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17 Cards in this Set

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fabula, -ae, f
story fable, fabulous
Roma, -ae, f.
Rome Romance Languages
patria, -ae, f.
fatherland, country patriot, patriotic, expatriate
pecunia, -ae, f.

(from the Latin for cattle, pecus. The Romans traded cattle before they had currency.)

pecuniary, impecunious
villa, -ae, f.
farmhouse village
do, dare, dedi, datus
give data, dedicate, dedication
dono, donare, donavi, donatus
give, donate donor, donation
mando, mandare, mandavi, mandatus
entrust mandate, command
monstro, monstrare, monstravi, monstratus
show demonstrate, demonstration, demonstrative
nuntio, nuntiare, nuntiavi, nuntiatus
tell, report announce, annunciation, enunciation, denounce, denunciation
a, ab (abl)
away from absent, absentee, abstain, in absentia
cum (abl)
with (in English assimilates to con-, col-, cor-, etc) conference, collate, correlate
e, ex (abl)
out from exit, expectorant, exorcise, export
in (abl or acc.)
with abl. = in, on
with acc. = into, onto
incorporate, incarcerate, incarnate, encase, inception, incise, incline, incur
(Be careful with this one. Usually the prefix "in-" means NOT in English. This preposition assimilates to the prefix "en-" in some English words)
pro (abl)
in front of, on behalf of providence, profane, proceed, procession, progress, procure, progeny, provide
sine (abl)
without sinecure
sub (abl. or acc.)
With abl. = under
with acc. = up to
subway, subterranean, suburb, substitute, subsonic, subordinate, submerge, substantive