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45 Cards in this Set

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"She of the jade skirt". The deity connected to the worship of ground water. Her shrines were by springs and streams.


The moon goddess.


The sun god.


The quetzal serpent. The name of the nature deity. Represented by a sculpture of a serpent coiled in a cone shape.


The rain god. His name means " he who is the embodiment of the earth". This suggests he was identified with the earth and ground before evolving into a mountain god.


The earth lady. Represented as a crouching figure with an upturned grinning mask and a skull on it's back. Serpents and spiders were also associated with this deity.


The "avenue of the dead" because the mounds on the side look like tombs. The place where the gods were created. In 750 AD the city was burned.


The capital and religious center of the Aztec Civilization. Overthrown by the spanish conquistadors in 1345 CE.


City built in the present day Valley of Mexico

Valley of Mexico

Became the heartland of the Aztec civilization. A large internally drained basin which is surrounded by volcanic mountains


Indigenous people of the Valley of Mexico, known today as the rulers of the Aztec empire.


A hieroglyphic character or symbol.


Corn. First domesticated in Mexico


A member of a group of peoples native to southern Mexico and Central America. Also a Uto-Aztecan language.

New fire ceremony

An important festival that was held once every 52 years to welcome in the new calendar round.

Ball game

The object in the end was to get the ball through the stone hoop which was extremely difficult. Gambling was common over these games. Also took a political significance. This game was meant to mirror the ball court of the heavens.


A method of Mesoamerican agriculture which used small, rectangular areas of fertile arable land to grow crops on the shallow lake beds in the Valley of Mexico.


The las independent ruler of the Aztec empire before the civilizations collapse. Expanded the empire and was considered a god by his people. His name meant "angry like a lord".

1 Reed

The first day of the "reed week" in the aztec calendar. This day is represented by the god Chalchiuhtlicue.


Indians of central Mexico. Aided Cortes in his raid of the Aztec empire.

Twin Pyramids

Temple Mayor consisted of two stair pyramids. The left represented the mountain of Tlaloc and the right one represented the birthplace of Huitzilopolchatli.


A member of central Mexico whose empire flourished from the tenth century until it collapsed under invasion by the Aztecs in the 12th century.


A spanish conquistador who led an expedition that caused the fall of the Aztec Empire.

Noche Triste

The day Cortes and his army fought their way out of the Mexican capital after the death of the Aztec king Montezuma.


A poor farmer of low social status who owns or rents a small piece of land for cultivation. Labor is controlled by a larger state system.


The action or fact of maintaining or supporting oneself at a minimum level.

Replacement fund

Saving for buying new tools and supplies.

Ceremonial fund

Saving for buying new tools and supplies

Rental funds

Compensation for the use of land

Partible inheritance

Land divided among two or more children

Impartible inheritance

Only one child receives the inheritance of land.

Solar market system

A system of markets where one central regional market is surrounded by several local one-day markets


Peasants who make a living on the land he controls and is a marginal participant in the larger national society.


People with mixed Spanish and native ancestry. Population of Guatemala.


A man of mixed race, especially the offspring of a Spaniard and an American Indian.

Dyadic relationships

Relationship between two people.

Single-stranded relationships

One purpose ties/connected to a person in one way.


The merging of different religions or cultures

Type A religion

Based on ideas, belief, and logic

Type B religion

Based on story, experiences and ritual actions.

Nuclear family

The immediate family.

Liberation Theology

A reflection on the following of Jesus of Nazareth from the viewpoint of the poor and oppressed. More specifically to those among the poor who are committed to their own liberation.

Oscar Arnulfo Romero

A bishop of the Catholic Church in El Salvador in 1977. He began to speak out on behalf of the poor and the victims of repression.


The process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations.

