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51 Cards in this Set

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Etiam fortēs virī subitīs perīculīs saepe terrentur.

Even brave men are often frightened by sudden dangers.

Tua cōnsilia sunt clāra nōbīs; tenēris scientiā hōrum cīvium omnium.

Your plans are clear to us; you are held by the knowledge of every citizen.

Malum est cōnsilium quod mūtārī nōn poetest.

The plan which cannot be changed it bad.

Laudātur ab hīs; culpātur ab illīs.

He is praised by these people; he is blamed by those people.

Nihil igitur mors est, quoniam nātūra animī habētur mortālis.

Therefore death is nothing, since the nature of the soul is regarded as mortal.

Amor miscērī sum timōre nōn potest.

Love is not able to be mixed with fear.

Numquam enim temeritās cum sapientiā commiscētur.

Never, in fact, will rashness be mixed with wisdom.

Dīligēmus eum quī pecūniā nōn movētur.

We love him who is not moved by money.

Fēminae librōs difficilēs crās legent quōs mīsistī.

The women will read the difficult books which you sent tomorrow.

Omnia flūmina in mare fluunt et cum eō miscentur.

All rivers flow into the sea and are mixed with it.

Itaque is genus lūdōrum levium, quod ā multīs familiīs laudābātur, nōs ipsī numquam cupimus.

Therefore we never desire that kind of trivial games to ourselves, which can be praised by many families.

Puerī et puellae propter facta bona ā mātribus patribusque quoque laudātae erunt.

Because of good deeds, the boys and girls would have been praised by their mothers and fathers also.

Hostēs trāns ingēns flumen in Graeciā deinde cito nāvigāre incēperunt.

The enemies began to sail across the river in Greece quickly.

Illa argūmenta vīsa sunt et gravia et certa.

Those arguments seemed both important and certain.

Quod nōs facere contrā istōs et scelera eōrum dēbēmus?

What should we do against those* men and their crimes?

Quid ego ēgī? In quod per1iculum iactus sum?

What have I done? Into which dangers had I been thrown?

Ō dī immortālēs! In quā urbe vīvimus? Quam cīvitātem habēmus? Quae scelera vidēmus?

Oh, immortal gods! In which city do we live? Which state do we have? What crimes do you see?

Quī sunt bonī cīvēs nisi eī quī officiō moventur et beneficia patriae memoriā tenent?

Who are good citizens except those men who are moved by duty and hold the kindness of the fatherland in memory?

Quī vir fortis clārusque, dē quō lēgisti, aetātem brevem mortemque celerem exspectābat?

Which strong and famous man, about whom you read, used to expect a brief period of life and a swift death?

Quae studia gravia tē semper dēlectant, aut quae nunc dēsīderās?

Which serious studies always delight you, or which now do you desire?

Cornua cervum ā perīculīs dēfendunt.

The horns protect the deer from dangers.

Oedipūs duōbus oculīs sē prīvāvit.

Oedipus deprived himself of his two eyes.

Themistoclēs bellō Persicō Graeciam servitute liberāvit.

Themistocles freed Greece from slavery in the Persian war.

Dēmosthenēs multōs versūs ūnō spīritū prōnūntiābat.

Demosthenes kept pronouncing many verses with one breath.

Iste commūnī sēnsū caret.

That* man lacks common sense.

Senectūs nōs prīvat omnibus voluptātibus neque longē abest ā morte.

Old age deprives us of all pleasure and is not far away from death.

Nūllus accūsātor caret culpā; omnēs pecāvimus.

No accuser lacks fault; we all have sinned.

Futūra scīrī nōn possunt.

Future things are not able to be known.

Prīncipiō ipse deōrum hominumque causā factus est, et quae in eō sunt, ea parāta sunt ad frūctum hominum.

In the beginning, the world was itself made for the sake of gods and men, and the things which are in it have been prepared for the benefit of man.

Quam cōpiōsē ā Xenophonte agrīcultūra laudātur in eō librō quī "Oeconomicus" īnscrībitur.

How fully agriculture is praised by Xenophor in that book which is entitled "Oeconomicus".

Ubi scientia ac sapientia inveniuntur?

Where are science and wisdom found?

Vēritās nimis saepe labōrat; exstinguitur numquam.

Truth works too often; it is never extingquished.

Dum vīta est, spēs est.

Where there is life, there is hope.

Aequum animum in rēbus difficilibus servā.

Keep a calm mind in difficult matters.

Spēs coniūrātōrum mollibus sententiīs multōrum cīvium alitur.

The conspirators' hope is nourished by the mild opinions of many people.

Rēs pūblica cōnsiliīs meīs eō diē ex igne atque ferrō ērepta est.

On that day the state had been rescued from fire and sword by my plans.

Amīcus certus in rē incertā cernitur.

A certain friend is distinguished in an uncertain matter.

Vivēs meīs praesidiīs oppressus.

You will live overpowered by my guards.

Illī autem, tendentēs maūß dextrās, salūtem petēbant.

However, these men, stretching forth their right hands, were seeking welcome.

Signa rērum futūrārum mundō ā dīs ostenduntur.

Signs of things that are about to be seen are shown to the world by the gods.

Atticus Ciceronī ex patriā fugientī multam pecūniam dedit.

Atticus gave much money to Cicero, fleeing from the country.

Saepe stilum verte, bonum libellum scrīptūrus.

Invert the stylus often, about to write a good little book.

Sī mihi eum ēducandum commitēs, studia eius fōrmāre ab infantiā incipiam.

If you entrust him to me to be educated,I shall begin to shape his studies from infancy.

Cūra ōratōris dictūrī eōs audītūrōs dēlectat.

The care of an orator about to speak delights those about to listen.

Memoria vītae bene āctae multōrumque bene factōrum iūcunda est.

The memory of a life well-lived and things well-done is gratifying.

Quī timēns vīvet, līber nōn erit umquam.

The one who will live fearing will never be free.

Nōn is et miser quī iussus aliquid facit, sed is quī invītus facit.

That man is not wretched, who having been ordered does something, but he who does something unwillingly.

Asiā victā, dux Rōmānus fēlix multōs servōs in Italiam misit.

With Asia having been conquered, the lucky leader sent many slaves into Italy.

Tarquiniō expulsō, nōmen rēgis audīre nōn poterat populus Rōmānus.

With Tarquinius having been expelled, the Roman people were not able to hear the name of the king.

Omnibus ferrō mīlitis perterritis, quisque sē servāre cupiēbat.

With all the men very frightened by the soldier's sword, each person was desiring to save himself.

Nec tumultam nec hastam mīlitis nec mortem violentem timēbō, Augustus terrās tenente.

With Augustus holding the lands, I will fear neither uproar, nor the soldier's spar, nor a violent death.