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10 Cards in this Set

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a(b) prep (with abl)

absque prep (with abl)

from, by (agent), after (etymologies)

except, without

ac or atque conj
and; and also, and even, and yet, and so
acer, acris, acre adj

acies, -ei n (f)

acumen, -inis n (n)

acuo, acuere, acui,

acutum vb tr

sharp, vigorous; violent, acute

sharp edge; battle line; sharpness, debate

peak; point, shrewdness, cunning

to make sharp; to exercise, to incite, to kindle

ad prep (with acc)

ad hoc idiom

adeo adv

adhuc adv

to, towards, at, for, in, up to

ad hoc, to the extent; moreover

so; so far, so long, to the end that, yet, indeedstill; thus far, hitherto, just now, moreover

adulescens, -entis n (m/f)

adulescentia, -ae n (f)

proles, -is n (f)

young man; young woman

adolescence; youth

offspring; that which grows, child, youth, testicles

adulor, adulari, adulatus vb tr

adulatio, -onis n (f)

to flatter; to fawn over (like a dog)

adulation; fawning (like a dog)

aedes or aedis, -is n (f)

aedificatio, -onis n (f)

aedificium, -i n (n)

aedifico, -are, aedificavi, aedificatum vb tr

home; temple, cells of bees, ear chamber, catafalque

edification; constructing,

building, instructingbuilding

to build, to found; to instruct

aeger, aegra, aegrum adj

aegritudo, -inis n (f)

sick; sorrowful, weak

illness; grief

aemulor, aemulari aemulatus vb dep

aemulatio, -onis n (f)

to emulate; to endeavor to equal or excel, to be jealous of

rivalry; emulation, jealousy

aequus, -a, -um adj

adaequo, -are, -avi, -atum vb tr and intr

aequalis, -e adj

aequaliter adv

aequalitas, -atis n (f)

aeque adv

aequipollens, -entis adj

aequitas, -atis n (f)

aequor, -oris n (n)

inique adv

iniquus, -a, -um adj

nequam adj indecl

nequitia, -ae n (f)

straight, fair; flat, equal, tranquil

to level; to make

equal, to attain, to be equalequal; of the same age, contemporary, similar, uniform

equally; uniformly

evenness; equality

equally; justly

equivalent; of equal significance

fairness; equality, tranquillity

level surface, the sea

wickedly; unequally, unfairly, unsuitably, indignantly

harmful, wicked; uneven, too large or small, hostile

vile; worthless, bad

wickedness; badness, idleness, prodigality, wantonness