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41 Cards in this Set

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ab ovo usque ad mala
from beginning to end
[from egg to apples]
ad astra per aspera
to the stars through hard work
[Kansas state motto]
ad hominem
[for the man; by interest/prejudice rather than logic]
ad infinitum
ad majorem Dei gloriam
to the greater glory of God
[motto of the Jesuits]
ad nauseum
to the point of disgust
things which must be done
ars gratia artis
art for art's sake
ars long, vita brevis
art is long, life is short
bona fide
in good faith; real; without defeat
carpe diem
seize the day
{Horace: "pluck the day"]
caveat emptor
let the buyer beware
cave canem
beware or the dog
ceteris paribus
all other things being equal
cui bono
to whose advantage?
cum grano salis
with a grain of salt
cum laude (magna, summa)
with praise [with great praise, with the highest praise]
de facto
on the basis of fact; in reality
de gustibus non est disputandum
there's no disputing about tastes
de mortuis nihil nisi bonum
(say) nothing of the dead unless it is good
Deo volente
God willing
[abbreviation D.V.]
ever upward, loftier
[New York State motto]
e pluribus unum
out of many, one
[United States motto]
esse quam videri
to be rather than to be seen
[North Carolina motto]
ex officio
out of the office, on the basis of an office
ex tempore
out of the moment, without preparation
festina lente
make hast slowly
let it be done
[an absolute command]
habeas corpus
you may have a body
[a legal writ requiring presence]
in absentia
in the absence of
in flagrante delicto
while the crime is blazing, caught in the act
in hoc signo vinces
in this sign you will conquer
in media res
in the middle of things
in situ
in place, in it original position
in toto
in vino veritas
in wine there is truth
lapsus linguae
a slip of the tongue
locum tenens
a substitute
[holding a place]
mea culpa
my fault
memento more
remember you are mortal
[remember to die]
mens sana in corpore sano
a healthy mind in a healthy body