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34 Cards in this Set

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Above the glottis


Opening of the vocal folds


Space below vocal folds; composed of epithelial cells

Vocal Cords

Found in larynx, paired, made of epithelial tissue, aducts(closes) and abducts(opens)

Intrinsic Muscles

Muscles that have both origin and insertion on laryngeal cartilages

Extrinsic Muscles

One attachment on a laryngeal cartilage and the other on a nonlaryngeal structure

Lateral Cricoarytenoid Muscle

Attaches to the criod and musclar process of the arytenoid, an adductor, origin at the superior-lateral surface of cricoid cartilage; innervation by the X (10th) vagus nerve; paired, bring vocal chords together

Transverse Arytenoid Muscle

Unpaired, an adductor a band of fibers spanning the posterior surface of both arytenoid cartilages; function is to pull two arytenoids together; innervation by the means of the inferior branch of the X vagus

Oblique Arytenoid Muscles

Paired, adducts vocal chords; origin at the posterior base of the muscular processes to course obliquely up to the apex of the opposite arytenoid; "X" characteristic arrangement of the muscles; Innervation by the means of the inferior branch of the X vagus

Posterior Cricoarytenoids

Paired; sole abducter of the vocal folds; contraction of this muscle pulls the muscular process posterirorly, active during inspiration, rotates each arytenoid; innervation by the reccurent laryngeal nerve of X vagus

Cricothyroid Muscle

Composed of two heads (pars recta + pars oblique), paired, rocks thyroid downwards, stretches vocal folds; innervation by the externeral branch of the superior laryngeal nerve of the X vagus

Thyrovocalis Muscle

Medial muscle; muscle of vocal chords, main portion of vocal folds; orgin at the inner surface of the thyroid cartilage by the thyroid notch, glottal tensor, tense the vocal chords; innervation by reccurent laryngeal nerve of the X vagus

Thyroarytenoid Muscle

Consists of the thyrovocalis and thromuscularis muscle,arises from the lower thyroid angle

Makes up the most muscular portion of the vocal folds...

Thyrovocalis and thyromuscularis

Adducts the vocal folds

Lateral cricoarytenoid

Abducts the vocal folds

Posterior cricoarytenoid

Lateral cricoarytenoid responsibility

For rocking the arytenoid cartilage at its axis causing vocal folds to tio in slighty down


Attaches to the structure above the hyoid.


Consists of the sternohyoid and omohyoid

Laryngeal Elevators

Muscles that elevate the hyoid and larynx

Laryngeal Depressors

Muscles that depresses the larynx and hyoid

Diagrasticus Muscle

Composed of two seperate bellies (anterior and posterior), anterior ans posterior portion elevates the hyoid

Anterior belly of diagrasticus innervation

By mandibular branch of V trigeminal nerve via mylohyoid branch of the inferior alveolar nerve

Posterior belly of diagrasticus innervation

Diagrastic branch of the VII (7th) facial nerve

Stylohyoid Muscle

Paired, parallel to posterior belly of the diagrasticus muscle; lifts and contracts hyoid; Orgin on the prominenet styloid process of the termporal bone; innervation by the motor branch of the VII facial nerve

Mylohyoid Muscle

Forms roof of mouth, raises tongue; origin on the underside of the mandible and courses to the corpus hyoid, elevates the hyoid and projects it forward; innervation by the alveolar nerve arising from the V trigeminal nerve mandibular branch

Geniohyoid Muscle

Superior to the mylohyoid; origin at the mental spines projecting parallel to anterior belly of diagrastricus from inner mandibular surface; innervation by the XII (12th) hypoglossal nerve

Hyoglossus Muscle

Lingual (tonuge depressor); laterally placed muscle; origin from the entire superior surface of greater cornu of hyoid and inserts into the side of the tonuge; innervation by the motor branch of XII hypoglossal

Genioglossus Muscle

Lingual (tongue) depressor

Thyropharyngeus Muscle of Inferior Constrictor

Constitutes the inferior pharyngeal constrictor; involved in propelling food through the pharynx; arises from the posterior pharyngeal raphe; innervation by the branches from the X vagi and by the recurrent laryngeal nerves of the vagi

Sternohyoid Muscle

Runs from the sternum to hyoid; origin from the posterior-superior region of the manubrium sterni as well from medial end of the clavicle; innervation by the ansa cervicalis (cervical loop) arising from C1 through C3 spinal nerves

Omohyoid Muscle

A muscle with two bellies; superior belly terminates on the side of the hyoid corpus, inferior belly has its origin on the upper corder of scapula; the bellies are joined at intermediate tendon; passes deep to the sternoclediomastoid along with the deep cervical fascia; the superior belly is innervated by the superior ramus of the ansa cervicalis arising C1 spinal nerve whereas the inferior belly is inntervated by the main ansa cervicalis arising from C2 and C3 spinal nerves

Sternothyroid Muscle

Contraction of thismuscle depresses the thyroid cartilage; orgin at the manubrium sterni and first costal cartilage inserting into the oblique line of thyroid cartilage; innervation by the fibers from the spinal nerves C1 and C2 that pass in the hypoglossal nerve

Thyrohyoid Muscle

Coursing from oblique line of thyorid cartilage to inferior margin of greater cornu of hyoid bone, this muscle either depress the hyoid or raise the larynx; innervation by fibers from spinal nerve C1 that course in the hypogloddsl nerves