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49 Cards in this Set

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Olfactory Nerve
Sense of Smell
Optic Nerve
Occulomotor Nerve
Eye Movement, Pupil Constriction,Eye lid control
Down and inward eye movement. Oblique Movement
Trigeminal Nerve
3 Branches to face
Top 2 Sensory
Mandibular one is Mixed sensory and motor
Abducen Nerve
Lateral movement of the eye
Facial Nerve
Facial sensation and motor control
Taste on anterior 2/3 of tongue
Accustic Nerve
Hearing and Balance
taste Posterior 1/3 tongue
Visceral autonomic
Spinal Accessory Nerve
Movement of shoulder girdle
tongue movement
Location and function of Medulla Oblongata
first portion of brain stem
1. Relays sensory informaiton to thalamus and to other portions of the brain stem
2. Autonomic centers for regulation of visceral function (cardiovascular, respiratory, and digestive system activities
Location and Function of Pons
Brainstem above Medulla Oblongata and below the Mesencephalon
1. Relays sensory informaiton to cerebellum and thalamus
2. Subconscious somatic and visceral motor centers
Location and Function of Midbrain (Mesencephalon
Above the pons and below the Diencephalon.
1. Processing of visual and auditory data
2. Generation of reflexive somatic motor responses
Maintenance of consciousness
Location and Function of Hypothalamus and Thalamus
Superior portion of brain stem above the Mesencephalon
Thalamus - Relay and processing centers for sensory information
Hypothalamus - Centers controlling emotions, autonomic functions, and hormone production
Location and Function of Cerebellum
Posterior to the brainstem under the cerebrum
1. Coordinates complex somatic motor patterns
2. Adjusts output of other somatic motor centers in brain and spinal cord.
Limbic system functions (3)
1. Establishes emotions states
2. Linkes the conscious, intellectual functions of the cerebral cortex with the unconscious and autonomic functions of the brain stem
3. Facilitates memory storage and retrieval
Frontal lobe function
Voluntary control of skeletal muscle
Function of Parietal Lobe
Conscious perception of touch, pressure, vibration, pain, temperature, and taste
Function of Occipital lobe
Conscious perception of visual stimuli
Temporal Lobe Function
Copnscious perception of auditory and olfactory stimuli
Location and function of Wernicke's area
Also called the general interpretive area. Plays an essential role in your personality by integrating sensory information and coordinating access to complex visual and auditory memories.
Location kinda at the junction of the temporal, parietal, and occipital lobes. Makes sensce that it would associate all of them
Location and function of Broca's Area
Also called the speech center it regulates the patterns of breathing and volcalizaiton needed for normal speech. It is located anterior to the Wernicke's area. At the junction of the frontal, parietal, and temporal lobes.
Function of the prefrontal cortex
coordinates infromation relayed from the association areas of hte entire cortex allowing it to perform abstract intellectual functions as predicting the consequences of events or actions
Think Pre as in predict. yeah
norepinephrine is released
ACh is released
What is the main neurotransmitter of the parasympathetic nervous system
what are the two types of membrane receptors and there responses in the parasympathetic nervous system
Nicotinic - excitation
Muscarnic - long lasting and either excitatory or inhibitory. Uses G proteins
What are the three postions for a gated channel
closed but capable of opening
open (activated)
closed and incapable of opening (incactive)
What are the three types of gated channels
Chemically regulated
Mechanically regulated
What are the three levels of menengis from outside to in
Dura mater
Pia mater
Where is the CSF in the meninges
Alpha 1 receptors
Function is to release intracellular calcium ions which generally has an excitatory effect. This is true in the constriction of peripheral blood vessels
Alpha 2 Receptors
Stimulation results in a lowering of cyclic-AMP (cAMP). generally has an inhibitory effect. helps coordinate sympathetic and parasympathetic activity. When the sympathetic division is active the NE released binds to parasympathetic neuromuscular and neuroglandular juncitons and inhibits their activity
Beta 1 Receptors
Stimulation leads to increased metabolic activity. stimulation in the heeart causes an increase in heart rate and in the force of contraction
Beta 2 receptors
stimulation causes inhibition, triggering a relaxation of smooth muscles along the respiratory tract. resulting in bronchodialaiton.
Hormones of the anterior pituitary
Hormones of the posterior pituitary
Hormones of the Thyroid
T3 and T4
Hormones associated with the parathyroid
Vitamin D (which is activated by PTH at kidneys
Hormones of the pancreas
Hormones of the adrenal cortex
Hormones of the adrenal medulla
stimulates the productin of calcitrol. Negative feed back which can be over ridden
Stimulates growth of all tissues
Acts similar to glucagon
inhibited by somatostatin
TSH Thyroid Stimulating Hormone
Stimulates thyroid hormone release
Stimulates ovulation in females
Stimulates sprem maturation in males
Stimulates ovulation, formation of corpus luteum, secretion of progesterone
Stimulates testosterone production in males