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68 Cards in this Set

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geographical and cultural area which extends from Central Mexico down through Central America, including Guatemala, Belize, Honduras and El Salvador.
Located in Guatemala, Mexico, Honduras, EL Salvador. Flourished from 500 BC to 900-1200 AD. Had an organized social structure. One of the biggest empires in the world.
--Federation of city states that all cooperated
--Technologically advanced: invented 0 independently from India, advanced solar calendars, astronomy, and complex writing system
--cities are later abandoned in 900-1200 AD
moved into present-day Mexico City 1200 AD. Built Tenochtitlan
--Powerful military with 500 vassal cities
--polytheistic people
--Human sacrifice
Chief god-Huitzilopochtli.
Drained swamps to build the floating gardens in the aztec empire
City state located in the middle of Lake Texoco in Mexico
The most "recent" civilization in Peru that was medically advanced and had suspension bridges. Very similar gov't style to US (collected taxes, made people work for a certain amount of time for gov't, etc.)
Incan royal city located high in the Andes mountains; completely abandoned for unknown reason. had "staples"- bone-shaped bolts to hold together architecture. very strong
God feared by the Aztecs, scared he would come and end their empire. Cortez believed to be that god
The conquistador who took down the Aztec empire with very few men
Malinche/Dona Marina
The female translator for Cortes and helped him recruit allies. very intelligent and said to be mother of Mexico b/c had Cortes' child
The conquistador who was able to conquer the Incan empire with very few men. 12' by 17' room filled with gold
The Columbian Exchange
The exchange of items 9food, animals, diseases) between the new world and the Old World
massive land grants the size of the smaller Eastern Seaboard states (i.e. rhode island)
--the natives on the land were now the property of the landowner
De La Casa
A priest who was able to visit the colony that Columbus established, appealed saying the treatment of the natives was inhumane. Wanted to spread Catholicism to the new world
"Free" laborors who were natives that were indebted and forced to work. Not called slaves though
The people of Spanish descent who got land grants in Mexico and lived there permanently
Spanish gov't officials who would serve a set time and go back to Spain to report the progress. Keep them tied to Spain
Mixed-race of Spanish and Indian. Dominant population in Mexico today.
Mixed race of Spanish and Black (mainly in Caribbean and Haiti). Sugar was the major cash crop so needed a tremendous amount of labor.
The "governor" who had to report back to Spain for progress or go to jail. VERY loyal to king of spain
Tupac Amaru II
Incan "King" who lead a revolt in Peru; failed miserably
Simon Bolivar
"The Liberator". Son of Creole who lead great independence movement; was able to free many countries.
Corrupt military dictators. Post independence nearly all Latin America nations ruled by caudillos.
Father Miguel Hidalgo
Creole who gave a rousing speech that led to a massive revolution; ultimately failed, but inspired others.
Grito de Dolores
Name of Hidalgo's speech which encouraged revolution
Augustine de Iturbide
Creole who defeated peasant rebellions and became emperor, but was overthrown by military
Santa Anna
General who was President of Mexico and used puppets; led Mexico to disastrous defeats against US
Texas Succession
Texas succession from Mexico, and the prompt annexation of it by the US
Pastry War
French-American war initiated by the french in a bid to colonize Mexico; French won
Mexican-American War
War initiated by Americans in order to take over more of Mexican land and fulfill manifest destiny
Benito Juarez
Full-blooded Indian who was able to initiate civil war. First full-blooded Indian president
--redistributed land to the poor, and had a generally successful reign
La Reforma
The period of Mexican history characterized by liberal reformers; generally after Santa Anna. Increase power of Mestizos. Mestizos vs. Creoles
Cinco de Mayo
Celecbration of the battle of Pueblo, the only day they were winning against the French. French ultimately win
Maxmillian von Hapsburg
man put into power by the French after the pastry war; good leader but was overthrown by Juarez. Mexican people didn't want a foreign leader. French are then in control, though. He really tried to embrace Mexican culture and the needs of mexicans.
Porfirio Diaz
General who gave Mexico 35 years of peace, but ruined the peasants as a result, but also built infrastructure and economy. Hero of Cinco de mayo. Modernized Mexico. but all money went to him and his supporters
Francisco Madero
man who opposed Diaz and promoted reform. when he flees to US, writes a book about Mexico without race.
Poncho Villa
famous peasant rebel who inspired the peasants. fight for Madero
Emiliano Zapato
Another famous peasant rebel who lead the revolution
Group that wanted a proper constitution for Mexico.
Punitive Expedition
Expedition led by 6000 American troops to cpature and kill Poncho Villa; failed miserably. General BlackJack Pershing
1917 Constitution
Mix of Middle-class and peasant demands; was only put into effect much later, since it was primarily symbolic
Institutional Revolutionary Party; dominated all elections since it was a de-facto party dictatorship. Platform based on constitution.
Felipe Calderon
President of Mexico. Part of PAN. Wins with 0.6% margin (35.9% of vote). Obrador (PRD) contested the election. “We used to think that it was just the PRI that was corrupt. Now we see that all of our politicians are a bunch of rats.” Calderon says he’s going to focus on drug wars.
Monroe Doctrine
1823. President Monroe says that US will intervene if Europe intervenes in America. Talking to Spain about not intervening. And talking to Russians about not wanting to intervene with Pacific Northwest. We want that land. Talking to Spain about LA. Not immediately applied to LA.
North American Free Trade Agreement; no tariffs or the like; hurt and helped Mexico and US
Vincente Fox
President of Mexico from 2000-2006; from PAN party; tired to reform but stopped by congress
Manifest Destiny
The 'destiny' of the US to stretch from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean
COlossus of the NOrth
The name given to America by Latin America; we were seen as the overbearing policeman
Platt Ammendment
Said that CUba, although independent, had to ask the US for approval for anything it did
Roosevelt Corollary
The US would intervene in countries in LA that were "doing wrong" anytime it deemed necessary
Panama Canal
US offers Columbia $10 million for the canal. They then offer it to France. US wants it bad and so worked with “rebels”. The “rebels” are already frustrated with Colombia and US. Helps them declare independence. They win with heavy backing from US. US then gets to build the canal. French don’t own that route anymore. 1914 finished building canal. Panama broke in center and US controls. In 2000, US gives Panama back to Panama. Just in time to when it takes a lot to upkeep.
Cold War
continuing state of conflict, tension and competition that existed after WWII betwen teh USSR and USA
Arbenz in Guatemala
Example of US counter-insurgency programs. He was a leftist that was democratically elected.
--Nationalized large foreign-owned plantations (mainly USA)
--US then hired mercenaries to assassinate him
Allende in Chile
ANother example of US counter-insurgency program.
--Allende nationalized the copper mines
--US stages a coup and Allende is dead
Cuban War of Independence
Cuba wanted indpendence and rebelled. Spain used scorched earth tactics. Spain gets into a war with America. America wins. Cuba is upset b/c didn't fight and not freee
Battleship maine
American ship that exploded in havanna. Us thinks Spain put mines in the docks, but in fact the boiler exploded
--sparks the spanish-american war
Cuban dictator overthrown by Fidel Castro. Originally a sergeant in the military. Very corrupt leader with mobsteres during his reign
--he was anti-communist, so the US supported him
Fidel Castro
Leader of the CUban Revolution. He was the communist leader of CUba for nearly 50 years.
--retired in 2008
--helped CUba in health care and in education
--but left cuban economy in a poor state
Che Guevara
Supported Castro. He helped overthrow Batista with Castro
Moncada attack
165 men attack Batista. Much of Castro's men die, but he becomes a hero. goes to prison because of this
Castro and Che invade CUba on a yacht called Granma. Batista's men know he is coming, so they attack. Castro and CHe flee to the muntains
--convince the peasants and USA they're good
Bay of pigs
Early plans to remove Castro. 1960 Kennedy agrees to scaled back “exile” invasion. Castro declares himself a socialist. Kennedy is scared that it will give US a backstage. He has to make sure that US doesn’t look like they “exiled”. Train exiles in Cuba to invade. Castro knows this is happening. He declares himself a communist. April 17, 1961 invasion begins. Impact on US-- makes Kennedy look HORRIBLE. Weakens administration. Embarrassing for US. Impact on Castro--Castro becomes well-known. “How could he beat USA?”. Castro becomes very famous in smaller countries. Especially in LA.
Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviet missile build up fall 1962. Soviet Union giving Cuba nuclear weapons. We surrounded Cuba with our navy. They pulled out, not making a big war between US and Soviet Union. US citizens are terrified, thinking that a huge war was going on. Castro was angry, angry. He had weapons in his country and wasn’t apart of it. He didn’t want to be a puppet for Soviet union. He then turns it to his advantage and begins his own style of communism.
Enacted February 3, 1961. No American goods sold to Cuba. And no Cuban goods sold to US. If Kennedy wasn’t assassinated, the embargo could have been short-term. But now, it’s like it’s carved in stone.
Cuban Adjustment Act
We say that any immigrant from Cuba gets to stay. Because good PR for us.
Elian Gonzalez
Center of heated controversy in 2000 involving the gov'ts of CUba and USA
--Ended up going back to his father in Cuba
Raul Castro
Brother of Fidel Castro. President of the CUban Council of State
SOlving. ways to make ends meet b/c gov't paying such low incomes. illegally