structured, open-ended questions
- avoid questions that start with "why"
- avoid leading questions
- visual stimuli (have child draw a picture and respond to it, faces)
- use descriptive comments (you look happy today)
- use reflective statements
- provide praise
- avoid critical statements. instead use rules, invitation statements (come sit at the table), or ignore bx
- interview adults who know the child
- meet with the ct, explore problem, and develop goals/plan
- discuss risks/advantages
- make sure their complaint is based on fact
- don't do more than the ct wants you to do...actions always based on ct's wishes
- may be caused by biological dysfunction (developmental cortical abnormalities in the brain)
- tends to run in families
- has adequate intelligence
Adopt traits of dominant culture with or without abandoning traits of native culture
What dx often exists along with Panic D/O?
sxs of depression
Treatment for sexual abuse perp
- individual therapy
- marital therapy
- group therapy
- goal is to strengthen and preserve family system because it is assumed that the perp can be rehabilitated
Stress inoculation
Type of CBT
1) education (understand responses)
2) acquire coping skills
3) apply coping skills to imagined or in vivo situations
Tx for cts in stable phase of schizophrenia
- supportive therapy
- skills training
- maintain/improve quality of life
- work or school
Tx for cts in stabilization phase of schizophrenia (after an acute illness episode)
- reduce stress on the ct
- provide support to minimize relapse
- help ct to adapt to life in the community
- psychoeducation about sxs
- set realisitc goals
- get involved in community activities or rehab services but don't put too much pressure on them
Diabetes Mellitus
if left untreated, it can result in....
increased appetite with weight loss, apathy, confusion, mental dullness
Most primitive defense mechanism
Neurolinguistic Programming
work with ct's preferred sensory mode
ex: use "i see" with visual cts and "i hear you" with auditory cts, adjust posture to that of the ct
Indicators of sexual abuse in kids
- overly sophisticated knowledge of sex (i.e. masturbation)
- sudden change in bx
Antipsychotic Drugs
aka "major tranquilizers"
most common side effect = drowsiness
other side effects: confusion, disorientation, dizziness
Characteristics of Batterers
- higher rate of alcohol and drug use
- traditional sex role expectations (ex. machoism)
- low self-esteem
- either passive or aggressive communication style
- poor impulse control
- anger
- experienced/witnessed childhood violence
- place responsibility on others rather than themseleves
- controlling bx
- therapist may or may not have had malevolent intentions
- connection between therapist's actions and harm suffered by the ct
Sexual activity in older age
- physical health
- availability of a prtner
- past sexual activity
(past sexual bx is predictor of future sexual bx)
What to do when working with clients from a different racial/ethnic background
- address difference directly during initial session
- discuss cts reactions to it
- ask family members how they would like to be addressed
Side effects of SSRIs
- gastrointestional (nausea, appetite loss, diarrhea, constipation)
- frequent urination
- insomnia
- anxiety
- headache
- dizziness
- tremor
- sexual dysfunction
Side effects of TCAs
- anticholinergic: dry mouth, sweating, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention
- cardiovascular: palpitations, hypertension
- weight gain
- nausea
- sedation
Treatment of Tourette's D/O
- referral to neurologist first
- later refer to psychiatrist for meds
- use antipsychotic meds
Problem-solving social casework model
- concerned with ct's motivation, capacity, and opportunity
- problems with these make cts unable to solve their other problems
Crisis theory
- people can adapt to change
- help ct learn better coping bxs so they can respond better to future crises
Role of therapist in psychoanalytic therapy
- purposely stay neutral
- this is how you analyze transference and resistance
Role of therapist in client-centered therapy (Rogerian)
therapist creates "right" environment by:
- unconditional positive regard
- accurate empathic understanding
- genuineness
Role of therapist in CBT
- confront
- challenge
Role of therapist in Reality Therapy
- warm
- respectful
- caring
- open
- model responsible bxs for cts
Ecological perspective of social casework
- Problems/needs result from interactions between person and environment
members of the family cooperate to maintain homeostasis and make things look like it's "business as usual"
Cultural differences between therapist and ct
Therapist should awknowledge difference to the ct and ask if they have any questions about it
Cts tend to terminate when therapist ignores cutlural differences
School phobia
Can be caused by:
- separation anxiety
- traumatic school experience
Associated features of learning disorders
- delays in language development, memory
- attention deficits
- motor incoordination
- low self-esteem
- poor social skills

most frequently codiagnosis is ADHD
Info that can be disclosed to a supervisor in the context of an EAP
- if employee kept appointment
- whether employee needs tx
- whether employee accepted tx
- don't give any other info without employee's consent
Tx for Antisocial PD
- take some responsibility
- try to get control over actions
- very structured
- reality based
Treatment of choice for African American families
- extended family systems therapy
- incorporates relationships with extended family members as a strength
Important initial tasks when working with Asian cts (especially w/trditional values)
- establish credibility
display diplomas & certificates in the office, show you are familiar with their cultural background, offer possible explanation for their problem, provide some immediate solutions
Interpersonal Therapy
- brief therapy that was initially developed for depression but is now applied to other disorders
- focus on link between current interpersonal problems and depressive sxs
How long should you retain a ct's records?
- at least 7 yrs after discharge
- records of nonemancipated minors should be kept for at least 1 yr after they turn 18
Tx for Conduct D/O
- Social learning family intervention aka parent management training
Includes: psychoed for parents, reinforcement of prosocial bxs, discipline for unacceptable bxs, communiction training
Treatment for PTSD
- CBT: exposure to memories of the event, cognitive restructuring, and anxiety mgmt
Outcomes of treatment phases
- Early phase: feelings of hopelessness decline
- Middle phase: sxs reduce
- Final phase: unlearn maladaptive bxs, develop alternative coping skills
Dx that are commonly diagnosed with schizophrenia
- substance related d/o
- anxiety d/o (epsecally panic and ocd)
- Structural family therapy term
- when 2 parties try to involve a 3rd party in their conflict and get that 3rd party's loyalty (i.e. parents & child, or both mom and dad call therapist seperately to get them on their side)
join a family system by imitating it's style, tempo, and affect
Tx for older adults
- benefit about just as much as younger adults from therapy
- specific tx for this population: CBT and reminiscence therapy
Client committed a crime
Ethically keep confidential unless ct comes to tx to avoid being detected or apprehended
Client plans to commit a crim
- Keep confidential except in cases of Tarasoff
- Must report if ct went to tx to get help committing a crime
What to do when a ct files a complaint against you to the board
- don't release records without a release
- hire a lawyer
- contact malpractice carrier for assistance
Fetal abuse reports
- MAY report but not required to
What is respite care?
- homemaker services, day care, foster grandparents, etc
- offered to parents who need a break because of stess
- giving them a break will prevent child abuse and reduce the risk of having to remove the child from the home
- contradictory emotions
- i.e. ambivalence to change = does and doesn't want to change
- technique used in family therapy where family members position themselves to show closeness or distance between them
Limits on mandated reporting for elders/dependent adults
- mandated reporter has been told by elder that they are being abused
- MR isn't aware of any evidence that abuse has occured
- elder is diagnosed with mental illness, dementia, incapacity, or court-ordered conservatorship
- MR believes abuse did not occur
Optimal time frame for crisis intervention
6-8 wks b/c that's about how long a crisis lasts