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116 Cards in this Set

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What is the name of the main character?
What is probing?
A needle that you stick in your brain to put pictures in your brain.
What is physically wrong with the main character?
Spaz has epilesy
What is a gummy?
an old person
What is cancellation?
killing someone
What happened to change the the civilization he lives in?
each lach is enemys
Why Does the main character meet Ryter?
stealing is the main character's job, Spaz needed to steal from Ryter
What is a choxbar?
A chocolate bar
Who is Little Face?
A feral child
Are there still books is this world? IF so where?
There is only 1 book, it is in Ryter’s stack box
Who comes to see Spaz at the beginning of chapter 5?
Billy Bizmo
Who is Billy Bizmo?
Billy Bizmo is a latch boss
Name one of Billy's rules.
"Speak truth to billy."
What does Little face want in return from guiding Spaz to Ryter?
A Choxbar
Who is Baen?
Spaz’s sister
Why was Spaz banned from his family unit?
His foster Dad thought he had a love relationship with his sister.
What news does Spaz learn about Bean?
Bean is sick and could die
What does Spaz decide to do about it?
He decides to leave the Bully Bangers and go fined bean.
Who goes with him on his journey?
What is the name of disease that Spaz has?
What is difficult about traveling by Pipe?
It is fragile
What animal is found in the pipe?
Who is the monster is the pipe?
Little Face
What does Ryter mean in the following sentence? "The only real treasure is insider your head."
He means Spaz knows what this treasure is in his mind.
Who do the group meet in the end of chapter 10?
The Monkey Boys
What does the phrase "kite he's read" me?
Who captures Spaz, Ryter and little face at the beginning of Chapter 11?
The Monkey boys.
What is wrong with their leader?
Their leader is looping
What famous movie can we compare a 3D device to?
Every movie that is in 3D
What is looping?
Looping is when you can't stop probing
Where has Mongo probed himself to?
Mongo has told him so to Eden.
What is the name of the new latch boss of the Monkey Boys.
Great Gorm
What does immortality mean?
Living forever
Who does the group fine when they leave the pipe?
The prove girl/Linnea
How did they save this person?
By telling her to get in her tacvy.
What is the of Prove girls name?
Why does Little Face feel scared around Linnea?
He doesn't know her.
Who is Lotti Getts?
A latch boss for the Vandals.
What is one of her nicknames and why?
The Vandal Queen
Who was one of Lotti's luvmates?
Billy Bizmo
Why has Spaz come to this latch?
to find bean
What does Lotti tell Spaz he must do to get what he’s after?
To find the probe runner
What kind of figurative language is this (simile or metaphor): “On certain nights—the Brick Yard comes alive with a chittering that sounds like conversation” (115).
What are feral children?
child that doesn’t have a parent and raised by animals
What is Traderville?
A place to get anything and even band items
What does Little Face say that shocks Spaz?
Who is Bender?
The person who rules over Tradervill
What is the job of the furies?
They seek vengeance and their assassins
Where do all probes come from?
In the sentence “I’m standing there like a googan with the rain running down the back of my neck,” what does the underline word mean?
being weird
What is going on between Lotti and Vida Bleek?
They’re in a war
Why does Lanaya believe they didn’t get cancelled in the Vandals?
They needed to find the probe runner
Is Bean alive when Spaz gets to her?
What disease does Bean have?
What happens to Bean at the beginning of Chapter 21?
She’s what into a deep sleep
Where do Lanaya and Ryter want to take Bean?
to Eden
What will happen to a normal entering the forbidden zone?
They will be killed
What literary device is the following (simile or metaphor)? “…when she reaches out to touch his shoulder, he moans like he’s been hit by a splat gun.”
Who won the battle between the Vandals and Vida Bleek?
Why does Spaz have a right to hate Charly?
charley wanted to give spaz away from the beginning.
Does he hate him? Why or why not?
yes because charly gave spaz away and charley and spaz didn’t like each other anyway
What is “The Barrier”?
an fence or obstacle that prevents movement or access
What is the color of the sky in the Urb and why?
Why is Spaz astonished to learn that the Earth is green?
he grew up in the Urb all his life
Describe Eden using three details.
The sky is blue, grass is green, and people are perfect their
In the sentence “‘Are you zoomed?” I ask him. ‘Why are you thanking me?’” (157), what does the underlined word mean?
What literary device is the following (simile, metaphor or personification)? “The thing that grabs you by the heart is how open everything is” (157).
How is Lanaya different from other proovs?
Lanaya is a fture master
What is our version of a conversational space?
private conversation
What is different about the floors in Lanaya’s house?
it uses holograms
What are contributers?
What will Lanaya’s future job title be?
What is leukemia?
Blood clot
Where does Ryter visit in the cyber-intelligence room?
The Grande Canyon
What is significant about Bean learning to play chess?
normals are just as storm as proovs
What decision is made about Little Face?
Lanaya’s older contribute wants to take care of Little Face.
In the following sentence said by Lanaya, “It’s a backtimer word we don’t use” (190) what does backtimer mean?
Back in the day, or back in the old days
What words do Little Face finally speak?
"I like Bree and Bree likes me."
Name one activity in Chapter 28 that the normals have never done.
playing Chess
What does Lanaya say to the charge that she brought normals into Eden?
She said normals should be aloud in Eden because they are as smart as proovs.
What is one of the dangers in the urb according to Lanaya?
The Latches
What reason does Lanaya give for mindprobes being distributed in the urbs?
Somebody wants to kill the normals in Eden
Why does she believe that Spaz and Bean should remain in Eden?
she believes that people from the Urb are just as smart as the people in Eden.
Do the people of Eden agree with Lanaya?
Where are Spaz and Ryter at the beginning of the chapter?
In a tacky
What type of figurative language is the following? “The idea of Eden is already a dream that starts to fade the instant you wake up.”
Leaving a Utopia to back to a Dystopia
What happens to Bean?
Bean stayed in Eden
What type of figurative language is the following? “Don’t let the darkness eat you up, son.”
Don’t let bad things over com you.
Why does Spaz believe it’s unfair to be in the stacks after being in Eden?
Eden was such a beautiful place
Who does Ryter say is always blamed when things go wrong?
What is anarchy?
What happens to Ryter when he is wheeled?
He died
What is the one thing Ryter asks of Spaz before he’s taken?
Right the book
What did the proov enforcers do to all mindprobes?
They deactivated them
Why is Ryter wheeled?
They thot is was his fault that the probes got demotivated
Why does Billy Bizmo care about Spaz?
Billy was Spaz son
Who is the last book in the universe?
What do people call Spaz now?