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80 Cards in this Set

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Dx rheumatic fever?
ASO titer -
streptolysin O is oxygen-labile hemolysin that is neutralized by cholesterol in skin;

ASO titer is less useful in skin infections because Streptolysin O is bound to cholesterol here --> not available for antigen presentation
streptokinase use?
Strep C produce this and it activates plasminogen to disrupt blood clots
for coronary artery occlusion
-careful w/ hypersensitivity if Pt was previously exposed
anti-DNAse B titer?
Dx for strep even in skin infection because DNAse is not bound by cholesterol in the skin
pharyngitis/tonsillitis (strep) clinical
abrupt onset of sore throat with malaise , fever, headache (nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain is common in children)

examination shows edema & lymphoid hyperplasia of posterior pharynx, red tonsils, exudates, tender enlarged mandibular lymph nodes & T > 101F
Impetigo: superficial skin infection with papule-vesicle-pustule-crust stages due to S.pyogenes +/ S. aureus

leads to towel household spread
scarlet fever
strawberry tongue, sandpaper rash,
from pharyngitis, S.pyogenes that makes erythrogenic toxin as consequence of being infected by a PHAGE
mostly S.pyogenes
form of cellulitis with diffuse lymphangitis of skin--> spread via lymphatics with redness & pain at te advancing margins
streptococcal cellulitis / erysipelas with risk?
venous & lymphatic compromise Following axillary lymph node dissection for breast carcinoma
streptococcal toxic shock syndrome:
Hypotension: BP <90mmHg
>2 of these:
-renal impairment
-liver involvement
-acute respiratory distress syndrome
-generalized erythematous macular rash that may desquamate
-soft tissue necrosis (necrotizing fasciitis, myositis or gangrene)
jones criteria tell you what?
rheumatic fever dx

2 major OR
1 major + 2 minor
major and minor Jones
carditis, polyarthritis, chorea, erythema marginatum, subcutaneous nodules
erythema marginatum
one of the major classifications of the Jones criteria for rheumatic fever

early in clinical manifestation detected in 10% of children & fewer adults
painless, eythematous, nonpuitis, blanching dermatitis,
glomerulonephritis after strep infection
Post-Streptococcal Glomerulonephritis

Occurs following skin OR pharyngeal infections;

Due to deposition of immune complexes in the glomeruli of kidneys;
Manifestations include: edema of face & extremities; hematuria; hypertension; less complement levels; abnormal urinary sediment.
Chronic renal disease can result.
guttate psoriasis
acute guttate psoriasis typically 1-2wks after infection with gr A strep

pt have increased Vb2 = T cells in theri skin lesion
streptoccal pyrogenic exotoxin C is thought to be involved
what leads from GBS infected mother to early-onset GBS infection in neonate?
strain virulance --> more genital inoculum --> premature rupture of membranes --> preterm delivery --> prolonged rupture of membranes --> decreased serum concentration fo serotype specific IgG
Strep agalactiae
most in peripartum period and in the newborns either late or early

early-onset: within 5 days and usually present in 1-3 manners:
Bacteremia without an indentifyable focus

late onset: 7days to 3 months --> bacteremia with meningitis is a common presentation
streptococcus gallolyticus
group D
bacteremia, endocarditis due to S.gallolyticus have associations with lesions from mouth to anus but adenocarcinoma is the strongest
MIC 1yg.ml, very sensititve to penicillin!

must do colonoscopy
faecalis (80-90%)
facium (5-10%) are most important

relatively resistant to penicillin compared to the other group D strep!

intraabdominal and pelvic and wound
spntaneous peritonitis
nosocomial bacteremia
RARE CNS infections
resistance of enterococci
high lvl of aminoglycoside resistance:
-plasmid aquisition of AG modifying enzymes (gentamycin MIC > 500ym/ml)

alterations of peniclillin-binding proteins -- beta-lactamase resistance
also beta-lactamase production (penicillin and ampicillin resistant)

vancomycin resistance from the altered D-alanyl-D -alanine on the peptidoglycan side chain!
viridans strep
S. mitis,
S. sanguis
S. salivarius
S. mutans

alpah hemolytic but not afraid of the chin- resistant to optocin (not like S. pneumonia susceptible)

caries -especially S. mutans
milleri group
S. anginosus

S. intermedius
-nl in bowel and cause direct hematogenous spread to normally sterile areas
anaerobic strep
peptostreptococcus, peptococcus,

nl in the GI and female GU
cause problems when they end up in nl sterile locations bc altered anatomy, poorly perfused tissues or trauma and as usually associated with other organisms
most common anaerobic strep for diabetic foot ulcer?
special features about the streptococcal structure
protein A
collagen binding protein
elastin-binding protein
fibronectin binding protein
clumping factor
enterotoxin B

-shape, stability, 50% of weight, carbohydrates cross-linkes, pasic ptoerties: elicit TNF-production, PMN toxicity, Endotoxin-like activity, complement activation, elicit opsonic antibodies
teichoic acid is in the cell wall of gram + --> it is 40% of the cell wall and it's covelently bound to peptidoglycan
lipoteichoic acids bound to lipid membrane
adherence ligands to mucosal receptor sites (instead of pili I guesS)
when bound to peptidoglycan they elicit specific antibody formation
microcapsule: just external to the cell wall -> serotyping, 80% of Dx cause by sertypes 5&8, immogenicc, Ab facilitates opsoniphagocytes
-capsule presenton only a few strains and not clinicallt important
slime is loosely adherent and maybe important in pathogenesis
protein A use
streptococci have thse proteins incorpoated in to their membares
they are binding to Fc receptors of al human immunoglobulin G subclasses except IgG2 - antiphagocytic
staphylococcal enzymes
catalase, hyaluronidase, some have coagulase (aureus)
community aqured MRSA have this toxin
panton-valentine leukocidin
TSST-1 protection
to protect from the cytokine storm that these superantigens create, we can make antigens. however 80% fail to make these antibodies
responsible for scalded skinsyndrome
act on cells at the lvl of the statum granulosum to produce rash, blisters & exfoliation

act as superantigens

antibody is protective
atopic dermatitis and eczema can predispose to
S. aureus colonisation
what do the products of S. aureus do?
they stimulate the PMN chemotaxis to the infected site --> opsonization od S. aureusmust first actvate the complement system --> Ig to peptidoglycan, teichoic acid or microcapdusle in the immune subjects, protein A impairs phagocytosis (binds the Fc receptors!!)
deficiencies of Ig or complement impairs opsonization
compare the # of staph needed to cause infection in the intact skin
> 10 000 000 S. aureus in intact skin compared to 100 on the suture
another name for carbuncles
boils. deep seated infections around the hair follicle resut from coalesclece of furuncels

treat with hot compresses, I and D as necessary and appropriate
A fomite is any inanimate object or substance capable of carrying infectious organisms (such as germs or parasites) and hence transferring them from one individual to another. A fomite can be anything (such as a cloth or mop head), so when cleaning, it is important to remember that such items could aid the spread of pathogenic organisms. Skin cells, hair, clothing, and bedding are common hospital sources of contamination.
hidradenitis suppurativa
disfiguring infection of apocrine sweat glands that involve groin, perineum

most often in african american
tx: antistreptococcal antibiotics and surgical debrisment
most common staphyloccoal soft tissue infection
pus collections that must be drained
most common causes of otitis media
what a bunch of Shmoc in your ear!

Streptococcus pneumoniae
Moraxella catarrhalis
Haemophilus influenzae
what are some bad results of S. aureus?
Bacteremia & Endocarditis
primary bacteremia without an obvious focus of infection (e.g. parenteral drug addicts)
--> endocarditis also in this category
-secondary to another site of infection (e.g, skin abscess, IV catheter, pneumonia.. )
how do you manage S. aureus bacteremia?
I and D the 1 focus, if one is present
bc of prevalence o MRSA, culture and susceptibility testin are ssential doe appropriate x
assume first that it's methicillin resistant and then then adjust the therapy once resulre of suscpetibility are available - vancomycin is an inferior agent if organism tunrs out to be meth suscptiple

If complicated, treat 4-6 weeks; if not, 10 days; Know vanc is inferior to B-lactam!!!
S. aureus is most common cause of osteomyelitis

3 pathophysiiologic results in osteomyelitis:
-bacteremic spread to long bones of children and vertebrae of adults
-contguous to another site of infection
-vascular insufficiency

tx with surgical debridement & prolonged antibiotic therapy
most common cause of pyomyositis?
infection within a muscle - S. aureus
staphylococcal scalded skin syndrome
S. exfoliatin
<5yo children
local S. aureus infection in the nasopharynx, umbilicus or UT

Rx: antibiotics and supporive skin care
CDC surveillance case definition for the staphylociccal toxic shock syndrome
hypotension: systolic <90
fever: >38.9C
rash: diffuse macular erythroderma
desquamation: 1-2wk after onset of illness, particularly of palms& soles and : Multisystem involvement:  3 of the following:
GI: vomiting or diarrhea;
Muscular: severe myalgia or  CPK;
Mucous membrane – vaginal, oropharyngeal or conjunctival hyperemia;
Renal: BUN &/or creatinine > 2X ULN;
Hepatic: Total bilirubin, AST or ALT > 2X ULN;
Hematologic: platelets  100,000;
CNS: disorientation or alterations in consciousness.
Negative results for Rocky Mountain spotted fever, leptospirosis, or rubeola;
Negative blood, throat or CSF cultures (except for S. aureus).
infections from coagulase - staph
UTI - hospital aquired - usually S. epidermidis in association with Ucath
outpatient - S. saprophyticus is 2nd most common caus of UTI in young women

bacteremia in critically ill or immunosuppressed patients, related to vascular catheters

native valve endocarditis
- unusual & occurs in
- patients with abnormal cardiac valves
-parenteral drug addicts
Tricuspid Valve Endocarditis due to ______________ with Septic Pulmonary Emboli
Tricuspid Valve Endocarditis due to Staphylococci cohnii with Septic Pulmonary Emboli
who is responsible for 30% of the post op sterneal infections?
coagulase - staphylococci

rarely causes hematogenous osteomyelitis

in bones underlying ischemic or pressure ulcers
inducible resistance?
extracellular enxymes that disrupt the b-lactam ring of penicillins & result in penicillin resistance: inducible and coded on plasmids - 99% expression
order of susceptibility to b-lactamsees:

penicillin >>>>> dicloxacillin > cloxacillin > oxacili > nafcillin

clinically significant; only 5% of S. aureus are now susceptible to penicillin
risks: hemodyalisis, CAPD IV drug abuse, dermatitis, IDDM, burns, antibiotics, long hospitalization, greater severity of underlying illness
-organisms tend to be resistant to multiple classes of antibiotic, not just b-lactams
Genetically, CA-MRSA are different than HA-MRSA, and carry the small, unique SCCmec Type IV mobile genetic elements.
This suggests that these organisms did not originate from hospital strains that disseminated into the community.
The majority of infections are skin & soft tissue (frequently complicated), but patients have developed invasive pneumonias, bacteremias, endocarditis & osteomyelitis.
>60% of staphylococcal isolates from the community are CA-MRSA in many Houston hospitals (TCH, MEDVAMC, Ben Taub, etc.)
MRSA strains that demonstrate discordance between erythromycin susceptibility & clindamycin susceptibility (ClinS/EryR) may have 2 responsible mechanisms that have clinical significance:
msrA  encodes an ATP-dependent efflux pump that confers resistance only to 14- & 15-membered ring macrolides & type B streptogramins, but not to lincosamides (e.g., clindamycin, which will be sensitive).

iMLS  inducible macrolide-lincosamide-streptogramin B resistance due to presence of erythromycin ribosomal methylase (erm) genes.
Clindamycin therapy induces resistance.
detect with double-disk diffusion assay (D test).
VISA Strains of MRSA
9 reported cases of VISA in Japan (5 patients) and USA (4 patients: MI, FL, NJ, TX);
Most patients had indwelling catheters (frequently, a dialysis catheter);
All patients had received prolonged vancomycin therapy, usually inappropriately;
MIC90 for vancomycin = 8 g/ml;
Mechanism of resistance not well delineated  thicker cell wall?
Remain susceptible to other antibiotics (TMP/SMX, minocycline, rifampin). Patients appear to respond to vancomycin + -lactamase combinations

how did we get VISA?

It has recently been shown that S. aureus produces a sex pheromone that can stimulate an enterococcal vancomycin-resistant conjugative plasmid.
It is highly likely this occurred in patients’ wounds that were colonized with both VRE & MRSA.
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
Morphology and Properties Club shaped, gram (+) bacilli; metachromatic granules; fastidious; reduces tellurite; non-hemolytic
Disease Respiratory and cutaneous
Pathogenesis/Virulence Diphtheria toxin ADP-ribosylates EF2
Epidemiology Spread by droplets or direct contact with skin abrasions
Diagnosis Gram-stain; Elek immunodiffusion or PCR for toxigenicity
Treatment Antibiotics, antitoxin (DAT) and vaccination
Morphology and Properties Club shaped, gram (+) bacilli; metachromatic granules; fastidious; reduces tellurite; non-hemolytic
Disease Respiratory and cutaneous
Pathogenesis/Virulence Diphtheria toxin ADP-ribosylates EF2
Epidemiology Spread by droplets or direct contact with skin abrasions
Diagnosis Gram-stain; Elek immunodiffusion or PCR for toxigenicity
Treatment Antibiotics, antitoxin (DAT) and vaccination

Diphtheria toxin is encoded by a beta-phage and its expression is repressed in the presence of iron

Transmission: Droplets
Symptoms: Sore throat, fever (<102°F), enlarged lymph nodes and edema in neck, malaise
Pathology: Pseudomembrane of neutrophils, fibrin, and epithelial cells that covers the throat
Systemic effects: Myocardial damage, arrhythmia, myocarditis, and congestive heart failure
Cranial and peripheral neuropathy and paralysis

2. Cutaneous
Transmission: Direct contact with infected abrasions
Symptoms: Impetigo-like lesions on arms or legs
Pathology: Localized ulcers
Systemic effects: Rare
Listeria monocytogenes
Morphology and Properties Gram (+), motile, club-shaped bacillus; weakly hemolytic; tellurite resistant; multiplies at 4°C
Disease Maternal listeriosis; sepsis, meningitis, focal infections in immunocompromised
Epidemiology Contaminated food and water; transmission to fetus
Pathogenesis/Virulence Invades intestinal MØ (internalin), escapes vacuole (listeriolysin O), then moves from cell to cell via actin filaments (ActA)
Diagnosis Diphtheroid in blood or spinal fluid; motile at 22°C vs. 37°C; cold enrichment for growth of the organism; genetic fingerprinting
Treatment Antibiotic therapy (ampicillin + gentamicin); must penetrate host cells
anthrax toxins
LF= MAPKK endopeptidase induces cytokine production
and leads to cell deregulation and shock

EF = Cam-dependent adenylate cyclase
cause edema and deregulates leukocytes

Morphology and Properties Gram (+), sporulating, nonmotile encapsulated bacillus
Disease Pulmonary, cutaneous, gastrointestinal
Epidemiology Aerosols, skin contact and contaminated meat
Pathogenesis/Virulence Tripartite toxin, polypeptide capsule
Diagnosis Gram (+) rods in chains; susceptible to penicillin
Bacillus anthracis
Cutaneous (95% of cases)
Occurs mainly on arms, neck and face
Initiates as a small papule then progresses to a necrotic eschar surrounded by inflammation
Swelling (edema) is common
Lesion is painless
Acquired by ingestion of spores in grossly contaminated meat
Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea result from gastrointestinal invasion
Pulmonary (Woolsorter’s Disease)
Acquired by inhalation of spores (hides or raw wool)
Initial influenza-like symptoms progress to severe respiratory distress (not a true pneumonia)
Usually fatal within 1 to 2 days of onset of acute symptoms

1. Transmission
Primarily a disease of sheep, cattle and horses, but human contact with infected animals or animal products and aerosols (hair, bristles, hide, wool, bone, etc.) can cause transmission.
Three means of inoculation (no person-to-person transmission);
Cutaneous: Inoculation via breaks in the skin: papule ulcerates to a black eschar (es’kar) with edema (80% resolve, 20% progress)
Intestinal anthrax (near 100% mortality): Occurs 2-5 days following ingestion => abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea, vomiting
Pulmonary (not a true pneumonia): Biphasic disease beginning with flu-like symptoms (3-10 days) that progresses to acute phase characterized by pulmonary edema, hemorrhagic pneumonitis, and septicemia (100% mortality)

2. Disease
Spores are phagocytosed by macrophages then germinate
Vegetative bacteria released into lymphatic system, multiply, then are released to bloodstream
Death is due to septicemia, toxemia and shock
Bacillus cereus disease
Food poisoning (toxin mediated)
Rapid onset (1-6 hrs) with vomiting characteristic
Commonly associated with ingestion of stir-fried rice
Heat stable small cyclic peptide toxin (cereulide)
Delayed onset (8-16 hrs) with abdominal cramping and diarrhea
Associated with meats and vegetables
Protein toxin activates fluid influx into intestine
Invasive disease
Eye infection: associated with metal injury to the eye
Cellulitis: in the immunocompromised
3. Pneumonia
Rare, but observed, in the immunocompromised
4. Cutaneous infection
Newly identified

Transmission is by ingestion of vegetative bacteria that germinate from spores.
Need >106 bacteria per gram of food to get disease.
Two Enterotoxins, Two Diseases
Emetic (cereulide): rapid onset (1-6 hr) vomiting, fried rice-CATERERS. Mimics staph. Pre-formed emetic toxin is heat stable
Gastrointestinal: delayed onset (8-24 hrs), with diarrhea, meat, veg. Gastrointestinal toxin produced by germinating spores is heat labile
Gastrointestinal disease is self-limiting
2. Invasive disease
Soft tissue disease (cellulitis) can occur in leukemics or other immunocompromised
Eye Infection: direct trauma to the eye, heroin addiction (hematogenous spread).
3. Pulmonary Infection: compromised patients.

Morphology and Properties Gram (+), sporulating, motile bacillus; no capsule
Disease Food poisoning; eye infection; pulmonary infection
Epidemiology Ingestion of bacteria; intraocular inoculation; opportunistic infection in immunocompromised
Pathogenesis/Virulence 2 Enterotoxins (gastrointestinal and emetic); lecithinase; hemolysin
Diagnosis Motile, gram (+) rods in chains; hemolytic; resistant to penicillin
Treatment Antibiotic therapy (resistant to ß-lactams); not necessary in emetic
or gastrointestinal disease
differential vs selective media
ifferential media or indicator media distinguish one microorganism type from another growing on the same media.[5] This type of media uses the biochemical characteristics of a microorganism growing in the presence of specific nutrients or indicators (such as neutral red, phenol red, eosin y, or methylene blue) added to the medium to visibly indicate the defining characteristics of a microorganism. This type of media is used for the detection of microorganisms and by molecular biologists to detect recombinant strains of bacteria.

Examples of differential media include:

* Eosin methylene blue (EMB), which is differential for lactose and sucrose fermentation
* MacConkey (MCK), which is differential for lactose fermentation
* Mannitol Salt Agar (MSA), which is differential for mannitol fermentation
* X-gal plates, which are differential for lac operon mutants

Selective: allow enteric gram negative rods to grow while suppressing growth of other organisms

Lactose negative: Salmonella, Shigella, Proteus, Yersinia
fcts of capsule
defense - shielding from complement, and camouflage resempling host
-resistance to drying
biofilm formation

Bacterial pathogens often have polysaccharide capsules which allow them to resist engulfment by phagocytes. Complement (nonspecific) and antibody (specific) must bind to the capsule to opsonize the bacteria and permit uptake by phagocytes. Classical complement pathway is Ag/Ab complexes—results in C3 activation, binding to bacterial surface, and opsonization. C3 activation is largely confined to the surface upon which it is initiated—thus held away from the organism by capsule.

E. coli K1 capsule resembles a host antigen.
where can we find the virulent E. coli?
more likely in the urine -

E. coli causing UTI have certain virulence genes not found as often in stool isolates
Type-1 pili enable bacteria to colonize the bladder: recognize mannose-containing receptors on host cells
P-pili enable bacteria to colonize ureters and kidney: recognize P antigen receptors (alpha-gal-1> 4 beta gal)

Virulence factors not essential for infection of compromised host
Example: catheter-associated UTI
who gets infected w/ klebsiella?
Pathogen in healthy people
UTI, pneumonia
Causative agent of multiple nosocomial infections:
Pneumonia, UTI, biliary infection, peritonitis, wound infection
Mucoid capsule
Resistant to ampicillin
Chromosomally-encoded β-lactamase

“Currant-jelly” sputum associated with Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumonia.
Seen in compromised hosts: alcoholics, COPD, intubated. Friedlander’s disease: propensity for upper lobes, abscess formation, hemoptysis, severe, bulging fissure sign on CXR caused by edematous lobar consolidation—yet often hard to distinguish clinically from other bacterial pneumonias
Proteus mirabilis
Associated with long-term use of urinary catheters
Produces urease, which causes crystal formation
Highly motile
Proteus was the son of a sea god who could change his shape
Lactose fermenters, mucoid
Most common: endogenous intestinal flora
Patient-to-patient spread
Common source outbreaks
Opportunistic pathogen
Intrinsically resistant to ampicillin
Chromosomal β-lactamase
High baseline mutation rate
Serratia marcescens
Widespread in environment
Truly an opportunistic pathogen
Was thought to be so harmless that used by Navy in studies of airborne distribution of organisms
Causes nosocomial infections
Infections in IV drug users
Endocarditis, osteomyelitis
Catheter-associated UTI
C. diversus: brain abscess in neonates
Pathogenesis by ETEC strains
Fimbriae adhere to intestinal mucosa
Elaborate one or both of two enterotoxins
Heat stable (ST) increases cGMP
Heat labile (LT) increases cAMP
Very similar to cholera toxin
AB toxin
Both act on the CFTR to cause secretion of chloride into the lumen
Enterotoxin = an exotoxin that acts upon GI epithelium to increase fluid secretion

Mechanism of action of Escherichia coli heat-stable (ST) enterotoxin on guanylate cyclase
ETEC: Prevention and Treatment
Prevention: boil it, bake it, peel it
Bismuth subsalicylate: prophylaxis and treatment
Antibiotics are effective but not necessary
Most common cause of travelers’ diarrhea
No fecal leukocytosis
No fever
Enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC) Shiga Toxin-producing E. coli (STEC)
Cause of outbreaks of bloody diarrhea
Bagged spinach, Taco Bell, hamburger meat
Shiga toxin kills the host cell
Destroys ribosomal protein synthesis
Reservoir: GI tract of cattle and large herbivores
Organisms survive in the environment
Outbreak sources: ground beef, petting zoos, fresh produce
Produces shiga toxin
SLT-1 and SLT-2 (Stx1 and Stx2)
Encoded on bacteriophage
Has LEE pathogenicity island
Locus of enterocyte effacement
Attaching and effacing effect
Loss of microvilli
Also found in EPEC

Severe abdominal cramping followed by watery and bloody diarrhea
Fever frequently absent
Hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS)
Occurs in 5-10% of individuals with EHEC
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
Organs become ischemic, esp. kidneys

Laboratory diagnosis
Streak sample on sorbitol-MacConkey agar
PCR for genes encoding shiga toxin
Enzyme immunoassays for shiga toxin in stool
Treatment: supportive
Antibiotics contraindicated
Cook ground beef, wash hands
Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC)
Leading cause of severe diarrhea in babies (<6 months) in developing countries
Pathogenesis: attaching and effacing effect on intestinal epithelial cells
Results in loss of microvilli
Causes watery diarrhea, can be severe
Also vomiting, low grade fever
Protracted disease causes malnutrition
Breastfeeding is highly protective
Inhibits adherence, contains protective antibodies against virulence factors
Enteroaggregative E. coli (EAEC)
Typical stacked brick adherence pattern
Second most common cause of travelers’ diarrhea
Enteroinvasive E. coli (EIEC)
Very similar to Shigella in pathogenesis and clinical presentation
Invade epithelial cells
Microbial proteins take over the host actin-filament assembly
Make cells rearrange their cytoskeletons
Spread directly from cell to cell
EPEC also usurps cytoskeleton to form adherent pedestals
One of the most communicable bacterial diarrheas
Shigella appear to survive the low gastric pH
Shigella (like EIEC) invade colonic epithelial cells
Superficial infection confined to mucosa
Invasion followed by intracellular multiplication, spread to adjacent cells, severe inflammation, and destruction of colonic mucosa
Microabscesses coalesce to large abscesses that slough
Inflammation and ulceration lead to abdominal pain and dysentery
Invasiveness appears to be more important than shiga toxin

One of the most communicable bacterial diarrheas
Shigella appear to survive the low gastric pH
Shigella (like EIEC) invade colonic epithelial cells
Superficial infection confined to mucosa
Invasion followed by intracellular multiplication, spread to adjacent cells, severe inflammation, and destruction of colonic mucosa
Microabscesses coalesce to large abscesses that slough
Inflammation and ulceration lead to abdominal pain and dysentery
Invasiveness appears to be more important than shiga toxin

Stool culture
Fecal leucocytosis
Stool assay for Shiga toxin
Antibiotics shorten duration and decrease transmission
Replace fluid losses
Avoid antimotility agents
Chlorinated water supply
Hand washing
Breast feeding
types of enteric infection:
non-inflammatory: water diarrhea - no fecal WBC -
causes: ETEC, EPEC, EAEC, bacillus cereus
Vibrio cholerae, C. perfringens, S. aureus, Giardia lamblia, Cryptosporidium parvum, and Norwalk-like viruses.
Inflammatory also includes Vibrio parahemolyticus, Clostridium difficile, Campylobacter jejuni

inflammatory: invasion cytotoxin, dysentery yes fecal leucocytes -- EHEC, salmonella enteritis, shigella

penetrating systemic invasion
enteric fever - yes WBC; salmonella typhi, yersinia
Patients with HLA-B27 antigen at risk for post-infection reactive arthritis = called:
Reiter’s syndrome
Arthritis, uveitis, balanitis
Immunologic Complications of Enteric Infections
Triggered by Shigella, Salmonella, Campylobacter, or Yersinia
Patients with HLA-B27 antigen at risk for post-infection reactive arthritis
Reiter’s syndrome
Arthritis, uveitis, balanitis
Erythema nodosum
Salmonella Pathogenesis
Salmonella ingested, pass to intestine
Several routes of intestinal invasion
Through microfold (M) cells
Bacterial mediated endocytosis
Membrane ruffles engulf bacteria in large vesicles
Disruption of tight junctions
Typhoid fever:
Bacteria pass through mucosa, enter Peyer’s patches
Bacteria invade macrophages and disseminate
Intestinal invasion and neutrophil recruitment trigger inflammation

Self-limited acute illness
Incubation period 6 to 48 hours
Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
Non-bloody stools
Fevers, cramps, chills, headache
Antibiotics only to at-risk persons
May prolong duration of carriage
enteric fever:
Enterocolitis with diarrhea not common
Usually resolves before onset of fever
Low grade fever becomes high grade by second week
Headache, malaise, chills, muscle pains
Neuropsychiatric (delirium, psychosis)
Intestinal perforation
Diagnosis: blood or bone marrow biopsy