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22 Cards in this Set

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What are the five properties of a Latin verb?
person, number, tense, voice, mood
1. Tense refers to which two things?
1. Time (pres. past fut.) and Aspect (simple, prog. rep. compl.) ex,, of compl. the boy had laughed.
Which type of Voice appears?
passive, active
Which type of mood appears?
indicative - represent somethin factual or ask a question of facts. imperative - command. subjunctive - possible wishful doubtful
What does the present tense refer to in the indicative mood?
present time, simp. pro/rep
Imperfect in indic. mood?
past, pro. rep.
Future in indicative mood?
future, simp. pro/rep
Perfect in indicative mood?
present, completed (She has thought) or past, simple ( She thought)
Pluperfect in indicative mood?
past, compl. (she had thought)
Future Perfect in indicative mood?
fut. compl. (She will have thought)
What are the four principle parts of a verb?
first person sing. present active indicative - I move
present active infinitive - to move, 1st sing. perf. act. indic. - I moved/I have moved perfect passive participle - (having been) moved
What are the four conjugations?
1st conj. ā, ō, āre, āvī, ātus/ 2nd conj. ē, ō, ēre, ōvi, ōtus/ 3rd conj., e ō, ere, ēxī, ēctus/ 4th conj. ī, ō, īre, īvī, ītus
What are the active personal endings?
ō,m/ s/ t/ mus/ tis/ nt
What is the exception in the future active indicative 1st person singular?
instead of biō its bō
Conjugate sum and possum in the present active indicative
sum, es, est, sumus, estis, sunt
possum, potes, potest, possumus, potestis, possunt
Conjugate sum and possum in the imperfect active indicative
eram, erās, erat, erāmus, erātis, erant
pot and then add sum imperfect ending
Conjugate sum and possum in the future active indicative
erō, eris, erit, erimus, eritis, erunt,
pot and then add sum imperfect endings
What is a transitive verb?
expresses an action that is directly exerted on a person or thing. An intransitive verb is not this.
What is a complementary infinitive?
When the infinitive is used to complete the meaning of another verb. We ought to work
Object Infinitive?
When the infinitive is used as a direct object. I desire to work.
What is the Dative of the Possessor?
When the dative case is used to indicate a person who possesses something. To the master there is a book
What are the other two ways besides Dative of the Possessor, that Latin shows possession?
Genitive of Possession and using habēre