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36 Cards in this Set

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What is mitosis

Reproduction of body cells, or somatic cells. In mitosis, exact copy of the parent cell is made. occurs in all cells except 'sex'cells

What is meiosis

Reproduction of sex cells, or gametes

What is the main molecule responsible for

storing instructions and is the 'recipe' for

the human body?


What is replication?

During cell division, these instructions must be

copied and passed on to the new cells. This is accomplished through the process of replication.

What does each cell in a body have?

A complete set of DNA

What form is DNA in for most of the time?

chromatin..., long thin, strands of DNA.

During cell division, these strands will coil up forming shorter, thicker structures called chromosomes.

How do chromosomes start out?

The chromosome starts out single stranded but during replication it forms 2 chromatids called

sister chromatids joined together by a


How many chromosomes in a mosquito, pea plant, sunflower, dog, and human?

a mosquito has 6 chromosomesa pea plant has 14

a sunflower, 34

a human being, 46

and a dog, 78.

What is a gene and what does it contain?

A gene is a section of a chromosome that controls a specific characteristic. Carries instructions to build a protein

What is meiosis - detail

­ reproduction of sex cells the goal is not to create an exact copy of the parent cell's DNA, but a half copy.

What is a diploid

diploid (2n) = the number of chromosomes in a somatic cell

what is a haploid

haploid (n) = the number of chromosomes in a gamete

What the G1 phase

G1 phase: rapid growthand metabolism

What is the S phase

S phase: DNA synthesisand replication

What is the G2 phase

G2 phase: centriolesreplicate; cell preparesfor division

What is prophase?

The nucleolus fades and chromatin condenses into chromosomes.

• Centrioles migrate to opposite ends of the cell

and microtubules (spindle fibers) form between


What is metaphase?

• Spindle fibers attach to the centromeres

• the chromosomes are lined up in the middle

of the cell. There is a separate spindle fiber for each


What is anaphase?

Spindle fibers shorten

• the centromeres separate and the

chromosomes are pulled apart sending 1

chromatid to each end of the cell. (end of cell =


What is telophase?

• The chromatids arrive at the poles

• the spindle fibers disappear

•a nuclear membrane forms around each group of chromatids

What is cytokineses

The separation of the cytoplasm and the formation of 2 new daughter cells.

What is meiosis?

is the cell division that occurs in reproductive cells to produce gametes (sperm and ovum).

What is spermatogenesis and oogenesis?

In a process called spermatogenesis, 4 sperm cells (spermatozoa) are made (males)and in a process called

oogenesis, 1 egg cell (ovum) is made (female)

Why only one EGG (ovum) produced not 4?

During Meiosis I, the cytoplasm is not divided equally to the two daughter cells. Thus only 1

viable cell result. The other cell is called the

polar body. The 1 viable cell undergoes Meiosis II and again the cytoplasm is unequally divided so only 1

viable cell (ovum or egg) is produced. The purpose of the unequal division is to

provide the 1 viable egg with enough

nutrients to support the developing zygote

after fertilization.

What is Meiosis I and II?

Meiosis I : the number of chromosomes is divided in half, creating two haploid cells.• Meiosis II: (similar to mitosis) results in two more cells, (for a total of four) that are all haploid

What is interphase in meiosis?

Interphase is the same in reproductive cells as in body cells.

Thecell grows and prepares for division. Before meiosis begins, the chromosomes replicate

forming Homologous chromosomes

What is prophase I?

Homologous chromosomes (ie: the pairs carrying the same genes) pair up. During this process, crossing over of genes may occur, where sections of the chromosomes are exchanged. This allows for genetic variation.

What is metaphase I?

Homologous chromosomes align at the equator of the cell. The centrioles migrate to the poles,

and the spindle forms.

What is a tetrad?

When two homologous chromosomes are aligned at the equator, they are called a tetrad.

What is independent assortment?

The homologous pairs are randomly oriented along the equator. This is called independent assortment and it allows for genetic variation.

What is anaphase I?

The chromosomes are drawn to opposite poles. However, the sister chromatids do not separate.

instead, one whole chromosome from each

homologous pair is drawn to each pole.

Whats telophase I?

Chromosomes reach the poles of the cell.

Prophase II?

The haploid cells from Meiosis I prepare to

divide. Centrioles replicate.

Metaphase II?

Centrioles migrate to the poles, the spindle

forms, and the chromosomes align at equator.

Anaphase II?

Sister chromatids separate at the centromere,

and are drawn along the spindle to the poles.

Telophase II?

Chromatids reach the poles of the cells.

Cytokinesis II?

The cell divides. The end result is four daughter

cells, all of which are haploid.