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75 Cards in this Set

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agere, egi, actum

to act, drive, build
condere, condidi, conditum

to found, compose, hide
conserere, conservi, consertum

to join battle
effugere, effugi, effugitum

to flee away, escape
egredi, egressus sum

to go out, disembark
gerere, gessi, gestum

to carry, carry on, wage war
oppidum, -i
(n) Town
praeda, -ae
(f) booty, blunder
proelium, -i
(n) battle
uxor, uxoris
(f) wife
addere, addidi, additum

to add
soon, presently
occidere, occidi, occasum

to kill
opulentus, -a, -um
regnare, regnavi, regnatum

to rule
relinquere, reliqui, relictum

to leave
at length, at last
adire, adii or adivi, aditum

to approach
alveus, -i
(m) basket, hollow vessel
fluitare, fluitavi, fluitatum

to float
flumen, flumenis
(n) stream or river
geminus, -a, -um
lambere, lambui, lambitum

to lick
lac, lactis
(n) milk
pecus, pecoris
(n) cattle
ripa, -ae
(f) bank
sacerdos, sacerdotis
(m and f) priest, priestess
vagitus, -us
(m) crying of children
vincere, vinxi, vinctum

to blind
for, forte
by chance, strongly, accidentally
constituere, constitui, constitutum

to establish, appoint, settle, decide, draw up
adipisci, adeptus sum

to obtain, gain, retain
agnoscere, agnovi, agnitum

to recognize
aperire, aperui, apertum

to open, disclose
dedidi, deditum

to give up, surrender
impetus, -us
(m) attack
iuvenis, -e
young, young man
latro, latronis
(m) robber
parare, paravi, paratum

to prepare
stirps, stirpis
(F) family, offspring
pastor, pastoris
(m) shepherd
supplicium, -i
(n) punishment
trahere, traxi, tractum

to drag
vis, vis
(f) force, violence (plural: strength)
Graeci cum Troiänïs bellum gessërunt;
decimo anno Troiam cëpërunt.
The greeks waged ware with the trojans; by the tenth year they captured troy.
Multi Troiäni ex Asiä effüg¨ërunt,
post multos laböres in ¨Ïtaliam vënërunt:
hörum dux est Aenëas, fïlius Veneris.
Many Trojans escaped from Asia, after man labors into Italy they came: the leader of these men is Aeneas, the son of Veneris.
Ibi Troiäni ëgressi sunt, praedamque ex agrïs agëbant.
There the Trojans disembarked, and drove the plunder from the fields.
Latïnus, rex illius terrae, cum Troiänïs manüs conserëbat:
ab Aenëä proelio victus est, päcemque fëcit: deinde fïliam Laviniam Aenëae in matrimonium dedit.
Latinus, the king of the land, joined battle with the Trojans: By Aeneas he was conquered, and he made peace: then he gave his daughter Lavinia to Aeneas in marriage.
Troiäni oppidum condunt: Aenëas ab nömine uxöris Lavinium appellat.
The Trojans found a town: Aeneas calls it Lavinium from the name of his wife.
Post mortem Aenëae Ascanius fïlius regnat.
After the death of Aeneas, Ascanius his son reigns.
Hic Lavinium, urbem opulentam, mätri relïquit;
novam ipse aliam urbem sub Albäno monte condidit:
huic oppido erat nömen Alba Longa.
He left Lavinium, a rich city, to his mother; he himself founded another new city......Alba Longa was the name of this town
Mortuo Ascanio, regnat Silvius.
Ascanius having died, Silvius reigns.
Post Silvium regnävërunt multi rëges
After Silvius many kings ruled.
Tandem Procas rex factus est, pater Numitöris atque Amülii.
At last Procas was made king, the father of Numitor and Amuilius.
Numitöri, qui nätu maximus erat, regnum Procas lëgat.
Procas bequiths the reign to Numitor, who was greatest by birth.
Mox tamen, pulso frätre, Amülius regnat: addit scelus sceleri.
Soon although, with the brother having been expelled, Amulius reigns: he adds crime to crime.
Lïberos frätris occïdit; frätris fïliam, Rëam Silviam, Vestälem lëgit.
He kills the freeborn children of his brother, he appoints Rea Silvia the daughter of his brother a vestel virgin.
Rëae Silviae Martique deo, ut aiunt, gemini fïlii erant.
Rea Silvia and the God Mars, so they say, there were twin sons.
Amülius ïrätus et perturbätus sacerdötem vincïri iubet,
puerosque in flümen mitti.
Amulius angered and alarmed order the priestess to be bound, and the boys to be sent into the river.
Forte super rïpas Tiberis effüsus est:
itaque homines flümen adïre non possunt.
By chance the Tiber was flooded above the banks: Therefore the men are not able to approach the river.
Constituunt in proximïs stagnïs pueros expönere.
They decide to expose the boys in the nearest standing waters.
Alveus, in quo pueri expositi erant, hüc illüc fluitäbat.
The basket in which the boys had been exposed floated hither and thither.
Mox tamen flümen inträ rïpas recëdëbat,
et alveum in siccä rïpä destituit.
Soon nevertheless the river receded into the banks, and it left the basket on the dry bank.
Lupa adiit, et pueros linguä lambens lacte aluit.
The wolf approached, licking the boys with her tongue and nourished them with milk.
Lupam cum puerïs Faustulus, magister rëgii pecoris, invënit.
Faustulus the master of the royal cattle, found the wolf with the boys.
Hos domum Faustulus fert Lärentiaeque uxöri dat
Faustulus carries the boys home and gives them to Larentia his wife.
Sïc gemini a pastöribus ëducäti sunt.
So the twins were educated by the shepherds.
Römulus Remusque, iam iuvenes, in latrönes impetum fecërunt,
praedamque pastöribus dïvidunt.
Romulus and Remus, by the time young men, made an attack on the robbers, and divided the loot among the shepherds.
Itaque latrönes, praedä ämissä, Remum insidiis cëpërunt, sed Römulus vi se
And so the robbers with the plunder lost, captured Remus by means of a plot, but Romulus defends himself with force.
Latrönes Remum trahunt ad Amülium: dïcunt eum in Numitöris agros impetum
The robbers drag Remus to Amulius; they say that he made an attack on the fields of Numitor.
Itaque Numitöri ad supplicium Remus deditur.
And so Remus is surrendered to Numitor for punishment.
Ab initio Faustulo spes fuerat se ëducäre rëgiam stirpem,
nam expositos esse iussu rëgis infantes sciëbat: itaque Römulo rem aperit.
From the beginning hope had been for Fastulus that he head educated the royal offspring, for he knew that the infants had been exposed by order of the king: and so he exposes the matter to Romulus.
Numitor etiam Remum agnöverat: parant consilium.
Even Numitor had recognized Remus: They prepare a plan.
Römulus, collectä pastörum manu, in regem impetum fecit, Remus cum amïcïs
Numitöris frätrem adiuvat.
Romulus, with a band of shepherd having been gathered together, made an attack on the king, Remus with the friends of Numitor helped his brother.
Sïc Amülium occïdunt, et Numitor regnum adipiscitur.
So they kill Amulius, and Numitor acquires the reign.