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70 Cards in this Set

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Posteä Römulus Remusque constituunt urbem condere in iïs locïs ubi expositi et ëducäti erant.
Afterwords, Romulus and Remus decide to found a city in that region where they had been exposed and educated.
Quod gemini erant, incertum fuit uter nömen novae urbi daret et regnäret.
Because they were twins, it was uncertain which of the two would give a name to the new city and rule.
Tandem statuërunt auguria capere.
At last they decided to take UP THE auguries.
Remus prior sex vultures vïdit, sed mox Römulus duodecim.
At first Remus saw six vultures, but soon Romulus twelve.
Inde altercätio oritur, dëïnde rixa, quä in rixä Remus occïsus est.
Then a dispute arises, then a quarrel, in which Remus was killed.
Multi tamen narrant Remum novos müros transiluisse, ut frätrem vexäret.
Many never the less say that Remus jumped over the new walls in order to annoy his brother.
Tum Römulus, ut hi dïcunt, haec verba locütus est:
‘sïc pereant omnes qui transilient moenia mea’,
et statim frätrem interfëcit.
Then Romulus, so these men say, spoke these words: 'so let all men perish who leap over my walls', and immediately he killed his brother.
Ita sölus imperium Römulus adeptus est, et urbem novam nömine suo appellävit.
So Romulus alone gained the power, and called the new city by his own name.
Römulus, creätus rex, duodecim lictöres sumpsit,
et iüra populo dedit.
Romulus having been appointed king, took twelve lictors and gave justice/laws to the people.
Interim urbs crescëbat et müniëbätur.
In the mean time the city grew and was being strengthened.
Rex asylum inter duos lücos aperit:
ad hoc asylum omnes, lïberïque et servi, qui novärum rërum avidi erant, perfügërunt.
The king opens a sanctuary between the two groves: to the sanctuary all free, and slaves.
Praetereä centum creat senätores, qui patres appelläti sunt.
Besides he creates one hundred senators, who have been called the fathers.
Hi senätores Römulum monëbant ut lëgätos circä vïcïnas gentes mitteret.
These senators were advising Romulus to send ambassadors around the neighboring tribes.
Paucae enim fëminae in urbe erant.
For few women were in the city.
Nusquam benignë lëgätio audïta est: itaque Römäni ïrascëbantur.
No where is the embassy kindly heard: and so the Romans were angry.
Mox multi Römam convënëre qui novam urbem vidëre volëbant.
Soon, many came together to Rome who wished to see the new city.
Mox Caenïnenses in agrum Römänum impetum fëcërunt ut virgines reciperent.
Soon the Caeninas made an attack in the Roman fields in order to recover the virgins.
Inter lüdos, signo dato, Römäni virgines Sabïnörum rapere incipiëbant: multae captae sunt.
Among the public games, the signal given, the Romans began to seize the virgins of the Sabines: many were captured.
Virgines hoc aegrë ferëbant, sed ipse Römulus eas hortäbätur ut sortem suam acciperent et Römänïs nüberent: neque rëgis precibus diü resistëbant.
These virgins bore this with difficulty, but Romulus himself encouraged them, that they accept their lot and marry the Romans: not for a long time were they resisting the prayers of the king.
Sed Römulus fugat exercitum et rëgem occïdit.
But Romulus puts to flight the army and kills the king.
Sabïni tamen dolum nectëbant.
The Sabines, never the less, were planning deceit.
Spurius Tarpëius Römänae praeerat arci.
Spurius Tarpeius was in command of the Roman citadel.
Hüius fïliam, Tarpëiam, auro corrumpit Tatius, rex Sabïnörum, ut armätos in arcem accipiat.
Tatius, king of the Sabines, bribes Tarpeius, the daughter of this man, with gold, in order to except the armed men into the citadel.
Sabïni aureas armillas magni ponderis bracchio laevo habëbant:
Tarpëia Tatio ita dixit: ‘Sabïni, arcem intrantes, id mihï dent quod bracchio laevo habent.’
The Sabines were holding golden bracelets of great weight on their left arm: Thus said Tarpeus to Tatius: 'let the Sabines, entering the citadel, give it to me which they have on their left arm.'
Sed Sabïni pro aureïs dönïs scüta in eam coniëcërunt quae in sinistrïs manibus habëbant.
But instead of golden gifts, the Sabines, hurled the (oblong)shields into her, which they had in their left hands.
Ita, scütïs oppressa, Tarpëia periit.
So Tarpei, crushed by their shields, perished.
Sabïni igitur arcem tenuërunt; et dië postero cum Römänïs manüs conseruërunt.
The Sabines therefore hold the citadel; and that day joined in the battle with the Romans.
Sed Sabïnae mulieres inter tëla properäbant et patres et viros öräbant ne sanguine se maculärent.
But the Sabine wives hastened between the weapons, and they asked the fathers and husbands that they not stain themselves with blood.
Exclamäbant enim se fïlias esse alterius populi, uxöres alterius.
For the cried out that they were the daughter of one people, the wives of the other.
Ita pax est facta.
So/thus peace was made.
loqui, lucutus sum

to speak, say
moenia, -um
(n plural)

walls, fortifications
oriri, ortus sum

to arise
perire, perii, peritum

to perish
rixa, -ae
statuere, statui, statutum

to decide
utra, utrum

which of the two
vexare, vexavi, vexatum

to annoy
with difficulty
avidus -a -um
desirous, eager
creare, creavi, creatum

to create
in the meantime
lucus, -i
sumere, sumpsi, sumptum

to take
vicinus -a -um
bracchium, -i
corrumpere, corrupi, corruptum

to corrupt
dolus, -i
fugare, fugavi, fugatum

to put to fight
laevus -a -um
left, on the left
mulier, mulieris
nectere, nexui or nexi, nexum

to weave, plan
pondus, ponderis
praeesse, praefui

to be in command
sanguis, sanguinis
sinister, sinistra, sinistrum
left, on the left
telum, -i
to such a degree, so
some, a considerable number of
augere, auxi, auctum

to increase
celare, celavi, celatum

to hide, conceal
colere, colui, cultum

to worship, celebrate
delabi, delapsus sum

to glide down
nimbus, -i
procella -ae
vacuus -a -um